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Clowes Family History
submitted by Raymond Clowes  Compiled by C. H. B. Turner of Lewes, Delaware, 1909

NEW: Download a zipped folder of the family worksheets from Raymond Clowes.
An excellent source of additional information.

Abstracts of Wills Vol II 1708-1728
Page 361.--In the name of God, Amen. I, ALLETTE DOUW, of New York, widow. I leave to my daughter Sarah, wife of John Therould, of the Island of St. Christophers, all such plate, clothing, jewels, and household stuff, and other things which I had given to her by a writing under my hand. All the rest of my estate I leave to my daughter, Catharine Clowes, wife of Samuel Clowes, of Queens County, Gentleman, and to my grand daughter, Johanah Blagge, wife of Edward Blagge, of New York, Gentleman. And I make my son-in-law, Samuel Clowes, and my grandson-in-law, Edward Blagge, executors.

Abstracts of Wills Vol V 1754-1760
Page 203.--In the name of God, Amen. "I, SAMUEL CLOWES, of Jamaica, in Queens County, Gent., being now 85 years and 5 months old, and infirm of body, but, Praised be God, of sound mind." I leave to my wife Mary her bed, completely furnished, and all other things and goods that she brought with her, Also my riding chair and her choice of my horses, And my executors are to pay her œ12 yearly during her life, Also my easy chair and 6 best other chairs, and the Sconce which hangs in my bed chamber. I leave to Samuel Clowes, eldest son of my cousin, Samuel Clowes, "who now does, or lately did, belong to the Custom House in London, œ25 Stirling." I leave to Rev. Samuel Seabury, minister of Hempstead, œ5, and to his son, Rev. Samuel Seabury, of the town of Jamaica, œ10. "I order my executors to lay out the sum of œ15 in Bibles, to be given to all my grand children and great grand children which shall be alive at the time of my decease. I leave to my son John œ50, To my son Peter œ100, as a recompense and reward for their particular pains and trouble they will be at as executors. All the rest of my estate I leave to my two sons, John and Peter, and my daughters, Alletta, wife of Edward Willett, Melicent, wife of Joseph Sackett, Catharine, wife of Nathaniel Mills, Mary, wife of Daniel Thorne, and Juliana Clowes. My estate is to be divided as follows: The tract of 600 acres which I have given to my son in law, Edward Willett, and 400 acres which I have given to my son in law, Joseph Sackett, and a certain tract of land which I have given to my son Peter at the place where he now lives, shall be reckoned as part of their shares. And because the boundaries of the Patents of Wawayanda and Minissink, where the chief part of my land now is, are not yet perfectly settled, if any of the said tracts fall short, it is to be made up. I make my sons John and Peter executors, and in case of their death, my 4 sons in law, And if they die before the estate is settled, then my grand sons, Timothy Clowes, son of my late son Gerardus, and John Clowes, son of my son John, and they shall have so much of the undivided lands as shall be adjudged to them by the Chief Justice of New York. "Written with my own hand this 24 July, 1750."

Witnesses, Benjamin Hinchman, James Cebra, Jacob Ogden. Proved before Thomas Braine, Surrogate, August 28, 1760.
NOTE.--Samuel Clowes, Jr., who was for many years Surrogate of Queens County, died about January, 1760, and Letters of Administration were granted to his father, Samuel Clowes, February 20, 1760. He was probably son of the testator.

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