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The Weeks(es)
family of Long Island
The Descendants of Simon Weekes
and his Son Francis
Notes taken from a Weeks
GEDCOM, original author is unknown
It has been said that Francis
Weekes came in 1635 to Salem, MA, but there is no record of that
statement, but removed to Dorchester, where George
Weekes had settled, but that is uncertain, although probable, as Roger
Williams lived there.
first authentic statement as to the movements of Francis comes from
Roger Williams, so included here is a brief sketch of him, and his
founding of Providence Plantations, since it's here that Francis first
met Roger Williams, a native of Wales was a regularly ordained minister
of the Church of England, but
when he accepted the views of the Puritans, he became obnoxious to the
of the Church in England, so he immigrated to America and preached at
Salem, MA. The authorities of the church in MA objected to his
teachings, and in the autumn of 1635 a decree of Banishment was
ordered, but he was permitted to remain for six weeks, but the time was
extended to the following spring. When the officers went after him to
send him to England, he had left Salem three days before. He traveled
through the wilderness to a place called
Seekonk. The memoir of Roger Williams by James D. Knowles says: "Mr.
departure from Salem was sudden and unexpected." Mr. Williams wrote: "I
first pitched and began to build at Seekonk." He also wrote "he was
tossed (as in a boat) for one fourteen weeks knowing neither bed nor
Some claim that some of his friends went ahead and prepared a site for
settlement. Mr. Knowles says: "For his means of existence he must have
upon the Indians." "Here he hoped that he might live in peace." "He was
joined by several friends. His wife and children were still at Salem."
above statements refute the statement that friends went ahead of him.
first location was on the east side of the river known as Blackstone,
and Pawtucket, and he settled there in January 1636. Planting of crops
made in the spring, but word came from Governor Winthrop, a friend of
Williams, that the location was within the bounds of Plymouth Colony,
kindly suggested that if he would remove to the other side of the
it might avoid trouble between the colonies of Plymouth and
Accordingly, Mr. Williams abandoned his plantation, and with his
embarked in a canoe and pushed down the river to its mouth, rounded a
and entered an estuary of Narragansett Bay, and then proceeded
a short distance until they reached the confluence of the rivers
and Mashassuck, where they landed near a great spring of sweet water.
they made their new settlement, which Mr. Williams called "Providence"
Providence Plantations, officially). Mr. Williams purchased a tract of
from the Indians, with whom he had always been friendly. Herbert Smith
further: "The commonly reported advent to Salem, MA, of Francis Weekes,
not sustained by immediate proof, and seems to have been a misreading
evidence given by Williams and reported in Court record in 1677. The
made by Williams is quoted in an affidavid: "My soul's desire was to do
natives good, and to that end, to have their language, which I
printed, and therefore desired not to be troubled with English company,
out of pity I gave leave to William Harris, then poor and destitute, to
along in my company. I consented to John Smith, miller at Dorchester
also) to go with me and at Smith's desire, to a poor young fellow,
Wickes, as also a lad of Richard Waterman's. These are all I remember."
refers to the final leave taking in 1636 of Williams from the
Bay Colony, because of religious differences. In coming from Salem down
his future settlement he met four persons who requested permission to
accompany him and he
rather unwillingly. These four were Harris, Smith, Weekes and probably
Verin appearing later. Search of the records of Salem, MA, has yielded
immediate record of Francis Weekes. The text of Williams' statement
indicates that he met John Smith at Dorchester, and inasmuch as Francis
joined the party at the request of Smith, the inference is plainly that
Williams picked him up at Dorchester as well. The qualifications
further on Williams' part that he was a poor young fellow would be
consistent with the fact that he sponsored his joining the Williams
expedition. Francis Weekes does not appear of record in or before 1636
in Dorchester as far as we can ascertain and therefore Williams'
statement is all we have. It may well be supposed that a possible
minor, and even a runaway indenturee (apprentice) would be a member of
someone else's household and consequently escape regarding by the town
fathers. John Smith with whom he seems to be associated first had been
an humble settler with Barnaby Fower in the marshed near Dorchester.
settlement of Providence may be said to hinge, not upon the passage
of the act of
banishment of Roger Williams, for he did not then leave, but upon the
to send Capt. Underhill to seize him, for it was to evade that seizure
Williams decided to leave Salem, and not simply on account of the act
banishment. Even before the act of banishment he, foreseeing trouble
Massachussetts Bay Colony, went among the Indians and negotiated with
concerning a possible settlement in their lands at Narragansett Bay.
it known to all men by these presents, That I, Roger Williams of the
of Providence in the Narragansett Bay in New England, having in the
one Thousand Six hundred thirty Foure And in the yeare one Thousand Six
and Thirty Five, had severall Treatyes with Counancusse, And
the Two cheife Sachims of the Narragansett: And in the End, purchased
them the Lands and Meddowes upon the Two Fresh Rivers called Moshosick
Wanasquattuckett." The reason was, because he had drawn above twenty
to his opinions and they were intended to erect a plantation about
"After the Colony of Massachussetts Bay
had passed upon Roger Williams in the autumn of 1635, Gov. John
Winthrop, who was a friend of Williams,wrote privately to him and
suggested that he should go and settle at Narragansett Bay."
In his letter to Major Mason, dated Providence, 22 June 1670, Williams
wrote: "First when I was
unkindly and unchristianly (I believe) driven from my Howse and land
and wife and children (in the midst of New England winter now about 35
years past) at Salem;
that ever honrd Go'r Mr. Winthrop privately wrote to me to steer my
to teh Nahigonset Bay & Indians, for many high & heavenly &
Ends, incoouraging me from the freenes of the place from any English
or pattents. I took his (most) prudent Motion as an Hint & Voice
God & (Waving all other Thoughts & Motions) I steered my Course
Salem (though in Winter snow wch I feele yet) unto these parts wherein
may say as (Jacob, Peniel, that is I have seene the face of God")."
first idea was to go alone amongst the Indians to do missionary work,
to learn their language thoroughly. In his letter of 17th 9, 1677, he
"My soul's desire was to do the natives good, and to that end therefore
not to be troubled with English Company yet."
Yet he changed his plans
even before he left Salem, for while still there he, with more than
twenty of his followers, was considering the erection of a plantation
at Narragansett Bay. These plans may have been under contemplation even
before the act of banishment was passed. (The governor and assistants
met at Boston to cnsider about Mr. Williams, as he had drawn about
twenty persons to his opinion, and
they intended to erect a plantation about Narragansett Bay from whence
infection could spread. A warrant was sent to him to come to Boston
immediately but he said he could not come without hazard to life, so a
pinnace was sent with commission to Capt. Underhill to apprehend him and carry him
aboard ship, but he had left three days previously.)
plans were to be suddenly changed, for instead of leading his followers
to Narragansett Bay in warm weather, he was obliged to leave Salem in
winter to esape Underhill's expedition which was to seize him and send
him to England. This flight
was sometime early in January 1635/6. "When Roger Williams first came
Providence, he was accompanied by a young domestic servant of his
named Thomas Angell." It has been stated that someof his friends went
the place appointed to make provision by housing &c. ready for his
otherwise he might have gone either southward or eastward. Williams'
letter contradicts the statement and is unlikely, for he had a better
of Indians than any of his associates. He could not have anticipated
summons which caused his flight. In his letter to the town of
dated 21 November 1650, Joshua Verin wrote: "Some of ou Cannot but
that we six which Cam first should have the first Convenience as it ws
in practis first by our Whom (home) lots & 2li by the medowe in
River." Verin may have been the next one to arrive after Williams and
four companions. The family record of Benedict Arnold says: "We came to
to Dwell the 20th of April 1636, per me Benedict Arnold." and from the
of his father, William Arnold 27th April 1659,"for as much that I was
that the very first day entred with some others upon the land of
and so laid out my money to buy and helpe pay for it....." It would
that the Arnold family joined the colonists at the settlement at
20 April 1636 and moved with the colony to Providence.
James Brown wrote; "The first Setling of the towne of providenc was on
this wise. Aboute the year 1634 Mr. Roger Williams was banished from
Boston, hee differing from them im sum religus pints was forsed to fley
in the winter seson by reason thereof he was forsed to great hardships
so that If the Indians which were the natives of the land had not hope
(helped) him hee might have sufered deth but they was very kind to him
and hope him a long in his Jurne tel hee came to a place senc caled
mantons neck where hee had much kines sheued him from the Indians there
hee abode the latter part of that winter." (Manton's Neck was in
Seekonk, now Rehoboth.) (Probably Williams first went from Seekonk with
Thomas Angell and purchased land from the Indians and probably in or
about June 1636 the colonists removed from Seekonk. It would seem that
the colony consisted of Roger Williams, William Harris, John Smith, the
miller, Francis Wickes, Thomas Angell, Joshua Verin and William Arnold
and their families, either already with them, or soon to join them at
Providence. In this undated letter of August or September 1636 Williams
mentions "those few
families here" and also speaks of "the masters of Families."
With the arrival of more settlers in
1639-40 the transaction of all business at a general town meeting
became cumbersome and ineffectual. Difference had
arisen which had been settled by arbitrators. The Combination contained
"agreements", signed by 35 persons, one being a woman. Soon after his
Roger Williams executed a deed, known as the "Initial Deed" in which
initials only of the grantees are given. Staples, in the Annals of
says, "Among those who joined him while at Seekonk were William Harris,
Smith (miller), Joshua Verin, Thomas Angell, and Francis Wicks. These,
Mr. Williams, composed the first settlers of Providence. The number is
from a letter from Joshua Verin."
settlers came in and an agreement was entered into, as follows: "We,
whose names are hereunder desirous to inhabit in the town of
Providence, do promist to subject ourselves in active or passive
obedience to all such orders or agreements as shall be made for public
good of the body in an orderly way by the major assent of the present
inhabitants, masters of families, incorporated together into a town
fellowship, and such others whom they shall admit into them,
only in civil things." This was signed by thirteen men, of whom Francis
Weekes and Thomas Angell were the only ones who came in the canoe with
Williams. Francis Weekes signed by mark, as also wherever else his name
was signed that we have found. Four of the other men signed by mark.
The mark made by Francis Weekes was always " W ". Others had different
marks. In 1640 anothr agreement was entered into and signed by 39
persons, of whom Francis Weekes and nine others signed by mark. This
shows the lack of education among the early settlers in New England.
"1637. Agreements and orders of the Plantation, it is agreede that
William Carpenter, Benedict Arnold, Francis Weekes, William Renolds,
Thomas Angell, Mrs. Daniel, Mary Sweete shold pay in consideration of
Ground at present Granted unto them, 2s apiece." The government was
unique in being without precedent. The inhabitants "masters of
families" incorporated themselves into a town and made an order that no
man should be molested for his conscience. In the records of Providence
the name of Francis Weekes is spelled various ways; Francis Wickes,
ffraunsses wickes, francis weekes, francis
Wicks, ffrauncis wicks, francis wickses. Evidently the use of capital
in proper names had no fixedplace in the minds of the early record
The ff was always used instead of the "F" and is to be seen in records
all proper names had capital letters. (A note from the late 20th C.: in
times the ff signified the capital F that we use today.) One writer
that Francis Weekes held the office of Secretary of the Colony, but it
hard to credit this, as Francis Weekes signed by mark wherever we have
copies of records. If he was Secretary he must have had an amanuensis
do the pen work. In 1638 deeds were given to heads of families, but
Weekes, Angell, Arnold and Cope, not having families, did not receive
their deeds until later. This shows that Francis Weekes did not marry
until after 1638.
Roger Williams' lot was No. 38, northward
from Mile End Avenue, at the south end of town; William Harris, No. 36,
John Smith, 41, Verin 39, Francis Weekes, No. 35, and Court House on
No. 34. "These first six settlers all became proprietors, though Weekes
and Angell did not receive full shares until they became of age."
Francis Weekes received a home lot of about 5 ½ acres in
Providence, in addition to a 6 acre lot at a distance from his home
lot. Each settler's share comprised the home lot, the upland for
planting, and the meadow, consisting of salt marsh, or bog, where the
winter fodder was cut.
Home Lots of the Early Settlers
of the
Providence Plantations
by Charles Wyman Hopkins
Original owners of Providence
Home Lots beginning at Mile
End Cove.
Francis Weekes, 45th.
Six acre lots. By the river
side beginning at Mile-End Cove, Francis Weekes,2nd.
At a Small Brook, 60 acres,
Francis Weekes.
"Lands and Meddowes Lotted
on Waubasset Side, beginning at Saxifrage by
the Water Side, 5 acres to
Francis Weekes."
"In land by
Waunasquetuckett, On hether Plaine adjoyning unto Robert
Williams' 20 acres, 20
acres of Francis Weekes."
The above was copied to show that Francis
Weekes came into possession of a considerable portion of land at
Providence, and if he had remained
there might have become a
fairly prosperous citizen, but some motive, possibly religious, induced
him to remove to another habitation. It has been reported that the wife
of Francis Weekes was Elizabeth Luther; (there is no proof of this as
this date,1998, even among those of the Luther Society). G.W.Cocks, in
Cocks Genealogy, said that she was a daughter of Samuel Luther, of
RI, &c. Mr. Clarence A. Torrey, of Dorchester, MA, a professional
and a descendant of Francis Weekes, says, "I feel doubtful about the
line. Capt. John Luther's known children were born after 1634.
wife of Francis Weekes was born, it is supposed, about 1620. (I) have
seen proof that her name was Luther." His marriage to Elizabeth took
before 1640, and in 1642 his lot is referred to as "formerly belonging
Francis Weekes," so at that time he had already left Providence. "He
have been led to separate himself from the Providence settlement on
of religious differences caused by the change of faithin its promoter,
we read that Roger Williams afterwards embraced some of the leading
of the Baptists."
"But it
is more likely that Francis Weekes' removal, as well as that of many of
early settlers in this part of New England was caused by the arbitrary
intolerant attitude of the Boston hierarchy, who claimed religious
supremacy and persecuted all heresy with great severity. The early
history of Rhode Island is full of these quarrels, and the rumor of
them traveled afar."
In a
description of New Netherland written in Dutch in 1649 appears
(translation): "Also these (English) of Rhode Island, when they are at
variance with those of the Bay (Massachussetts Bay Colony) begged
shelter and to be adopted among the Dutch. In short it is thus situated
that the English know very well the Dutch when it is to their interest
to know them, or if they can use them as a cloak
to cover some of their deeds, but otherwise they do not mind a fig, and
them up as a laughing stock, and this is only produced by egotism and self
interest." "Tracing Francis Weekes' next move by actual records we find
that in the Register of the
Provincial Secretary, " 21 September 1645 Francis Weeks plaintiff vs.
Spicer for loss of a gun; judgment for def." It is possible that
Weekes lived for a time in New York, following his removal from
G.W.Cocks said that in 1641, he removed to the vicinity of Manhattan,
Gravesend. Lady Moody and her son received a patent for the Gravesend settlement in
and it might be that no settlement had been made before that time. In
early plan of Gravesend, Francis Weekes is designated as the owner of
No. 123. "One
the tenets of the Anabaptists is that children who had been baptized in
infancy must be re-baptized before being admitted to any sect of the
This perhaps explains an entry in the records of the RDC of New
for March 1647. 1647, March 31. Ouder
(children) Sponsors
Wyck Samuel
Enam Benam Jan (John) Sara Cornelis
Joseph d'huysv. van Thomas Sanderson 1651, 9
July Francois Wicks Annetje (Ann) Enam
Benam Thomas Thomas Baxter en syn huys vrouw Annetje
Stilwell 1652, 24 November Francois Wick Jacobus
(James) "As
there is no record of the baptism of the youngest child, Daniel, he
must have been born after the removal of the family from Gravesend."
(Also, the son may
have been born after the conversion of the parents to Quakerism.) Alice
Delano Weeks writes: "On 25 March 1650, Francis Weekes was appointed
the arbitrator of a dispute between Thomas Cornell and "ye Lady Moody".
A gap of five years following now ensues, during which we have no
record, but it is known that Gravesend settlers had hard times, first
with the constant attacks of the Indians, and then with the quarrels
between the Dutch and English governments. This may account for the
fact that we find Elizabeth Weekes selling her
husband's property in Gravesend under a power of attorney in 1655,
(Alternatively, there may be some truth to
the story that a group of
men, Francis Weekes included, went to Virginia for a period of about
years.) (As the next removal of Francis Weekes ws to Hempstead, Long
and as his wife ran afout of ne of the laws, we quote from the Annals
Hempstead.) "Sunday Law, 18 October 1650 -- made at General Court.
as the contempt of God's word and Sabbath is the desolating sin of
States and Plantations; and the public preaching of the Word by those
are duly called thereto, is the means ordered by God for edifying,
and saving the souls of men; it is ordered by the authority of this
that all persons in this town shall duly resort to the public meetings
the Lord's day and public days of Fasting adn Thanksgiving, forenoon
afternoon, under penalty of 5 guilders for the 1st absence, 10 for the
and 20 for the third. Those who remain refractory shall be liable to
censure of the Court, either for aggravation of the fine or for corporal punishment or
banishment. One half the fine to be given to the informer." (After the
appearance of the
Quakers at Hempstead this order was re-enacted.) Hempstead records show
"Hempstead ye April A.D. 1658. At a Court holden this present day stilo
nove. Present Mr. Richard Gilders Leeve, Mr. John Hicks, Mr. Robert
Firman, Mr. Richard Willetts. Forasmuch as Mary Schott, the wife of
Joseph Schott, together
with the wife of Francis Weekes, have, contrary to the Law of God, and
las established in this plae, not only absented themselves from public
worship of God, but have profaned the Lord's Day by going to a
conventicle or meeting in the woods, where there were two Quakers --
the one of them as named, the wife of Francis Weekes, being there, and
the other being met with near the place, who, upon examination, have
justified their acts, saying they did
know no transgression they had done, for they went to meet the people
God -- be it therefore ordered that each party shall paye for this
offense 20 guilders ($8.00) and all costs and charges that shall arise
therefrom." Alice D. Weeks said, "This seems, after all, but a light
penalty, when we remember that in 1660 Mary Dyer ws hung in Boston for
this same crime of Quakerism."
it ws owing to this trouble or some other cause, we can never know, but
it is a fact that Francis Weekes and Joseph Schott sold their land in
Hempstead shortly after this and their names disappear from the records
of the town."
Letter from the Town of Hempstead to Governor Stuyvesant
"Honored Sir.
Yours wee received bearing Date the 4th of July 1656 wherein you demand
the tenths which iff they bee due according to Covenant then wee are
ready to paye them iff there be any deputed to receave them according
to covenant. But we know off no General peace was made with the Indians
till this year. Sr., wee
alsoe expect that you will make good unto us such Damages as you by
have bound your selffe to make good vnto vs. Sr. wee take our leaves
subscribe ourselves yours." (This had 41 signers, of whom Francis
and 16 others signed by mark, no two of them being alike.)
Quoting again from the
Annals of Hempstead; "March
1657 Stylo novo, Chosen for the towne of Hempstede for Townsmen
for the aforesaid yeere, Francis Wickes, Richard Brutnall,
Richard Vallengtyne, Robard
Marville, Adam Mott. We the magistrates of Hempstead doe hereby ingage
ourselves to stand by and bare with full power the above named Townsmen
in all such acts and orders as shall conduce for the good and benefit
of this towne
for this preasant yeere, giving oute of land and resaiving in
onely exsepted."
(In the following
quotations from the Hempstead Town Records, it appears that the "Neck"
was a pasture used in common by the inhabitants.)
"Number of cattle kept in
the Neck, ffranses wickes, Sixe."
"An account of Calves given
to bee kept, 1657, Franses Weeckes, fower."
"Number of Cattell turned
into the neck, 1657, 11 June, ffrancis wickes hath 3."
"Property in neck, Francis
Weecks 15."
"goodman ellison had of
weeckes, 15."
"Order that no calves be
turned into the Neck but such as have cows. Any calf found without
mothr, sucking, shall be forfeit, &c."
"Number of aders of meadow,
ffransis weekes hath 28 akers."
1658. Debtors to teh town.
Rec'd. of Francis Weekes, £2 8d."
"These presents do testify,
That I, Nathaniel Denton, of Hemsteede have soulde vnto Francis Weecks,
a parcell of Grounde Lyeing neare a peece of Grounde that Richard
Vallentine has there. In witness whereof I have sett my hand this 25th
of March stilo novo, Anno Domino 1656."
"The Townes land belonging
to the ministers howes sette oute by the townesmen this 30 of Aprell
1657 for the Crope this yeare. Goodman Weeckes five peeses of hollow of
the townes Land, the name of one being the wannutte holow and fower
peeses more for the croope this yeer for three pounds one shilling in
current paye to be payd
at Croop being said to be 3 Akers."
including here a few more of the stories that have been passed down in
some of the Weeks lines, but which have been since disproved, or for
which there was no evidence.
It has
said by some genealogists that there were four Weekes brothers, George,
Thomas, Francis and Joseph, who came to Massachussetts in 1635, and
Joseph was drowned in landing. (A certain Joseph Weekes, with wife and
daughter, did sail for America in 1635. but no
further history of him or
family appears, so he may have drowned.) Quoting: "George, Thomas and
were brothers; they all wrote their names 'Weekes'; they all came from
England and to Boston Harbor the same year, 1635; traditions among
their posterity tend to corroborate the theory. Joseph, who left
England the same year, was possibly the brother of those and was
drowned in landing. William and John Weeks, of Falmouth, may have been
nephews of these named above; family likenesses among descendants
indicate a probable relationship."
records tend to disprove the above statements. "George Weekes was, in
all probability, of a junior branch of the family of Roger Wykes, of
Bindon, Axmouth. He did not leave England in 1635, as stated in the
History of Dorchester, as he
signed an inventory of a will - in England - in October 1636. (It does
necessarily follow that this George was the George of Dorchester.)
"Material for a genealogy of the
descendants of Francis Weekes of Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York,
were collected and published by the late Robert Dodd Weekes in 1885.
Mr. Weekes was not particularly interested in those whom he believed to
have been his Long Island collaterals, and consequently the connections
listed in the publication were not treated with a critical spirit.
Chiefly interested in the descendants of George Weekes of Dorchester,
MA, he disposes of Francis Weekes and Thomas Wickes by stating that
they were probably brothers of George Weekes. Since that time, this
supposition has appeared in subsequent publications and has passed as a
positive fact. Much of the biography of Francis Weeks appears in the
Cock, Cocks, Cox Genealogy, published in 1914, and also lists certain
of his descendants. Several other genealogies also take part of their
research from Robert D. Weeks. Mr. Herbert F. Smith, of Baltimore, in
American Genealogist, October 1932, advances strong arguments to
disprove such assumptions. He refers to the Cocks Genealogy, to Robert
D. Weeks, to Alice D. Weeks, and to Bunker and Frost. Quote: "The commonly reported advent to
Salem, MA, of Francis Weekes, is not sustained by immediate proof and
seems to have been a misleading of evidence given by Roger Williams and
reported in Court record in 1677. In the same year, and probably within
three months of Francis leaving Dorchester, George appears as a
resident. For some reason, these
earlier researchers used this to prove a relationship between the two
In reality, George was old enough to have been Francis' father, with
to spare. Francis Weekes was illiterate; George and his connections,
the most part, were not only literate, but possessed of a cultured
background which was
different from that of Francis. George was conventional, accepting the
religious life of Dorchester, thus of the Massachussetts Bay Colony.
Francis associated with
a decidedly heterodox minister, and removed from two towns because of
discrimination. As for Thomas Wickes of Wethersfield and Huntington,
he first wrote his name as Wickes or Wilkes, he is likely to have been
son of Edward Wilkes of Warwickshire. As for the Weeks in Exeter,
Joseph and
his wife Mary Molford, daughter of Thomas Molford and Susannah
Southcott, nothing is known of their children other than the names
Joseph and Mary, both
of whom were born before the Herald's Visitation in 1620. It is worthy
note that Thomas and Richard Southcott were in charge of the
first two
expeditions to Dorchester, and it is possible that they were related to
Weekes, and may have brought him over. (Only if Francis were born AFTER
Visitation.) In that
Francis the son of Joseph such relationship could be easily
and the fact that Francis named one of his sons Joseph as well.
ahead, a note is made of the many ways the name Weeks is spelled; the
excuse is used of the illiteracy of the census takers, but the truth
is, there
were no set rules for spelling in the early times, and words and names
often spelled as they were heard. It is said " The names of the North
family appear in a variety of forms, even in the same document,
to the same person, the leading forms being Wykes and Weekes, and more
sixty forms have been discovered, with no established form. John A.
in "Prominent Families in New York" says: "Coming originally from
Devonshire, England, one branch of the Weekes family has been settled
on Long Island for
more than two hundred and fifty years, (written probably at the turn of
20th century). The name and the family alike are of ancient origin. In the old records the
name appears in various forms,...........It is derived originally from
the Saxon, Wic, Wyc, Wich or Wiche, akin to the Latin Wicus or the
Greek Oikos, having the general signification of a dwelling place, and
would seem to indicate that those who adopted it were especially home
lovers. (Which is why they opted for the completely UNKNOWN!) Those
families known as the Wykes of North Wyke, England, the Wykes of
Cocktree, adn the Weekeses of Honey Church are closely allied and
belong to the same stock from which the Weekeses of Long Island and New
England are derived. It's thought both Francis and George
belonged to a branch of the family that had been seated at North Wyke,
Taunton Hundred, about 20 miles from Exeter, long before the latter
part of
the 14th C. On one side their ancestors were of the Wrey family and of
descent, it is said by some authorities; others assert that they were
those refugees who had fled from Holland to England to escape the
of the infamous Duke of Alva.
According to Playfair's British Antiquities, the first member of the
Wrey family of whom there is a definite historical account was Robert
le Wrey, his wife
being Sybil Abbott, who was living in 1135. In the sixth generation
Robert le Wrey, a daughter of the family, Jane le Wrey, married John
of Cocktree, and their son Roger held a quarter part of a knight's fee,
in Broney, in Oakhampton, in 1346. In the 14th C Roger le Wrey, the
of the family, held a quarter part of a knight's fee in North Wyke. His
William le Wrey, married Catherine, daughter and co-heiress of John
of Cocktree, who, in the time of
Richard III -- 1377-99 --
assumed the name of Wykes. It is from this ancient family (supposedly)
Francis and George Weekes, the American pioneers, are descended. Robert
Wrey ws succeeded, in succession, by Elias; Elias; Richard; Stephen;
Walter. the latter had a daughter who married John Wykes, of Cocktree,
relative of the family, who had adopted the surname. Many families in
in early days, took the name of their residence as their surname, and
Wykes could have evolved from North Wyke.
"The connection between this family and
that of which (I) have just previously treated, must doubtless be
referred to a certain Robert Wyke, whose daughter Joan m. John de
Honeychurch late in the 15th C., who resided at Tavistock, but was the
owner of land in Honeychurch, situated 7 mi. from Oakhampton, from
about the reign of Henry III. This Robert Wyke was a contemporary with
Willima Wykes of Northwyke, who (I) consider must have been his first
cousin, and nephew of his father, John Wykes, who was living in 1435.
the arms of Wyke of Northwyke would not have been admitted to "Weeks of
Honeychurch" as they appear to have been at the Herald's Visitation of
1620. That the primary settlement of this branch at Honeychurch was due
to the marriage of
Joan Wykes with John de Honeychurche is tolerably certain, but there is
hiatus in their history for three generations, since the ancestor of
Weekes of Honeychurch as recorded at the Visitation referred to, was
"Sir Richard Weekes, Knight, of Honeychurch," (contemporary with John
Wykes of Northwyke "aged 20 years and more" in 1545), and who is
reputed to have married an unknown
daughter of Cary of Clovelly. Sir Richard was the grand- father of
Weekes, also of Honeychurch, whose son William married Arminell,
daughter of John Yeo of Hatherly, by his wife Anne, daughter of William
Honeychurch of Honeychurch and Tavistock. Their son Simon seems to have
removed to Broadwood-Kelley, and their eldest son, Francis Weeks, aged
30 in 1620, married Wilmot Coffin of Portledge, and had 6 sons and 1
daughter. Of these, Richard
Weekes, the third son, resided at Hatherleigh,
was a "gentleman pensioner", that is to say, a member of the body known
"The Honorable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms" (those many times in debt),
died in the Fleet Prison in 1670.
The arms
of Northwyke, allowed also to Weekes of Honeychurch in 1620, are
three battle-axes, Sable. The Honeychurch branch was entitled to
quarter by Kelley by
marriage of Richard, eldest grandson of Sir Richard Weekes with Alice,
and heir of Henry Kelley. South Tawton extends over 10,878 acres of
5,000 of which were owned by the Wykes of Northwyke for many centuries.
Sir William Pole (or Poole) who died in 1635, in "Collections toward a
Description of the County
of Devon" gives the following account of the North Wyke family: The
family of Wrey was originally Wrey Barton, in the parish of Moreton,
Hampstead; they also held
North Russell and North Wyke. William le Wrey held the fourth part of a
knight's fee in North Wyke of the barony of South Tawton, 1242. From
him followed Walter (1277), Roger, Walter, Roger, who in 1345 held a
fourth part of a knight's fee in North Wyke, of the Barony of
Oakhampton. He had a son William who married
Katherine, daughter and co-heiress of John Burnell of Cocktree, South
and who in time of richard II (1377-99) assumed the name of Wykes. By
marriage he became possessed of Cocktree and Ilton Manor. William Wykes
sons, Richard and Roger. Roger of bindon, Axmouth, had John, who had
and Richard; John had William (living in 1600) who, as well as his
Richard, died without male issue. Richard, Esq., of North Wyke and
son of William, married Elizabeth Avenell and had William, Margaret and
following account of the Honeychurch branch is taken from the record,
in the Royal College of Arms, at London, of the Visitation of
Devonshire by the Heralds, in 1620, and partly from more recent family
records. Sir Richard Weekes
(Note: William, Esq., son of Richard, m. Jane Prideaux and had John,
William and Jane. This Richard appears to have been contemporaneous
Sir Richard of Honeychurch and may have been the same person. Refers to
Sir Richard, above) of Honeychurch, m. Cary, or Carey, of Clovelly,
by whom he had Richard, who had Richard and Symon. Richard had a
but no sons. Symon, armiger, m. ??Hopwood and had Henry (no issue) and
William of Honeychurch m. Arminell Yeo of Hatherleigh, Devon, and had
Matilda, Symon, John, William, Joseph, Arminell and Izott.
in 1620--eldest son of William, married Mary Stukely of Ashton, Devon,
had Catherine, Francis (Lord of the Manor of Honeychurch and Broadwood
according to Samuel Lysons in Magna Brittania), John, Granville, Mary,
Arminell. Francis married Wilmot Coffin of Portledge and had Symon (b.
and Mary.
It seems
certain that Francis Weekes, of Oyster Bay, Long Island, was a son or
grandson of one of the Wykes (pronounced "Weeks") or Weekes men
named above. That is left for some
future investigator to work out, and we will start a new chapter with
the life of Francis, as we are able to read it from public American
records, &c.
Notes on Joseph Weeks and Elizabeth Reddocke
Weekes was baptized at the RDC at New Amsterdam in 1647, and
died probably before 1700, many publications to the contrary
notwithstanding. He and his brother Samuel had a house and
home lot on the east side of South Street in ye Town, and likewise
removed to Killingworth after the settlement of the Reddocke estate and
occupied the residence plot on the north side of the beach and Hog
Island. He was known as Captain Joseph Weekes, probably holding such
official position in the County
Militia. He married first, Hannah Reddocke, sister of his brother
wife Elizabeth. She died perhaps in 1688, but certainly before 1698, in
year, Joseph Weeks, senr., of Matinecock, in consideration of 6s
to be paid to "my daughter", gives to "My youngest son Samuel Weeks,
of my right in Oyster Bay New Purchase, ½ Right in Matinecock
Purchase, ½ of my rights in Oak Neck and Pine Island, a share of
that was his grandfather Reddock's, and all my Home lott of land
from fffeekes's old footpath. I do reserve for myself power, privilege
liberty to use any part of said premises during my natural life and
after my decease I reserve power and privilege for my NOW wife, Hannah
during her widowhood to make use of all ye north end of my home lott
from ffeekeses now
cart path and ye one half of my orchard and ye share of meadow and ye
meadow, but after my decease to return
to my said son Samuel."
wife Hannah is explained in an old bond of father and Michael Weekes,
son, to the executors of James Cock, deceased: "Whereas Hannah Forman,
alias Hannah Weekes, did in ye lifetime of Moses Forman, her husband,
late of Oyster
Bay, deceased, put twelve sheep in care of James Cock at a certain
and the executors have compounded with John Weeks ye son-in-law
(daughter's husband) of Hannah, and ye said Michael her grandson, for
ye said sheep, and arrears of rent, and said John and Michael declare
themselves well satisfied."
NOTE Found on http://home.nycap.rr.com/sconard/Weekes.html
- Most accounts say that Samuel married Elizabeth (Betsy)
Ruddick, but Clarence Almon Torrey points out: "The will [of Henry
Reddick] was lost or destroyed many years ago, but there is a copy of
the agreement of his heirs
in Oyster Bay Records (printed), vol. 1, pp. 88-89. His heirs were five
three of whom were married. They are named in the order of their births
signed the agreement in the same order: Mary Hauxhurst, Hannah Weekes,
Weekes, Jane Readuck, and Sarah Rudick. Christopher Hawxhurst, Samuell
and Joseph Weekes signed in that order, indicating that Samuel signed
the husband of Hannah and Joseph as the husband of Elizabeth Weekes. In
previous accounts which have come to this writer's attention, it is
stated that Samuel married Elizabeth Reddough and that Joseph married
sister Hannah."