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There is an air of authenticity
associated with original letters, diaries and records that is missing in
photographs and transcribed copies. The marks of age, the quaint handwriting,
often done with a quill pen, the feel of the paper, and the musty aroma
acquired from centuries in dusty attics and cellars, convey a sense of
antiquity to the reader.
Such originals are
scarce today, except in museums. But, years ago, the writer enjoyed the
rare opportunity of having such a treasure in his possession. It was The
Musquto Core Proprietors' Book; probably the most ancient item of
its kind pertaining to the earliest years of that north shore settlement
later named Glen Cove.
This volume, with entries
dating from 1668, the year Musquito Cove was settled, is bound in parchment
and measures 141/2 x 191/2 inches. I acquired it
upon the death of my father, in 1943, and some years later presented it
to the Glen Cove Public Library, where it may be seen today in the Historical
Room, with other exhibits pertaining to early Glen Cove and Long Island.
Although never officially
part of the Oyster Bay Town Records, much of its contents was considered
of such importance to local historians and genealogists that it was transcribed
in the appendix of vol. I of those records many years ago by the late George
W. Cocks.
Today it contains over
forty entries, although there is evidence that several pages have been
removed during the more than three centuries of its existence. The earliest
of these is dated Nov. 30, 1668, and the latest, Feb. 22, 1803, covering
a span of 135 years. While some of these are originals, most are so-called
"true copies" of the originals. This is fortunate, because many of the
original documents pertaining to old Musquito Cove were filed in the state
capitol, at Albany, and destroyed by fire in 1911.
There is little available
today concerning the lives and activities of Musquito Coves early settlers.
But a perusal of this book brings to light several interesting highlights
that might be lost without it.
While studying the
original I discovered a few entries on the inside covers and spread over
a few pages in the front and back of the book that Mr. Cocks apparently
did not consider important enough to copy into the town records. These
consist generally of merchants accounts and records kept by those who operated
the first sawmill.
That sawmill represented
Musquito Coves first industry, and it appears that it was built before
the settlers began work on their homes. If that was actually the case it
could have served two important functions. In the first place it provided
shelter for them while they cleared the land in preparation for erecting
their dwellings. And it later provided a convenient means of fashioning
the beams, planks and other lumber. Thus they could complete their homes
much more rapidly than if they were required to do all of the work by hand.The
merchants accounts reveal that rum was high on the list of products traded
in those days. Indeed, in an address delivered during Glen Coves Bi-Centennial
Celebration, in 1868, Henry Scudder stated that, "In 1699 one-third of
the goods imported into New York are run into Southold, Setauket, Oyster
Bay and Musquito Cove". And it is evident from these accounts that much
of that commodity smuggled into Musquito Cove never reached its intended
destnation. This is also indicated by another remark in Mr. Scudders talk,
in which he stated that, "The consumption of this article at the period
named was astonishing. The accounts of the merchants would persuade us
that it constituted the chief subject of trade - it seems to have been
their meat and drink".
The original settlers
of Musquito Cove, whose names appear in many entries in this book, were
Joseph Carpenter (the leader), three Coles brothers (Daniel, Nathaniel
and Robert), and Nicholas Simking. They came to Long Island from New England
and some had lived for a time at Oyster Bay. And they are referred to as
"the Proprietors of the Musquito Cove Plantations."
It is clear from this
book that these men raised livestock, cultivated the soil, operated mills,
were tradesmen, and followed several other callings. While most, if not
all of them, could write, they were too preoccupied with the building and
operatiOn of the sawmill, laying out roads, clearing the land, erecting
their homes and similar activities to have much time for academic pursuits.
One who wrote very legibly was Robert Coles, the youngest, and many entries
in the book are in his hand.
As previously mentioned,
the first entry, other than the accounts and family records, is dated Nov.
30, 1668. This is a true copy of articles of agreement, prepared by Joseph
Carpenter and subscribed to by all the proprietors. These included, at
that time, Joseph Carpenter, Nathaniel Coles, Robert Coles, Abiah Carpenter,
and Thomas Townsend. But soon afterward Abiah Carpenters interests were
transferred to Daniel Coles, and those of Thomas Townsend to Nicholas Simkins.
These articles represented
their first code of laws. They stated, among other things, that the copartners
were to share equally in the land that Carpenter had purchased from the
indians, and that each must pay his share of the cost. That none of them
was to fell trees for pipe staves (barrel staves) unless agreed upon by
majority. That before laying out highways, lots, or building fences, they
must also receive approval by vote of the majority. And that if any mills
were built, each of the proprietors was to share in the expense and enjoy
the benefits.The item concerning the felling of trees for pipe staves reveals
that the proprietors were more concerned with the natural resources than
some who followed them - especially in this age of the bulldozer and powersaw.There
is also a true copy of the famous Andros Patent to Musqiito Cove. The original
of this important document was once in possession of the writer, and may
be seen today alongside the Proprietors Book, in the Glen Cove Public Library.
This is the grant from
the Crown to the proprietors of the land at Musquito Cove that Joseph Carpenter
had purchased from the Matinecock Indians in 1668. It is dated September
29, 1677, some nine years later. It names the proprietors, describes the
boundaries, states the area, and specifies that the proprietors must pay
to the Crown, as quit-rent, one bushel of good winter wheat each year.
And it is signed by Edmund Andros, then governor of the province.
Tucked away between
the pages of the Proprietors Book I discovered a separate shape of paper
with the following heading, and all written in longhand.
Musqueto Cove
November 11th 1786"An Account of the Landholders with the number of Acres each possesses within the Patent: And also the Sums annexed that they are to pay as Quit-rent for fourteen Years past and fourteen years to come, which is to be a final payment Viz :"
It contains a total
of forty-six names, including forty-one living and five deceased, whose
estates were also taxed. It is interesting to note that they recognized
their debt to the Crown after more than a century, and after their victory
in the American Revolution.
At the time the list
was made James Townsend was the largest individual landholder, with 279
acres. And the family with the greatest combined acreage was that of Coles,
with holdings of over 900 acres.
At about the time Hempstead
was settled (1643 - 44) many Indians on the western end of Long Island
were unusually hostile toward the Dutch and English. This was due largely
to the inept handling of indian affairs by William Kieft, then Director-General
of New Netherland. But by 1668 they had decreased greatly in number and
were no longer to be feared. There are, however, two entries in the Proprietors
Book revealing misunderstandings between them and the settlers concerning
the location of boundaries and the sale of land.
One of these, dated
January 16, 1678, is a true copy of a document sent to Governor Andros.
It states, in essence, that the Indians felt they had been wronged in the
survey of the lands made by a Mr. Rider to determine the property lines
described in the Andros Patent. And it tells further that Joseph Carpenter
invited several of the Matinecock chiefs to his home, where he showed them
the survey and read the description of the boundaries as given in the patent,
after which they were satisfied that they had been mistaken. This document
was signed with the marks of Arumpas, Suskaneman and Werough, of the Matinecock
Chieftaincy, and the signatures of Joseph Carpenter, Thomas Townsend, Job
Wright, and Isack Douty were appended, as witnesses. Another is a
true copy of a deed, dated January 14, 1681. It confirms the sale of land
at Littleworth (now part of Sea Cliff) to Richard Kirby, Jacob Brookin,
George Downing, and Robert Godfree, and is signed by the Musquito Cove
Proprietors. That land had been included in Joseph Carpenters original
purchase from the Indians, but they resold it to the men above mentioned,
and when the rightful owners learned of the sale they demanded payment
from the purchasers.
It is too late now
to know whether the Indians made the second sale through their ignorance
of the original boundaries of the Musquito Cove purchase, or otherwise.
But anyone who has read some of the descriptions in the old Indian deeds
can readily understand how it may well have been an honest mistake on their
Two of the most interesting
and revealing items in the book are the first and second wills of Robert
Coles. It is believed that he was about twenty years of age in 1668, the
year Musquito Cove was settled, and unmarried. In 1670 he married Mercy
Wright, of Oyster Bay, and they eventually had nine children.
The first will is dated
March 17, 1689/90, when he was about forty-two years of age. It is written
in his own hand, and begins: "In the name of god amen I Robert Coles being
in perfect memary doe Comit my body to the dust from when it was taken
and my soule to god that gave it I also dispose of my esteat as follows:
In the first will his
handwriting is firm, as is his signature. He left most of his "land and
meadows" to his sons. The phrase "land and meadows" is especially interesting
here. It seems to imply that the meadows - generally used for grazing -
may have been considered of less value than the land, which could possibly
be built upon, or cultivated. And the fact that he bequeathed the meadows
in his will indicates that they were his own property and not owned by
the town which issued rights to its inhabitants for cutting salt hay, as
was the case in many Long Island communities.
To his wife he left
the house and orchard, with the land and meadow adjoining. But she was
to enjoy its use only during her widowhood and upon her remarriage or death
they were to go to his sons. The house, built in 1668, stands today, being
the oldest dwelling in Glen Cove. The original structure was very small
and plain. It was very similar in architecture to the home built by Joseph
Carpenter and probably those of the othei proprietors. But larger additions
were built through the years so that they now dwarf the original home.
In addition to the
house and property his wife was also to have his "neger boye" during her
widowhood, but he was to fall to the sons upon her death or remarriage.
And he left all of his movable estate in her care to be distributed among
their daughters at her discretion. Robert Coles wife died in 1708
and four years later he made a second will, which begins as follows:
"In the name of god
amen the twenty fivth day of July 1712. I Robert Coles of Muskeeto cove
in the bounds of oyster bay in Queens County in the Coloily of New york
being very sick in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given
unto god for it--." (sic)
Unlike the first will,
which he wrote himself, this is in another hand and his signature is very
shaky. In this he left all of his real and personal estate to be divided
among his children, with the exception of a trunk, containing his writings,
that he bequeathed to his son Nathan, and a few pieces of furniture that
his wife had left to certain of their daughters. There is no mention of
his "neger bove" in this will.
Although obviously
in a very feeble condition when the second will was prepared, Robert Coles
lived on for nearly three years. He died on April 16, 1715 and was buried
beside his wife in a small family plot across the road from their home.
The material in this old record book provides us with a glimpse of how
the early settlers at Musquito Cove lived some three centuries ago. I wonder
what interesting information was lost on the several pages that are missing
from the old volume.
First appearing in the LI Forum 1960 No Copyright Information Data Found