Thank you for your interest in Long Island Genealogy

Long Island Genealogy is updated and maintained by a small group of volunteers who have a passion for sharing their Long Island family history information with the world. We believe you should not have to pay for your own history. 

If we have helped you please help us continue to help others with a small donation.

To make a one time donation please use the button-link below

To set up a monthly or yearly donation use the options below

If you aren't comfortable using your credit card online, you can still support our work! Mail your check or money order to the below address.
Please be sure to include your email address with your mailing!

Mail-in donations can be sent to:    
Checks must be made out to me as we cannot afford a business account and checks made out to Long Island Genealogy cannot be cashed       
Mac Titmus
3 Apex Dr
Coram, NY 11727