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Captain. Jacob Willse
Originally appearing in the Portrait and biographical record of Suffolk County NY published by the  Chapman Pub. Co., 1896

     This sturdy old sea captain, who was born in Setauket, in 1813, made his long last voyage in February, 1894, when death claimed him. He came of an old and prominent family, his career was an active and interesting one, his citizenship was of the most worthy, and his death, at the advanced age of eighty-one years, was universally regretted. His parents were Henry and Charity Willse, the former being a supposed native of Fort Lee, N. J., and a useful, law-abiding citizen. When a mere youth Jacob Willse was left an orphan, to fight life's battles as best he could, consequently his education was confined to what he could secure in the district schools. As a means of livelihood he early embarked on board an ocean vessel as a sailor, soon became an able seaman, and at the youthful age of nineteen years was placed in charge of a vessel as skipper. He sailed salt waters for many years, encountered many severe storms, dangers and hardships, but proved his able seamanship and ability to command in many a combat with the elements. For about four years he had charge of the Stratford Shoal Light Ship on Long Island Sound, but after retiring from the command of that vessel he established the first coal yard in Port Jefferson, which he successfully conducted for a number of years, then retired from all active business pursuits and spent his declining years in his comfortable home in Port Jefferson, amid congenial scenes and surroundings. He was public-spirited and from start to finish his career was one worthy of all respect and of the emulation of the young. In every sense of the word the Captain was a Christian, was a member of and held offices in the Methodist Church, and at his death bequeathed that church $1,000. By his wife, who closed her eyes in death the same week as himself, he became the father of one child, a daughter, Adelaide, who, in 1869, became the wife of Dr. Alfred D. Wilson, now deceased, a native of Port Jefferson. Mrs. Wilson, who, like her parents, is a worthy Christian, belongs to the Presbyterian Church. She is the only survivor of the Willse family, which, for many years, has been one of the leading families in the social circles of Port Jefferson.
     Mrs. Jacob Willse was a daughter of Capt. Justice and Hannah (Jones) Hallock, a well known family of Long Island. Captain Hallock was a very able and well-known sea captain, who made many voyages to foreign parts. If e contracted yellow fever while on one of his trips, which resulted fatally when he was but thirtythree years of age. His wife had died previously, at the age of twenty-six years, at which time Mrs. Willse was but two years of age. She received an academic education, became a leader in all good works, for which her fine mind and good education especially fitted her, and for many years was Secretary and Treasurer of the Port Jefferson branch of the Long Island Bible Society.

Descendants of Captain Jacob Willse

Generation No. 1

1.  CAPTAIN JACOB2 WILLSE  (HENRY1) was born 1813 in Setauket, NY, and died February 1894 in At sea - 81 years old.  He married HALLOCK, daughter of CAPTAIN HALLOCK and HANNAH JONES.


Descendants of John Willse

Generation No. 1

1.  JOHN2 WILLSE  (UNKNOWN1) was born 1765 in Apparently An Orphan Sent from Fort Lee on the Hudson to the farm, and died 1815 in of Jacob Van Brunt as a hired hand.  Arrived as a14 yr old boy in 1779.  He married SARAH TYLER.  She was born 1767, and died 1818.

Notes for JOHN WILLSE:
Wiltsie Family of early New York: THE NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL &  BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD; Vol. 106 - July
1975; number 3, p 129-133; October 1975; p 211-217. Vol 107 - January 1976;

Children of JOHN WILLSE and SARAH TYLER are:
2. i. IRENA3 WILLSE, b. April 29, 1793; d. May 02, 1841.
 ii. JOHN WILLSE, b. December 31, 1794.
 iii. JACOB WILLSIE, b. July 11, 1796.
 iv. ELIZA WILLSIE, b. December 20, 1801.
 v. SARAH WILLSIE, b. July 16, 1803.
 vi. BENJAMIN WILLSIE, b. February 24, 1807.
 vii. ABBIGAIL WILLSIE, b. March 31, 1809.
 viii. HENRY WILLSIE, b. September 10, 1811.