"Long Island Genealogy" Surname Database CDs

Due to popular request we have decided to make our individual databases available on CD. Each CD will concentrate on one surname.  For example:  The Hallock Surname database will concentrate on descendants of the Hallock line.  The Thurston Raynor, Ketcham etc will do the same.  If you are familiar with using the site you will find the CD set up in a similar manner.  Due to the CD format some of the menus will be different but all of the information will be there.  If you have any questions please ask before you order to diminish the risk of disappointment.  (direct questions to: support@longislandsurnames.com)

No CD drive on your Computer??  No fear! All files are now available on USB Flash Drive upon request!  No additional charge. 
In order to get the file on Flash Drive you must let us know when you order.

Database CDs are currently available for all of the following Surnames one Surname group per CD
The number after the Surname designates the total number of individuals in each database.

Abbott (629), Abrams (3,680), Ackerly (7,210), Albertson (1,952), Almy (2,321), Appleby (1,591), Arnold (6,591), Arthur (6,749), Ashman (4,920), Austin (7,753), Baker (6,387), Baldwin (6,550), Barnes (623), Barto (5,980), Baxter (1,307), Bayles (6,315), Bedell (6,417), Beebe (5,155), Bellows (598), Benjamin (10,091), Bennett (6,269), Biggs (4,689), Blatchley (872), Blydenburgh (7,733), Booth (4,787), Bradford (6,500), Brandt (540), Brewster (5,706), Brown (35,596), Brush (8,717), Bryant (8,871), Buffett (1,964), Bunce (5,355), Burnett (4,236), Burr (4,517), Burwell (1,199), Carll (7,112), Carman (4,828), Carpenter (17,871), Carter (3,117), Case (3,458), Chadeayne (1,128), Cheeseman (2,649), Cheshire (2,741), Chichester (7,351), Clark (6,565), Cleaves (1,845), Clock (1,705), Clowes (4,316), Cock (2,016), Coe (39,555), Coleman (1,169), Coles (19,776), Colyer (1,257), Combs (3,412), Crossman (1,327), Ananias Conklin (11,272), John Conklin (Rye) (1,147), John Conklin (Southold) (22,773), Conklin (Misc.) (53,965), Cook (6,844), Cooper (11,405), Corey (15,888), Cornish (584), Corwin (19,845), Cowoethwaite (2,976), Craft (2,307), Crane (911), Crowell (2,701), Darling (4,659), Davis (24,173), Dayton (6,758), Decker (9,485), Denton (30,143), Dickerson (10,727), Dimon (7,796), Dodge (1,174), Dominy (1,923), Doty (19,869), Downs (7,350), Doxy (796), Dudley (3,644), Dunbar (1,140), Duryea (5,344), Eaton (2,334), Edwards (17,943), Elridge (1,267), Ellison (2,199), Fanning (2,326), Fithian (2,793), Fleet (8,168), Flewelling (2,074), Floyd (7,377), Fordham (8,349), Foster (11,003), Frost (6,111), Fuller (7,168), Furman (1,551), Gardiner (32,411), Genin (1,148), Gildersleeve (5,580), Gillette (1,042), Gird (13,646), Glover (2,440), Goldsmith (4,577), Gordon (3,371), Gould (2,798), Greene (14,369), Griffin (3,902), Haff (3,052), Haight (12,180), Hallock (35,840), Halsey (8,538), Hammond (1,131), Hand (9,771), Harned (1,562), Hart (1,530), Haven (31,242), Hawkins (10,177), Hawxhurst (15,557), Hedgeman (14,044), Hedges (4,660), Hegeman (2,284), Helme (1,378), Hempstead (1,659), Hendrickson (3,250), Hewlett (10,019), Hicks (17,107), Higby (4,007), Hildreth (1,400), Homan (9,819), Hopkins (736), Horton (16,348), Howard (1,327), Howell (18,749), Hubbs (3,157), Hudson (11,009), Hulse (16,414), Hunt (6,065), Huntting (1,808), Ireland (4,788), Jackson (4,989), Jagger (3,137), Jarvis (6,279), Jayne (6,325), Jennings (1,804), Jones (23,417), Kellogg (1,726), Kelsey (3,850), Ketcham (21,703), King (19,949), Kissam (5,043), Knapp (709), Lane (6,773), Lawrence (641), Lay (858), Lee (1,990), Lester (5,465), Lewis (29,191), L'Hommedieu (8,010), Loper (2,402), Losee (1,743), Lott (3,462), Luce (1,593), Ludlam (9,015), Maltby (17,632), Marshall (2,189), Mather (3,537), Mayflower Descendants (26,194), McGregor (614), Messerole (711), Miller (22,351), Mills (4,312), Moger (1,569), Monfort (918), Moore (5,465), Morris (5,063), Mott (6,857), Mulford (12,034), Munsell (1,116), Newins (10,219), Newkirk (498), Newton (4,780), Nicoll (6,952), Norton (10,352), Oakes (928), Oakley (2,231), Ogden (14,729), Osborn (4,543), Ostrander (1,909), Overton (5,884), Paine (16,331), Palmer (4,162), Parshall (5,415), Parsons (9,876), Pearsall (4,140), Penny (4,246), Petty (9,899), Pierson (9,322), Place (2,030), Platt (14,833), Plumlee (2,978), Pocahontas (6,102), Post (2,521), Powell (9,384), Pratt (1,274), Presidential Descendants (2,223), Prime (3,375), Pullis (863), Purdy (3,806), Quick (3,289), Rackett (2,768), Randall (1,312), Ranger (1,158), Edward Raynor (4,702), Thurston Raynor (18,310), Reeve (9,717), Richmond (4,690), Robinson, (4,939), Roe (5,316), Rogers (14,448), Roosevelt (11,707), Rose (1,550), Rossiter (956), Royal Lines (3,418), Ruland (7,540), Ryder (12,199), Salmon (1,038), Sammis (13,719), Sands (1,200), Sanford (3,034), Satterley (6,885), Sayre (3,497), Scott (524), Scudder (25,437), Seaman (18,267), Searing (2,325), Seversmith (9,278), Sherman (1,219), Sherrill (2,111), Skidmore (5,072), Skinner (645), "Blue" Smith (3,602), "Bull" Smith (12,684), "Nan" Smith (7,056), Peter Smith (2,731), "Quaker" Smith (4,241), "Rock" Smith (30,105), "Tangier" Smith (3,176), "Whig" Smith (8,291), Snedeker (4,796), Soper (4,162), Southard (7,133), Spencer (7,289), Sprague (2,541), Squires (4,498), Stellenwert (1,559), Stephens (626), Stewart/Stuart (530), Stillwell (440), Stockford (1,274), Stratton (16,595), Stringham (6,208), Strong (7,933), Suydam (3,355), Sweet (1,819), Sweezey (10,056), Talmadge (8,995), Tappen (1,770), Terell (4,220), Terry (37,614), Thompson (5,126), Thorne (12,605), Tillinghast (1,298), Titmus (35,375), Titus (20,409), Tooker (7,387), Topping (6,822), Townsend (9,585), Treadwell (642), Turner (4,710), Tuttle (43,322), Udall (1,343), Underhill (3,924), Vail (13,580), Valentine (9,846), VanVoorhess (6,152), VanBrunt (1,942), Vandegrift (3,656), Vanderbilt (5,691), VanNostrand (15,958), VanRennsselaer (6,743), VanScoy (5,180), VanSise (10,028), VanVelsor (6,130), VanWicklen (1,360), Verity (1,616), Warner (3,361), Webb (731), Weeks/Wickes (10,786), Wells (47,052), Wheeler (11,510), Whitaker (522), White (4,543), Whitman (2,960), Whitson (3,143), Wickham (1,109), Wiggins (462), Wilcox (1,353), Willets (14,485), Williams (11,118), Wines (26,339), Wood (12,535), Woodhull (6,880), Woodruff (7,367), Woolley (17,949), Woolsey (4,275), Worth (2,729), Yarrington (6,147), Youngs (16,266)
How to ORDER your Database file:
1 - Decide on which Database or Databases you will be ordering.
2.  Click "Add to Cart" button below.
3.  On the "Your Shopping Cart" page change the number 1 under Quantity to the number of databases you will be ordering.
4.  Hit either "Check Out" button and follow the instructions on the page.
5.  Look for the sentence under your shipping address which says "Which  Surname Cds are you ordering? Add.  Click on the word Add.
6.  Write in the name of the surname database(s) you want and if you want it on a Flash drive please say so here.  Hit SAVE.
7.  Hit the "PAY NOW" button at the bottom of the next page - done
Each Database CD is $24.50

Additional Long Island Research Material available on CD or USB Flash Drive
Long Island's Surname Research Text Library on DVD or Flash Drive - over 70 Long Island families, NEARLY 300 Text!! Families covered on the DVD - Adams, Baker, Brewster, Burr, Carpenter, Corwin, Darling, Denton, Doty, Field, Floyd, Foster, Gardiner, Greene, Haight, Hallock, Halsey, Hammond, Hart, Havens, Hildreth, Horton, Howe, Howell, Jarvis, Jones, Kissam, Knapp, L'Hommedieu, Mather, Mott, Nichol, Norton, Parshall, Payne, Pearsall, Prime, Randolph, Raynor, Reese, Reeve, Robinson, Roe, Rogers, Roosevelt, Scott, Seaman, Seversmith, Skidmore, Smith, Sprague, Stillwell, Strong, Suydam, Swasey, Terry, Thompson, Tooker, Townsend, Treadwell, Vail, Vanderbilt, Van Voorhees, Verity, Webb, Weekes, Wells, West, Whitman, Williams, Woodhull, Woolsey, Wright, Young
Complete list of text on DVD at this LINK

NOTES on our CDs and shipping - It is important to remember that the majority of our research is centered geographically around Long Island, New York and immediate surrounding areas.  Lines extending beyond those areas are often followed but not our main emphasis.  The earliest family member included in files is usually the first immigrant to the U.S.  Earlier then that is often difficult to verify to our satisfaction.  Most files are sourced and contain all notes found on our main site.

All orders will be shipped through the U.S. Postal Service, 1st Class U.S. and Airmail Letter Post to Canada. 
Please allow 7-10 days for delivery.  Proceeds from all sales go toward maintaining "Long Island Genealogy" and "Long Island Surnames." Making a purchase not only makes your research easier it also helps us continue helping you in the future.  Our CDs are designed to be easily navigated even for those new to computers.  While our Cds use your internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) as a family sheet navigator you do not need to be connected to the internet.  They will work with both major operating systems -- Windows and MAC OSX.