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Thomas Helme
This information originally appeared in "History of Miller's Place," by Margaret Davis Gass Copyright Spring 1971 revised Fall 1987
Besides the Millers, one of the earliest men to buy up land at the Old Mans was Richard Floyd, but his interest was clearly only speculatory. In December 1676 he sold thirty-four acres south of the swamp jointly to William Jayne and Thomas Helme, the latter buying out the former eight months later. In February of 1681 Thomas helme added fifteen acres of his holdings in payment for building a house for John Roe at Drowned Meadow, a house which may well have been the first in what is now Port Jefferson. Although he continued to add to his property at the Old Mans, Thomas Helme apparently preferred to live at Setauket and did not build here, but left the land to his son, Thomas Helme, Jr., who probably built a house here in the middle 1720's. It was close to the swamp and endwise to North Country Road as it now runs. This old house was torn down about 1816 and a newer one built slightly south and west of it. This remained in the Helme family until 1957. Thomas Helme Jr. was born June 4, 1703 and married Joanna, daughter of Andrew Miller Jr. He was killed when his horses ran away with him while driving through Middle Island in 1730. He left only one son, Thomas 3rd, born March 6, 1728. The widow of Thomas Jr., interestingly enough, married John Roe and bore him eight children
line descending from William Drake and Eunice Helme please visit
the Website of Michael Boyer O'Leary
Ancestral Lines of
M. Searls (1909-1987)