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The Bunce Family of Long Island

A few Notes on Thomas Bunce
       From The Connecticut Nutmegger, September 1991, page 238:  Thomas, the original immigrant who came from England around 1635, probably marched with Hooker from Cambridge to Hartford in 1636.  He was there early enough to be considered a "founder", and his name is on the proprietor's list of 1639.  He and his wife were members of the Second or South Church. Thomas accepted civic responsibilities.  He was a constable in 1648, juror in 1649, townsman (selectman) in 1655, 61, and 65, rate setter and list maker 1668-71 and 1672-73.  He served as an ensign in the Pequot War, and "for his Good service therein" was later granted 110 acres of land.  His home was near the site of the present Capitol.  He was evidently involved with construction work, since records show he helped build a new mill, and he worked to repair
the bridge across Little River in 1648. His descendants were many in Connecticut, as evidenced by their numbers in Barbour's 'Families of Early Hartford'.
Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America, Henry Whittemore, 1967: Thomas Bunce, of Hartford, 1636, served the next year in the Pequot war, and married a daughter of Captain Thomas Bull, under whom he served in that war. He had Thomas, John, Sarah, Mary 1645, Elizabeth. References - Hinman's Conn. Settlers, 403; Tuttle Gen. 658; Savage's Gen. Dict. vol. 1, 298.
Boston Transcript, July 2, 1930, #9800:  The list of names on the Hartford Monument is copied from the account of the Hartford, Ct., old burying ground, by the Ruth Wyllys Chapter, D. A. R.
     "In the center of the cemetery is a venerable monument erected in 1835 in 1835 to the memory of 'The Founders of Hartford.' One hundred and two names including Thomas Bunce.
Boston Transcript, 22 July 1908, #9961:  The inventory of Thomas Bunce was taken August 3, 1683.  Will not dated.  To his son John Bunce he gave "my Lott Lyeing over against Mr. Webster," etc.  The two last parcels of land John Bunce was "to possess immediately after the decease of me & my wife Sarah Bunce."
Founders of Early American Families, Emigrants from Europe 1607-1657, 1975: Bunce, Thomas.  Hartford (Mass.) 1636 d there 1683. Ensign. Member of committee of safety. Stiles, Wethersfield; Savage.
A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, James Savage, 1965:  Bunce, Thomas, Hartford 1636, serv. next yr. in the Pequot war, had, prob. by a d. of capt. Thomas Bull, under wh. he had act. in that was, ch. Thomas; John; Sarah, wh. m. John White of Hatfield, and, next Nicholas Worthington; Mary, b 17 sept. 1645, wh. m. Thomas Meakins of Hatfield, and, next, John Downing; and Eliz. wh. m. Jacob White of Hartford, br. of John.

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