
1830 - 1893


Jan.   1. Phebe, widow of Jackson Snediker.  
            Jane, daughter of John and Elizabeth Sealey.
            Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Johnson (coloured).
April 2. Jerusha Pine.
            Martha Burtis.
            Jacob Johnson (col'd).
            Amos Platt, son of Eliphalet and Mary Willits.


July   2.  George Augustus, son of Mary Ann Gildersleeve, widow of G. P. G.
            William Mott.
            Samuel Pine.
            Charlotte Bedell.
            Elcy Golder Smith.
            Sarah Nostrand Hendrickson.
            Margaret Thomas (col'd).
July   6. Sanford, son of Nathaniel and Maria Ryder.
July 31.  Peter, son of Skidmore and Mary Hendrickson.
Nov. 13.  John Edward, son of Dr. John and Caroline A. Davidson.
Dec. 29.  Edward, son of Cornelius and Jane Van Siclen.
Dec. 31.  Eliza Mott, daughter of William and Sarah Mott,


Mar. 15. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Ludlum.   '
Mar. 31. Eliza Pettit, on confession of faith.
            Elizabeth, daughter of George and Ann Willard (colored).
June 28. Hannah Pettit, on confession of her faith.


Jan. 26.
on confession of faith
    Mrs. Deborah Loper,
    Nicholas Van Cott,
    Ann Eliza Lawrence,
    Mary Ann Pine,
    Margaret Sharp,
April 4.
on confession of faith
    John Kellum,
    Abraham Bedell Lawrence,
    Jane Doyl,
    Sarah Ann Mott,
June 23.   Mary Esther, daughter of Wm. R. and Sarah Finney.
    Townsend, son of Joseph and Mary Dorlon.
July  4  Sarah Ann, daughter of Robert and Ann White.
July   1. John, son of Eldred and Mariah Platt.
Aug. 11.   Ambrose, son of William and Elcy Tarby.
            Robert Augustus, son of Dr. John and Caroline Davidson.
            Mary, daughter of Eliphalet and Mary Willets.
            Anna Townsend, daughter of Rev. Charles and Jane W. Webster.
Aug 22   Hendrick Brinkerhoof, son of Jacob and Alletta Ryder.
children of Abraham and Hannah Burtis
    Pbebe Loisa,
    Charlotte Amanda,
    Nathaniel Wright
    Henry Milton,
children of Foster and Mary Burtis.
    Daniel Higbie
Oct 5. Helen Asosta, daughter of Isaac and Deborah Loper.


Feb.   11.   Cornelia, daughter of Saml. W. and   Gerritsen.
Mar. 13.   Mary Lavinia, daughter of Foster and Mary Burtis.
April 13.   John Mc Dowal, son of Rev. E. W. and Sarah Crane.
July   20.
on confession of their faith.
    Mrs. Elizabeth Simonson, wife of Mr. Abraham S.,
    Sarah Van Cott,
    Rebecca Snediker,
Oct.   5.   Elizabeth Pettit, on confession of her faith.
Oct. 16.
Infant children of George and Ann Hoogland.
Nov.   9.   Isaac, son of Isaac Cornell and Ann Maria Hendrickson.


July   3. Caroline Bethia, daughter of Dr. John and Caroline Davidson. Jarvis Rogers, son of Isaac and Debora Loper.
Benjamin,   sons of John and Hannah Kellum. Hyrum,
Aug.   2.   Sarah Ann, daughter of Walter and Jane Smith.
Oct.   3.   Margaret, daughter of John and Elizabeth Sealey.
Dec. 27. Phebe Maria Brinkerhoof, daughter of Cornelius and Jane Van Sicklen.


Mar. 31.   David Gildersleeve, son of John and Martha Gildersleeve.
May   1.  Elizabeth Harriet, infant daughter of Joseph H. and Abigail Weekes.
            George Nelson, infant son of Eliphalet and Mary Willits.
            Alfred, infant son of Wm. R. and Sarah Finney.
            Sarah Jane, infant daughter of John and Ann Godfrey.
children of Elias and Elizabeth Bedell
    Jane Jackson
July   2.  Charles Edward, son of Ambrose and Cornelia George.
            Mary Ann Thompson, daughter of Jacob and Alletta Ryder.
            Ann Amelia, daughter of Leffert and Mary Ann Bergen.


Jan.   2.   Ellen Augusta, daughter of Zopher and Elizabeth Ketcham.
Feb. 16.
Daughters of Thomas and Elizabeth Dorlon
    Jane Maria,
    Anna, twin,
    Frances Webster  twin,
Mar.  8.   Alfred Layton, son of Abraham and Elizabeth Simonson.
Mar. 26. Cornelia, daughter of Robert and Ann White.
            Mary Elizabeth, daughter of George and Ann Willard..
            Luther Milton, son of Isaac and Debora Loper.
Mar. 27.   Phebe Kellum, on confession of her faith.
Mar. 29.   Sarah Pettit (widow of Thomas), on confession of her faith. Catharine Jane and George Burling, (her two children.)
Oct. __   Mary Pettit, on confession of her faith.



Jan.   6.   Miss Jemimaette Tuttle, on confession of her faith.
Feb.   8.   Susan Thompson, infant daughter of Mrs. Ida Ann Thompson.
May 31.   Franklin Fleet, son o£ Mr. John and Mrs. N. Fleet.
            Phebe, daughter of   Skidmore.
            ? Long.
            ? Willets.
            ? Kellum.
            Joel Pettit.
            Augusta Seaman.
            ? Pettit.
            ? Willets.


Aug. 14. Christina Johanne, daughter of Johan and Mary Scharsonug, (members of the Lutheran Church).
Aug. 29.
Sons of John W. and Elizabeth Smith
    Thomas Cole
    Drason Hall,
Sept. 12.   Mrs. Elizabeth Raynor, on profession of her faith. John, son of Mrs. Ann Davidson.


Mar.   3.   Samuel H. Townsend, Adult.   Oyster Bay.
April 21.   Louisa Townsend, Adult.   Oyster Bay.
Infant children of Samuel H. and Louisa  Townsend
    Francis N. Townsend,
    William Townsend,
Lydia Stratton, Adult. Oyster Bay.
William Thurston, Adult. Oyster Bay.
Mary Ann Thurston, Adult. Oyster Bay.
Mary Elizabeth Thurston, infant daughter of above.
Alfred Sammis, Adult. Oyster Bay.
Mary Sammis, Adult. Oyster Bay.
June 30. John Ludlum Skidmore,.infant son of Abraham and Jemima P. Skidmore, Hempstead.
July 13.  Sarah Antoinette Willard, infant d. of George and Anna Willard, born Feb. 27, 1844.
Aug. 11. Thomas, infant son of Joseph N. and Sarah V. Cott Hicks, Flushing.
Aug. 31. Frances Adeline, infant daughter of George and Susan Carman, born Nov. 9, 1843.
            Townsend Coles, infant son of Isaac and Cornelia Hendrickson, born July 6, 1844.
Sept. 1. Horace Tucker, Adult. Hempstead. Lavinia Jackson, Adult. Hempstead.
            Martha Tyrrell, Adult.   Hempstead.
Oct. 6.
 Infant children of Mr. and Mrs. Abigail Southard
    Ann Elizabeth,.
    John Henry,   


Mar.   2. John Seaman, Adult. Hempstead. April 6. Maria Raynor, Adult. Raynor South.
Sept. 6. Rebecca Woodbridge, infant d. of Revd. Sylvester and Mrs. Mary Foster Woodbridge, born July 11
Nov. 11. Mary Louisa, infant d. of Mr. James and Mrs. Ann Smith Hendrickson.
Nov. 16. Francis L., infant s. of Mr. Francis and Mrs. Louisa Rackett Clark.  
Nov. 26.   ___  infant d. of Mr. Ezra and Mrs. Eliza Kellum.
Dec.   6. Frances Louisa, infant d. of John Mott.
             Hiram Luther, infant son of Mr. Hiram and Mrs. Eliza Weekes, born May, 1845.
            Julia Remsen, infant d. of Mr. David R. and Mrs. Catherine Long.
            John Edwards, infant s. of Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Eliza Mott Sealey.


Jan.   6. Nicholas Smith, i. s. of Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Aletta B. Ryder, born Aug. 18, 1845.
            George Edgar, i. s. of Mr. William Benjamin and Mrs. Elizabeth Bedell, born July 23, 1845.
Mar. 7.  Mary Elizabeth, infant d. of Mr. Samuel M. and Mrs. Frances Pine. (No year given).
June 3. Delia, daughter of Samuel and   Dorlon.
June 18.   George R., son of Joseph N. Hicks and Sarah Van Cott.


Mar. 26.   Svlvester Woodbridge, infant son of Nehemiah and Caroline Smith.
Mar. 15.   Phebe, infant daughter of Mrs. Willits.
July 28. Anna Rebecca, daughter of Rebecca Coon.


Mar.   8.   Miss Martha Eliza May.
May 25. Anna, infant dau. of Timothy Oakley.
Sept. 7. Miss Mary Green Thompson.
            Miss Magdalen Harriman Wright.
            Andrew Jackson Willetts.
Sept. 6. Lewis Elmer, infant son of Samuel Pine.
             Ann Elizabeth, infant dau. of Joseph Hendrickson.
Aug.   5. Abraham Bedell.
Dec. 9.
Two sons of George Hendrickson.
    Asa C.


Mar.   6. Mrs. Maryette, wife of O. P. Hendrickson.
June   5.   Mary Elizabeth, child of O. P. Hendrickson.
            Alvin, child of O. P. Hendrickson.
            Oliver P. Hendrickson.
            Mary Elizabeth Bunn (Colored).
Sept. 4. Sylvester Woodbridge, son of George Willets.
Sept. 5. Miss Ann Augusta Clowes.
            Mrs. Sands Powell.


Sept. 3.
children of Joseph Bates
    William Stuart,
            Mrs. Smith Whaley, (Ann Eliza). 
Aug. 10.   Ada Nevius, infant child of Coles and Charlotte Bedell.
Dec.   4. Mrs. John Mott.


May 13. Mrs. Elisha Bedell (Lydia).
June   4.   Cassandra Bedell (of Elisha). Ann Eliza Bedell (of Elisha).


Mar. 30. Sophia Adelia, daughter of Ellen Willard (Mrs. Hunter), Colored.
June 29.
children of Edward and Catherine Nichols
    Helen Adelaide,
    Georgianna Phipps,
    William Clark,
            Sarah Biship, of Coles and Charlotte Bedell.
            Peter William, of Peter and Caroline Floyd.
            Theodorus Judson, of Wm. Henry and E. Louisa Hawkins.
July 1. Alfred Stewart, of Hiram Weeks.
           Emma Louise, of E. J. Jerome.
           Robt. Henry, of Robt. Radford.
Sept.  1.
Children of Wm. Creed
    Eliza Jackson,
    Emma D.   .
            Christopher, son of Daniel Sealey.
Sept.   2.   David Fowler (Adult). and Phebe Ann, his wife,
Smith Whaley, Adult.
Oct. 10.
children of Edward and C. R. Nichols
    Harriet Ida,
    Annie Locke,
Dec.  2.
children of Bernardus and   ____ Hendrickson
    George Faitout,
    Elizabeth Ellen,
children of Lewis and   ___ Snedeker
    Emma Frances,   .
    Jno. Seymour,
Dec. 23. Lillian L., infant of Joseph Simonson.
Dec.   2. Martha Wright, Adult.
            Elizabeth Wright, Adult.
            Sarah Starkins Backus. Adult.
            James Powell   Adult. and Elizabeth, his wife,  Adult.


May 18. Sarah Kate, child 5 months old, of John R. and Ellen R. Burtis, Foster Meadow.
            Foster Burtis, boy, of John Skidmore and Elizabeth Hendrickson.
May 31
children of Abrm. D. Bedell and Emeline, widow
    Charles Lent,
    Franklin Dorlon,
    Leonora Anna,
    Emeline Augusta,
Sept. 6. Joseph De Mott, of Daniel Simonson.
of Samuel and Frances A. Fleet.
    Adeline Elizabeth
    Ann Euphemia,
Nov. 30. George Skidmore, son of Peter and   ___ Hendrickson.
Dec. 7. Joseph Mott.
            Henry De Mott.
            Frances A. Fleet.


Mar. 1  Mary Woodruff, child of B. W. Leek and Mary E. Leek.
June   6.
children of John E. and Eliza A. Davidson
    John Kirk Townsend,   .
    Adeline Bethia,
Sept. 5. Emma Matilda, daughter of Robt. and Louisa Radford. Adaline, daughter of Lewis and Mary Snedeker.
Nov. 15.
children of Sarah and Daniel Hendrickson, Foster Meadow.
    Sarah Elizabeth  
    Daniel Rapelye, 
    John Franklin,   


June 5.   Sarah Jane, child of Oliver and Maryette Hendrickson.
children of Lurana Sawyer.
    Eliza Jane
            Joseph Skidmore, child of widow Joseph Simonson.
            Effie Emma, child of Samuel and Frances A. Fleet.
June 6. Baptized Adults, Communion.
    Mrs. Zophar Anthony.
    David Bedell.
    Valentine L. Combs.
    Mrs. E. R. Durkee.
    Mrs. Henry De Mott.
    Mrs. Luke Fleet.
    Miss Mary J. Fowler.
    Edward J. Jerome.
    Miss Esther Hinman Losee.
    Miss Mary Julia Losee.   
    Richard Edgar Losee.
    Robert Sidney Mills.
    Miss Mary Anna Pettit.
    Mrs. Ann Snedeker.
    Miss Lydia A. Thomas.
    Miss Sarah Van Cott.
    Mrs. Mary Wright (Vandewater).
Sept 4. Frank Gordon Nichols, son of Edward and Catherine Nichols.
children of Luke and Emily A. Fleet
    Willis Muncy
    Mary Emma,
            John Townsend Green and Melinda (Berry), his wife.
            Abigail (Chichester), wife of Geo. W. Hendrickson, Deacon.


Mar.   5.
children of Daniel and Elsie Burtis
    Foster Burtis
    Oldfield B. Burtis,
June 6. Eugene F. Bedell, adult.
Aug. 27. William Higbie Hendrickson, infant of Peter and Sarah Ann Hendrickson.
            William Henry Burtis, infant child of Daniel and Elsie Burtis.
            Walter Bergen Denton, infant child of Charles C. and Eveline Denton.
Sept. 4. Eugene Franklin, infant son of Luke Fleet, Jr., and Emily A.
Dec.  4. William Hadden (of Alex.), Adult.



Dec. 29. Martha May, daughter of E. J. and Harriet Jerome, born Aug. 23, 1859
            John Franklin, son of Geo W. and Mary Anna Fleet, born April 25, 1859


Mar.  2. William Hinman, son of Robt. S. and Esther H. Mills, born Jan. 8, 186o.
Mar.  3. Lydia A. Smith, on profession of her faith in Christ.
            Mary Emma Van Cott, on profession of her faith.
Aug. 30. Edward Alden Spooner, son of William and Caroline Marsh, born April 4, 1853.
            Harriet Newell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coles Bedell, born Jan. 17, I86I.
Dec.   I. Ebenezer Kellum, on profession of his faith in Christ.


Dec.   7. Marie Antoinette Kellum, on profession of her faith. Julia Caroline Lane, on profession of her faith.


Jan.   2. Mary Frances, child of Conrad and Mary Kiesal.



Nov. 29.   George B. Mills, son of Robert S. and Esther H. Mills, who was born Sept. 26, 1865.


Mar. 19. Edward Henry, infant son of Edward Floyd-Jones and Mary, his wife, who was born Jan. 1, 1867.
April 9.   Marietta, born Sept. 1, 1865,   children of Charles Denton. Evelene, born March 15, 1868,
Oct. 24. Charles E. Hendrickson, son of Peter and Sarah A. Hendrickson, born Dec. 26, 1864.


Mar. 6. Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van Dewater.
June 4. Mary Seaman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome.
June 5. Sarah Frances, inf. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson.
Sept.   2.   Harriet Arabella, daughter of S. Bedell.
Dec.   3. Mary Alice, infant child of Robt. S. and Esther H. Mills.


May 21.   Clarence Luther, son of Luther Weeks.
June 3.   Edgar Jerome, infant son of Samuel Armstrong.
June 4. Nettie Emma, daughter of Alonzo and Sarah Emma Willetts. 


April 21.   Obadiah, Jr., son of Obadiah Barto.
May 20.   William Belknap Pomeroy, born July 9, 1871, son of Rev. Chas. S. Pomeroy, of Brooklyn.
June   I.
Children of Dr Gould
    Jennie Hoff,
    Annie Williams
    Hattie Elizabeth,
            Victorine, grand-daughter of Mrs. Pearsall.
July 14. James Byron, son of Rev. James B. and Adelaide V. Finch.
Aug. 31. Mary Augusta, daughter of Lewis and Mary Snedeker.


Sept. 13. Ellen Suydam Armstrong, inf. daughter of Samuel Armstrong.
            George William Ketcham, infant son of Geo. W. Ketcham.
Nov. 7.
infant daughters of Sylvester Bedell
    Sarah Elizabeth
    Mary Malinda Rhodes,


Feb. 28. Mary Edna, daughter of Sylvester Sealey.
            John Henry, son of   Van De Water.
Sept.   5.   Eliza Walker, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Losee.
Dec.   5. Joseph Clark, infant son of Dr. J. W. C. Gould.   [Reg. 2181 Nettie Norton, infant daughter of widow of Stephen Bedell.



June 5. George Sidney Hendrickson, born Dec. 7, 1873.
July 25.   Clinton Seaman Washburne, born July 26, 1874, child of Libbie Hendrickson Washburne, and grandchild of Oliver P. Hendrickson.
Aug. 29.   Henry Prime Noble, born May 27, 1874, child of Rev. Franklin and Emma Prime Noble.
Sept. 4. Alletta Rose Willis, born Aug. 15, 1874, child of Alphonso Augustus and Mary Mersereau Willis.
Dec. 4. Mary Elizabeth Bedell, Adult.


'Mar. 4. Daniel Edwin Sealey, born May 30, 1875, son of Sylvester and Mary Willets Sealey.
Mar.  5.   Adults
            Mrs. Phebe Gilbert,  
            Sarah A. Gilbert,
            Thomas F. Gilbert,
            Jennie. A. Wanser,
            Charles Norwood Stewart,
            Rebecca Skidmore,
            Augusta S. Painter,
May 18. Maggie Elizabeth Williamson Weeks, born April 1876, child of H. Luther and Maggie Rapelye Weeks, baptized at her mother's funeral.  
June 3. Mary Lavinia Barto, child of Obadiah and Lavanche Barto.
June   4. Carrie Elizabeth Randall,  
            Julia Henrietta Thompson,
            Henrietta Skidmore,
Aug. 20. Frederick Stoffel, son of William and Sabina Stoffel, born Oct. 1, 1-875.
Sept. 18.   Fred Mott, son of William M. and Lydia Smith Sealey.


Mar. 3. Perry Waterous, son of Joel B. and Fanny J. Hayden, born April 1, 1873.
June 24.   Edwin Fanning, son of Phebe J. Walker, born April 25, 1874.
Sept. 9.   Maggie Irene, daughter of Albert and Margaret Walker Losee, born July 2, 1876.
Dec.   1. Clara Anna, child of George and   Smith, of Mineola, born Aug. 27, 1873.


Jan. 26. Emma, child of John and Mary McKenzie, born June 11, 1876.
Mar.   19.
children of Charles H. and Elizabeth Ludlam Everitt.
    Ella Irving, 11 years old.
    Mabel, 7 years old,
    Isabel, 7 years old,
    Charles Alfred, 5 years old,
April 8. Maggie Clowes, daughter of Joseph W. C. and Emily Gould.
July 1. Joan, (in Brooklyn) daughter of Alexander and Annie Campbell Fraser, born May 12, 1878.
Sept. 16. Mabel Higbie, daughter of C. Fred and Lillian Simonson Skidmore, born April 1878.
Oct. 20.   Annie Christiana, daughter of Frank and Lena Vogelsang, born Oct. 20, 1877.
Dec. 29.
sons of Auten and Mary Florian
    Charles, born Oct. 24, 1875
    Edward, born Jan. 12, 1878


May 31.   Freddie Ballard, son of Elias C. and Mary E. Everitt.
July 13.   Alice, daughter of Rev. Franklin and Emma Prime Noble, baptized by Rev. Charles Noble.
            Ralph Noble, son of Joel B. and Fanny Hayden.


June 27.  Edith Price, daughter of Dr. Charles H. and Jennie W. Ludlum.
            Edward Nicholas Dodson, son of Mrs. Sarah B. Loper.
Nov.  7.  Mary, daughter of Robert and Amelia Hendrickson Seabury.
Nov. 10. Edna Augusta, daughter of Chas. W. and Addie Snedeker Agneau.



Nov. 15. Hattie Edna, infant of 3 mos., daughter of R. C. and Hattie Campbell.
Dec.   4.   Adolph, son of Adolph and Anna Lux, 2 yrs. and 3 mos.
Dec.   3. Alexand. G. Mendoza, Adult.
            Miss Minnie Meyer, Adult.


Mar.   4.   Adults
            Miss Roselia Montague,
            Annie Virginia Jennings,
            Ellen Margaret Jennings,
            Octavino Francis Thayer,
            Sarah Cornelia Meyers,
            Kate Henderson,
June   3.   Miss Clara Eloise Fleet,   Adults.
            Miss Josephine Ada Meyers,
June 13.   Mary De Forest Carpenter, daughter of Benjamin C. and Mary
            Jane Carpenter, age 6 mos.
Sept. 2. George Clements, Adult.  
Sept. 4. Caroline Laid Andrews, 4 mos., daughter of Joseph H., and Jane E. Andrews, Mineola.
            Frank Shaw, 4 mos., son of Samuel and Sarah Shaw, Mineola.
Nov.   I.   Mary Mersereau Davidson, 2 yrs. 5 mos., youngest daughter of John K. T. and Frances E. B. Davidson.
Nov. 28. Samuel Burt Morrell, I yr. and 5 mos., second child of George Stillwell and Phebe Anna Morrell, Mineola.


Feb. 17.   Annie Louise Rushmore, 4 yrs. 3 mos., fourth child of James D. and Katie J. Rushmore. .
Mar.   2.   Adults
            Maggie Bell Smith,
            Mary Louise Gracie,
            Irene Ronk,
            Jeanette White,
            Cornelia White,
July 15. Ethel May Cooper, infant daughter of Edward and Addie Cooper.
Aug. ___  Augusta Annie Reckonbeil.

Dec. 7. Miss Marie Louise Thompson, Adult.


Feb. 28.   Edward Harold Duryea, child of Nelson and Emeline C. Duryea, age 3 yrs. 5 mos.
Mar. 1 Edna Rebecca Seaman, Adult.  
            Edith May Conklin, Adult.
            Gussie Clowes, Adult.
            Bessie Howard Thompson, Adult.
April 9.
 infant daughters of Chas. Van Cott.
    Emma Catharine
    Madaline Elizabeth,
Dec. 20. Alfred James Myers.


Mar. 7. Mrs. Annie S. Snedeker.
            Mrs. Mary E. Watts.
Mar. 14.   Bessie Louise, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snedeker.
infant children of Mr and Mrs Sylvester Bedell .
    Sylvester Woodbridge
    Harriet Malinda,
June 6. Ida Frances Myers.
            Aletta Bedell Ryder.
            Mary Ann Osso.
            Elizabeth Birchell.
            Mary Bertha Schmidt, infant and only daughter of Mrs. Jennie Schmidt, of Mineola.
July 21.   Helen Ham Place, infant, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Place.
Sept. 12. Mary Hull Eldredge, infant, daughter of Henry and Mary Eldredge.
Nov.   I.   Howard Frost Van Nostrand, infant, son of Charles and Louise Van Nostrand of Garden City.
Dec. 12. Jessie Duryea, infant, daughter of Cornelius and Em. Duryea.
Dec.   5. Miss Clara B. Firth, of Mineola, Adult.


Jan. 20. Estelle May, infant daughter of Eugene and Henrietta Bond.
Mar. 6. Mrs. Jenette Post.
            Mrs. Henrietta Sibley.
            Miss Mary Elizabeth Shaw, Westbury.
Mar. 13.
children of Joseph A. and Caroline Shoudy
    Joseph Edwin,
June 5. Mrs. Julia Emily Birchell, of Mineola, Adult. Mrs. Susan Ann Totten.
June 12.
children of Mr.  and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Sprague
    Percival Woodbridge, .
    Theodore Wright,
            Frances Merrill, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gracy.
Sept. 18. Henrietta Louisa, infant daughter of John Mimno.
Oct. 20. Clinton Raymond Place, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Place, aged 7 mos.
Nov.   5.   Allen Shoudy Dunn, infant son of Rev. Chas. E. and Emma M. Dunn, aged 6 mos.
Dec.   4. Christine Agnes Spears, Adult. On her reception to Church. Mary Emma Nebee, Adult. On her reception to the Church.


Feb. 24. John Henry Gillespie, infant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie, in the employ of Mr. Winthrop of Westbury. 
April 8. Hilda Miriam Fish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Fish, born Dec. I5, 1886.
June 10.   Russell Vernon, infant son of Warren and Augusta Cruikshank, aged I9 mos.
children of Wm. F. and Sarah Eliz. Conklin.
    Elizabeth Suydam,
    Harriet Allen,
    Cornelia Duryea,
June 30. Franklin Elwood, infant son of Franklin Thurston.
Oct.   14.   Julia Adeline, infant daughter of Henry and Mary Eldredge.
Nov. 6. Edith,

Addie Morrell, t infant daughters of George and Kate Paynter. Catharine Marion,   children of Mr. and Mrs.   [Reg. 232]

Margaret Isabel,   ~   Alexander McClean.


July 24. Helen Dean, daughter of John D. Fish and Julia B. Fish.


Feb. 16. Ralph Willis, child of Richard W. and Catharine A. Rhodes.
April 29.   Edward, child of William and Annie E. Schilling.
May 25. Mrs. Annie Townsend U. Franklin, Adult.
children of Charles F. and   Annie   T.   U. Franklin
    Townsend Underhill, born June 11, 1885,
    Elizabeth Jackson, born Feb. 13, 1888, .
July 12. Rasmus Harry R,asmussen, born April 15, 1890, son of Hans Peter Rasmussen and Olivia Jansen.
Aug. 4. Frederick William, born Aug. 1, 1890, child of Joseph Thonet and Minnie Kent.
Oct.   5. Armenia Curtis Hendrickson, Adult. Florence Helene Minshull, Adult. Annie, daughter of Patrick Heavey and Jane McCullom, born Oct. 2, 1890.


June 7. Maude Louise Brownell, Adult.
June 14.   Hazel, born Jan. 14, 1891, child of J. K. Boyd and Emma Bedell. Gertrude Taber, born Aug. 20, 1890, child of Charles F. Franklin and Annie T. Underhill.
            Douglass Maynard, born Dec. 9, 1890, child of Warren Cruikshank and F. Augusta Minshull.
Aug.   4.
children of Freeman D. Hicks and Mary E. Greenwood
    Helen Barrett, born Oct. 16, 1894,
    Carrie D., born Nov. 6, 1886,   
    Freeman, born Aug. 31, 1890,
Sept 29
Children of George Ellison and Annie A. Nebee
    Nellie Maude born May 7 1881
    Mary Frances, born Dec 12 1887
    Martha Ame lia born Feb 22 1891
Janie Edna, born May 15, 1889, child of Lorenzo De Mott and Susie Doty.
Oct.   11.   Helen Chase, born May 1, 1891, child of C. F. Norton and Sarah Emma Mersereau.
Dec. 6. Mrs. Maria Pflug, Adult.
            Miss Harriet Elizabeth Oliver, Adult. Miss Minnie Lee Noon, Adult.
            Mrs. Carrie Jones, Adult.
Dec. 21.   William Alrick, born Sept. 5, 1891, child of John H. Van Doren and Elizabeth Mead.
Dec. 27. Walter Bennett, born Jan. 28, 1891, child of Richard W. and Catharine A. Rhodes.


Feb. 22.
children of Henry and Amelia de la Montagnie.
    Vincent, born Oct. 17, 1882,
    Gertrude Weekes, born Dec. 13, 1883,
    Henry, born April io, 1888,
    William, born June 21, 1891,
Mar. 2. Archibald Franklin, born Dec. 20, 1890, child of Thomas and Mary E. Watts.
April 3. Willis Jerome Downing, Adult. Jennie Bedell, Adult.
April 10.   Abram, born Sept. 7, 1882, son of James H. Bennett and Annie. May 13.   Daniel V., born July 30, 1886, son of Wm. B. Van Wickeler and Hannah C. Van De
Aug. 14. Frank Havens, born Jan. 24, 1892, son of Henry Eldredge and Mary, his wife.
            Frank Eugene, born July 1, 1892, son of Phillip Miller and Margaret Coleman.
Sept 18
children of Charles A. Bedell and Mary Volmer
    Annie May born March 26 1888
    Charles Francis, born NOV. 26, 1889
    George Wesley born Feb 13 1892
Oct. 23. Alfred Robinson, born Sept. 2o, 1891, child of Alfred Noon and Jane Ann Cox.


Jan.   8. Phillip Herman, born July 24, 1892, son of Herman Dein and Mary Merkel.
Feb.   9.   Thomas King, born Sept. 27, 18go,   children of Thomas Patterson Martha Ardell, born Oct. 14, 1892,   and Ella Phelan.
June 25. Cornelia Grace, born Jan. 21, 1893, child of Richard W. and Catherine A. Rhodes. Eleanor May, child of W. B. and A. Gertrude Lowden.
June 28.   Florence Christine,- born March 22, 1893, child of Joseph Rapp and Josephine Ganett.
Aug. 6. Mrs. Hannah Woodnut Emory, Adult.
Aug. 20.
children of George S and  Hannah W. Emory.
    Lloyd Searing Emory, born Oct. 12, 1889,   .
    Ruth Holloway Emory, born Nov. 9, 1891,
            Ethel May, born April 25, 1891, child of Alfred F. Golder and Elizabeth Birchell.
            Mabel De Mott, born Dec. 8, 1892, child of William Gartrell and Mary W. De Mott.
Aug. 22. Melville Eugene, born Jan. 13, 1893, child of William Louis Geisler and Clara Elizabeth Spoerl.