Long Island Genealogy
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The Dodge Family of Long Island

    Tristram Dodge, the ancestor of the well-known Dodge family of New Shoreham and of the Dodges of Connecticut, was beyond all doubt from Devonshire, where the name Tristram Dodge occurs at a somewhat earlier period. He was evidently one of the Devon captains who were engaged in the Newfoundland fisheries, and in 1647 he was residing at Ferryland in that Island [cf. Aspinwall, pp. 126, 127] . He was engaged by the first settlers to come from Newfoundland to the Island, in order "to teach them the art of fishing", the town records state. The Island Dodge descend from his three sons John, Tristram, and William. A fourth son, Israel, removed to New London and was the ancestor of the Connecticut Dodges. he may have had also another son, Thomas, who appears in the New Shoresham records in 1680. He probably died young, leaving no issue [cf. Austin, op.cit. and "The Dodge Genealogy"].
    Tristram (Trustaram) Dodge sailed with the first group of settlers; they left Braintree, Mass in April of 1661; the surveyors were sent ahead in September of 1661 and the remainder of the settlers, including Trustaram, embarked from Taunton, Mass. in the spring of 1662. He was not one of the first purchasers of the Island; like several others who came with him he occupied lands obtained of some of the sixteen proprietors. He was admitted freeman in 1664.

Was Jeremiah Dodge of Cow Neck Really the Grandfather of Stephen Dodge the Loyalist?   Evaluating the Documentation By Rebecca Walch - active research

A document involving Tristram and Jeremiah of Cow Neck/Hempstead Submitted By Rebecca Walch