[Adopted by the Freemen, Freeholders, and inhabitants of the city and
county of New-York, on Saturday, the 29th of April, 1775, and transmitted
for signing, to all the counties in the Province.]
"Persuaded that the Salvation of the Rights and liberties of America,
depends, under God, on the firm union of its inhabitants, in a vigorous
prosecution of the measures necessary for its safety; and convinced of
the necessity of preventing the Anarchy and confusion, which attend the
dissolution of the powers of Government, we, the Freemen, Freeholders and
Inhabitants of............ being greatly alarmed at the avowed design of
the Ministry, to raise a Revenue in America, and shocked by
the bloody scene now acting in Massachusetts Bay, do, in the most Solemn
manner Resolve never to become Slaves, and do associate under all the ties
of Religion, honour and Love to our Country, to adopt and endeavor to carry
into execution, whatever measures may be recommended by the Continental
Congress, or resolved upon by our Provincial Convention, for the purpose
of preserving our Constitution, and opposing the execution of the several
arbitrary and appressive acts of the British Parliament, until a reconciliation,
between Great Britain and America, on Constitutional Principles, (which
we most ardently desire) can be obtained; and that we will in all things,
follow the advice of our General Committee, respecting the purposes aforesaid,
the preservation of Peace and Good Order, and the safety of individuals
and private property.
John Chatfield, Abraham Gardiner, Burnet Miller, David Mulford, Thomas
Wickham, Stephen Hedges, John Gardiner, Samuel Buel, John Hudson, Nathaniel
Huntting, Eleazar Miller, Jeremiah Dayton, Thomas Dibble, Noah Barnes,
Lemuel Mulford, Jeremiah Gardiner, Aaron Isaacs, Daniel Conkling, Elisha
Daviss, John Daviss, Jacob Wickham, William Conkling, Nathan Conkling,
John F. Chatelain, Thomas Hedges, John Parsons, 3d, William Huntting, John
Mulford, Jeremiah Bennet, Samuel Hunt, Selah Pike, Elias Conkling, Abraham
Mulford, Jeremiah Conkling, John How, Samuel Parsons, Benjamin Stratton,
David Osborne, Elisha Mulford, Daniel Hand, David Mulford, Matthew Mulford,
John Miller, John Dayton, Joseph Osborn, Jr., Ebenezer Conkling, Henry
Chatfield, John Miller, Jr., Abraham Barnes, Patrick Goold, David Talmadge,
Seth Barnes, Jason Miller, Simon Dibble, William Mulford, Jeremiah Sherril,
Gurdon Miller, Aaron Isaacs, Jr., Elisha Jones, Lewis Chatfield, Enos Talmadge,
Thomas Jones, Huntting Miller, Samuel Stratton, Abraham Sherrill, Recompense
Sherrill, John Stratton, Stephen Hand, John Dayton, Daniel Hedges, Jonathan
Barnby, William Conkling, Jr., David Dayton, David Miller, Henry Hopping,
Josiah Osborne, Joseph Hopping, John Strong, Nathaniel Talmadge,
Jeremiah Miller, Jr., Abraham Dimon, Isaac Dimon, Cornelius Osborne, William
Hedges, Elisha Talmadge, George Gladden, Abraham Hand, Stephen Stratton,
Thomas Osborne, Jeremiah Osborne, Jr., Jonathan Mulford, Isaac M. Huntting,
James Hand, Jeremiah Talmadge, Jeremiah Miller, George Strong, Lewis Osborne,
Joseph Osborne, William Hedges, Jr., Recompense Sherill, David Edwards,
Ezekiel Mulford, Cornelius Payne, David Fithian, SamuelConkling, Thomas
Baker, Isaac Van Scoy, Isaac Van Scoy, Jr., Nathaniel Hand, Matthew Barnes,
Philetus Osborne, Merry Parsons, William Parsons, Henry Downing, John Parsons,
Jonathan Osborne, Joseph Osborne, Jeremiah Conkling, Samuel Conkling, John
Mulford, Jonathan Tuthill, Jesse Dayton, Jacob Dayton, Jeremiah Parsons,
Mulford Conkling, Matthew Stratton, Joseph Miller, Abraham Edwards, Samuel
Parsons, Samuel Sherrill, Jr., Eleazar Hedges, Abraham Mulford, Jr., David
Loper, Nathaniel Dominy, Isaac Pain, Benjamin Parsons, Jacob Conkling,
Jacob Conkling, Jr., Christ Dibble, Samuel Gardiner, David Leek, Abraham
Leek, Samuel Dayton, Uriah Miller, Nathan Miller, Abraham Schellinger,
Jeremiah Conkling, Nathaniel Baker, Jeremiah Conkling, Zebulon Conkling,
Isaac Conkling, Jonathan Edwards, Abraham Loper, Philip Hedges, George
Miller, Thomas Edwards, Jr., Elias Mulford, Edward Conkling, Jedediah Conkling
Joseph Hicks, Zacheriah Hicks, Jeremiah Dayton, Daniel Baker, Isaac Schellinger,
Abraham Baker, Nathan Mulford, Jacob Hedges, Jeremiah Barnes, John Gardiner,
Jr., Aaron Fithian, David Talmage, Jr., Jeremiah Sherrill, Nathan Conkling,
3d, Elnathan Parsons, Cornelius Bassett, David Miller, Peleg Miller, Elisha
Miller, Daniel King, Daniel Edwards, Nathan Miller, Stephen Burnet, James
Field, Samuel Mulford, Benjamin Conkling, Gamaliel Bennett, Seth Parsons,
Richard King, Mulford Conkling, William Bassett, Ezekiel Miller, John Huntting,
Abraham Quaw, David Loper, John King, Ichabod Rayner, Smith Osborne, Abraham
Miller, Jonathan Miller, Samuel Mulford, Ezekiel Jones, Ezekiel Jones,
Jr., Nathan Conkling, Daniel Loper, Jeremiah Loper, David Edwards, Jr.,
Edward Bennett, Ludlam Parsons, John Parsons, Josiah Mulford, Elisha Mulford,
Jr., Stephen Russell, Jeremiah Hedges, Thomas Talmage, Jeremiah Osborne,
John Hedges, Samuel Hutchinson, Jacob Miller, Henry Miller, Ezekiel Hand,
Abraham Conkling, Elisha Conkling, Elisha Osborne, Matthew Osborne, Jedediah
Osborne, Jacob Osborne, Benjamin Hopping, Jonathan Squier, Jeremiah Hand,
John Talmage, Abraham Osborne, Henry Hopping, Elias Hand, Henry Dayton,
Zebedee Osborne, John Parsons, John Stratton, Jacob Sherrill, Samuel Baker,
Micah Hart, Benjamin Leek, Abraham Hedges, Jacob Osborne, Jonathan Schellinger,
Thomas Edwards, David Baker, Sineus Conkling, James Loper, Stephen Cooper,
Jr., Benjamin Eyres, Benjamin Hedges, John Parson, 4th, Nathaniel Dominy,
Edward Wick, Jeremiah Terry, William Barnes, Ananias Miller, Thomas Filer,
John Hoox.
"These may certify that every male in the Town of East-Hampton have
signed the above Association, that are capable of bearing arms.
By Order of the Committee,
1650, Oct. Thos. Talmage, Jr. chosen Secretary; Robert Bond, John Mulford
and Thos. Baker Committee.
1651, October 7, John Mulford, Robert Bond and Thos. Baker, Magistrates;
Ralph Dayton, Constable; Benjamin Price, Secretary.
1652, October, probably John Mulford, Ralph Dayton and Robert Bond,
and also John Hand, Thos. Baker, Tho. Chatfield and Benj Price.
1653, October 4, John Mulford, Thomas Baker and John Hand; Benjamin
Price, Secretary; Thos. Osborne, Sr., Constable.
1654, October 3, Robert Bond, Lion Gardiner and Thomas Baker; Wm. Edwards,
Constable; Luke Lillie, Secretary. Assistants, John Mulford, Ralph Dayton,
Annanias Conklin and Luke Lillie.
1655, October 3, John Mulford, Thomas Baker and Lion Gardiner; Richard
Stratton, Constable; probably Luke Lillie, Secretary.
1656, October 7, Lion Gardiner, John Mulford, Robert Bond; Richard
Stratton, Constable; Thomas Talmage, Secretary.
1657, October 6, John Mulford, Thos. Baker and John Hand; Wm. Mulford,
Constable; Thos. Talmage, Secretary. ("Consent of the church," 116.)
1658, October 27, probably John Mulford, Thos. Baker and John Hand;
Thos. Osborn, Jr. Constable; Benjamin Price, Secretary. (Isaac Hedges Lot
Feb. 6, 1660.)
1660, February 5, John Mulford, Thos. Baker, Robert Bond, Magistrate;
Jeremy Meacham, Constable; Ben Price, Recorder.
1661, February 4, John Mulford, Thos. Baker, Robert Bond; Robert Dayton,
Constable; Benj. Price, Recorder.
1662, October 28, Robert Dayton, Thomas Thompson, Richard Stratton,
Mr. Gardiner and Stephen Osborn.
1662, February 3, Thomas Baker, Robert Bond, John Mulford; John Osborne,
Constable; Benj. Price, Recorder.
1663, February 23, Thos. Talmage, Thos. Osborne. Robt. Dayton; Benjamin
Price, Recorder; Stephen Hedges, Constable.
1664, December 21, the same.
1664, February 23, Wm. Edwards, Wm. Mulford and John Osborne; Richard
Brookes, Constable; Ben. Price, Recorder,
1665, April 6, Wm. Edwards, Wm. Mulford, John Osborne, Jeremy Meacham,
John Stratton, Tho. Thomson and Jeremy Conklin. Overseers; Thomas Chatfield,
1666, May 2, Wm. Mulford, John Stratton, Jeremiah Conkling, Thomas
Thomson, Overseers; John Osborne, Constable; Richard Stratton, Thomas Baker,
Thomas Osborne, Jr., Robert Bond and Stephen Hedges, Overseers.
1667, April 1, Robert Dayton and Wm. Fithian, Overseers and Thomas
Baker, Constable. July, Jeremiah Osborne, Secretary.
1667-8, Feb. 25, Thomas Osborne, Richard Stratton and Robert Dayton,
Overseers; Samuel Mulford, Recorder.
1669, John Mulford, Justice of the Peace.
1670, the same, and Thos. Talmage, Recorder.
1671, March 21, John Mulford, Justice; Thos. Talmage, Recorder.
1672, September 18. the same.
1673, the same.
1673, Aug. 22, John Mulford, Lieut. Thos. Talmage, John Stretton, Sr.,
Richard Stretton, Magistrates.
1674, April 1, Jeremiah Conkling, Thomas Chatfield, Sen. and Robert
Dayton, Selectmen; Steven Hand, Constable.
1676, April 1, Thomas Chatfield and Jeremiah Conkling, Overseers; Joseph
Osborne, Constable; Thos. Chatfield, Town Clark and Recorder.
1677, December 27, Thos. Talmage, Recorder.
1677, February 17, Joseph Osborne, Constable.
1678, April 2, Robert Dayton, Nathl. Bishop, Overseers; Benjamin Conkling,
1679, April 1, John Miller, Sen., Steven Hedges, Overseer, and Thomas
Chatfield, Sen., Constable; Thos. Talmage, Recorder.
1680, April 2, Thomas Osborn, Jr. and Jeremiah Conkling, Overseers;
Stephen Hand, Constable; Samuel Mulford, Recorder.
1681, April 2, John Stratton, Sen. and John Mulford, Jr. Overseers;
Benj. Conkling, Constable; Samuel Mulford, Recorder.
1682, April 2, Cap. Josiah Hobbert and William Miller, Overseers, and
Samuel Fithian, Constable; Thomas Talmage, Recorder. 1683, April 2, Robert
Dayton and John Kirle, Overseers; Benjamin Osborne and probably Thos. Talmage,
1684, April 1, Capt. Josiah Hobart, William Miller and John Kirle,
Overseers; also Samuel Parsons, Enoch Fithian and John Hoppin. John Parsons,
1686, April 1, Ensign Samuel Mulford, Lieut. John Wheeler and Benjamin
Conkling chosen "Commissioners for ye trial of small cases" and "Overseers
or Selectmen." John Mulford, Constable, probably Thos. Talmage, Recorder.
1687, April 5, Jeremiah Miller, Jeremiah Conkling, Sr., Thomas Chatfield,
Jr. Commissioners; Enoch Fithian, Nathaniel Talmage, Constables; probably
Thomas Talmage, Recorder.
1688, April 3, John Mulford, Lieut. John Wheeler, Mr. Thomas Baker,
Commissioners; Benjamin Conkling, Steven Stretton, Constables; probably
Thomas Talmage, Recorder.
1689, April 2d, Daniel Bishop and John Stretton, Constables; probably
Thomas Talmage, Recorder.
1691, April 7, Richard Shaw, Cornelius Conkling, Constables; probably
Samuel Mulford, Justice, and Thos. Talmago, Recorder.
1692, April 5, Samuel Mulford, Justice: Thomas Chatfield, Recorder;
for Constables Cornelius Stratton and John Squire.
1693, April 4, John Mulford and Enoch Fithian, Constables.
1693, Sept. 10, Thomas Chatfield chosen Supervisor.
1694, April 3, probably Benjamin Conkling Justice and Thos. Chatfield,
1694, Oct. 4, Mr. John Mulford, Lieut. Enoch Fithian, Constables and
John Mulford, Supervisor.
1695, April 2, John Wheeler and Samuel Parsons, Jun. Constables;
probably Thos. Chatfield Recorder and John Mulford Justice
1696, April 7, Constables Seth Parsons, Richard Shaw; probably Thos.
Chatfield, Recorder.
1696, November, Benj Conkling, Justice.
1697, April 6, Daniel Osborn and John Hedges, Constables; probably
Thos. Chatfield, Recorder.
1698, April 5, Samuel Filer, Ebenezer Leek, Constables.
1698, Oct. 3, Capt. Wheeler, Supervisor; probably Thos. Chatfield,
Town Clerk.
1699, April 4, Ebenezer Leek and William Edwards, Constables; Thos.
Chatfield, Treasurer and Town Clerk; Samuel Mulford, Justice.
1700, April 2, Ebenezer Leek and William Barnes, Constables; Abraham
Schellenx, Supervisor; probably Thomas Chatfield, Clerk.
1701, April 1, Probably Josiah Hobart Justice, Thomas Chatfield Supervisor
and Recorder, Eperaim Edwards and Matthias Burnat Constables, Josiah Hobart
Justice, John Wheeler Justice.
1702, April 7, John Mulford, Supervisor; Robert Hudson and John Hossinton,
Constables; Thomas Chatfield, Town Clerk; Josiah Hobart, Justice.
1703, April 6, John Mulford, Supervisor; Thomas Edwards and Samuel
Hedges, Constables; Josiah Hobart, Justice; Thomas Chatfield, Recorder;
John Mulford, Justice; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; John Wheeler, Justice.
1704, April 4, Capt. Wheeler, Supervisor; Ebenezer Leek and Ebenezer
Belden, Constables; Thomas Chatfield, Recorder and Town Clerk; Josiah Hobart
and John Wheeler, Justices.
1705, April 3, Cornelius Conkling, Sapervisor; Robert More and John
Jones, Constables; Thomas Chatfield, Recorder and Town Clerk; John Wheeler,
Justice, and also Josiah Hobart.
1706, April 2, Capt. Wheeler, Supervisor; William Edwards and Robert
Parsons, Constables; Thos. Chatfield, Town Clerk.
1707, April 1, John Wheeler, Supervisor; Ebenezer Leek and Joshua Garlick,
Constables; Thos. Chatfield, Town Clerk; Jacob Baillergeau, Justice, and
Josiah Hobart, probably.
1708, April 6, Capt. Wheeler, Supervisor; Isaac Mulford and Daniel
Miller, Constables; Thos. Chatfield, Town Clerk; Josiah Hobart, Justice.
1709, April 5, Capt. John Wheeler, Supervisor; Abiel Carle and Thomas
Talmage, Constables; Thos. Chatfield, Town Clerk and Cornelius Conkling;
Justice, Josiah Hobart.
1710, April 4, Capt. Wheeler, Supervisor; David Wells, John Mulford,
Jr., Constables; Thos. Chatfield. Town Clerk; Josiah Hobart, Justice.
1711, April 3, Capt. Wheeler, Supervisor; Nathl. Dominy and Eliakim
Conkling, Constables; Thos. Chatfield, Town Clerk; probably John Mulford,
1712, April 1, Capt. John Wheeler, Supervisor; Thomas Chatfield and
William Hedges, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk;
1713, April 7, Capt. John Wheeler, Supervisor; Nathan Miller and Aaron
Fithian, Constables; Robert Hudson and Capt. Burnit to supervise intestate
estates; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Matthias Burnett, Justice.
1714, April 6, Capt. Wheeler, Supervisor; Wm. Edwards and Thomas Osborne,
Jr., Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; probably Matthias Burnett
and John Mulford, Justices.
1715, April 4, Capt. Wheeler, Supervisor; Aron Fithiah and Daniel Osborn,
Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Matthias Burnett. Justice.
1716, April 3, Capt. Wheeler, Supervisor; Isaac Mulford and John Conkling,
Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Matthias Burnet, Justice and
Robt. Hudson.
1717, April 2, Capt. John Wheeler, Supervisor: Benjamin Townsend and
Thomas Dibble, Constables; Corneliua Conkling, Town Clerk; Robert Hudson,
1718, April 1, Capt. Matthias Burnet, Supervisor; Edward Petty and
John Merry, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Robert Hudson,
1719, April 7, Capt. Matthias Burnet, Supervisor; Wm. Osborn and Ephriam
Burnet, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Robert Hudson, Justice.
1720, April 5, Capt. Matthias Burnett, Supervisor; John Squire and
Stephen Hand, Jr., Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk.
1721, April 4, Capt. Matthias Burnet, Supervisor; Cornelius Conkling,
Town Clerk; Nathl. Baker, Jr. and John Stratton, Jr., Constables; Robert
Hudson, Justice.
1722, April 3, Capt. Matthias Burnet, Supervisor; Thos. Mulford, Jr.
and Recompense Leek, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Robert
Hudson, Justice.
1723, April 2, Capt. Matthias Burnet, Supervisor; Eliphalet Stratton
and Daniel Jones, Constabies; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Thomas Chatfield,
1724, April 7, Capt. Matthias Burnet, Supervisor; Samuel Baker and
Daniel Baker, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Thos. Chatfield,
1725, April 6, Capt. Burnet, Supervisor; John Conkling and Aron Fithian,
Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk.
1726, April 5, Capt. Burnet Supervisor; Samuel Parsons, Jr. and Samuel
Conkling, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk.
1727, April 4, Capt. Matthias Burnet, Supervisor; Josiah Miller and
Cornelius Conkling, Jr., Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; probably
Matthias Burnet, Justice.
1728, April 2, Capt. Matthias Burnet, Supervisor; John Stretton, Jr.
and Nathan Dayton, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk and Thomas
Chatfield, Justice.
1729, April 1, Capt. Matthias Burnet, Supervisor; Joseph Hix and Isaac
Hedges, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Matthias Burnet, Justice.
1730, April 7, Capt. Matthias Burnett, Supervisor; Joseph Hicks and
Jacob Schellinx, Constables; Cornelius Conk ling, Town Clerk; Matthias
Burnett, Justice.
1731, April 6, Capt. Matthias Burnett, Supervisor; Geo. Smith and Seth
Parsons, Constables.
1732, April 4, Capt. Burnet, Supervisor; Timothy Hudson and Joseph
Hicks, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Matthias Burnett, Justice.
1733, April 3, Capt. Matthias Burnett, Supervisor; Joseph Hicks and
Eliakim Conkling, Constables; Matthias Burnet, Justice; Cornelius Conkling,
Town Clerk.
1734, April 2, Capt. Matthias Burnett, Supervisor; Joseph Hicks and
Eliakim Conkling, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Thos. Chatfield,
Justice. 1735, April 1, Capt. Matthias Burnett, Supervisor; Joseph Hicks
and Eliakim Conkling, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Thos.
Chatfield, Juctice.
1736, April 6, Capt. Burnett, Supervisor; Joseph Hicks and Samuel Parsons,
Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Matthias Burnett, Justice.
1737, April 5, Capt. Matthias Burnett, Supervisor; Joseph Hicks and
Samuel Parsons, Jr., Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk.
1738, April 4, Capt. Matthias Burnett, Supervisor; Samuel Parsons.
Jr. and Joseph Hicks, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; probably
Thos. Chatfield, Justice.
1739, April 3, Eleazer Miller, Supervisor; Joseph Hicks and Nathan
Conkling, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk; Thomas Chatfield,
1740, April 1, Eleazer Miller, Supervisor; John Parsons 4th and Nathan
Conkling, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk.
1741, April 7, Thomas Chatfield, Supervisor; Benjamin Leek and Nathan
Conkling, Constables; Burnet Miller, Town Clerk; Thomas Chatfield, Judge.
1742, April 6, Thos. Chatfield, Supervisor; Ananias Conkling and Nathan
Conkling, Constables; Thomas Chatfield, Judge; Cornelius Conkling, Town
1743, April 5, Thomas Chatfield, Supervisor; Jonathan Baker, Jr. Ananias
Conkling and Henry Dayton, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk.
1744, April 3, Cornelius Conkling, Jr., Supervisor; Adam Cady and Annanias
Conkling, Constables; Cornelius Conkling, Town Clerk.
1745, April 2, Cornelius Conkling, Jr., Supervisor; Adam Cady and Thomas
Dibble, Jr., Constables.
1746, April 1, Cornelius Conkling, Supervisor; Beriah Dayton, Jr. and
John Parsons, 3d, Constables.
1747, April 7, Cornelius Conkling, Jr., Supervisor; Burnet Miller,
Town Clerk; Beriah Dayton and Simon Conkling, Constables.
1748, April 5, Cornelius Conkling, Jr., Supervisor; Beriah Dayton and
Timothy Mulford, Constables; Burnet Miller, Town Clerk.
1749, April 4, Cornelius Conkling, Supervisor; Beriah Dayton and Abraham
Mulford, Constables; Burnet Miller, Town Clerk;
1750, April 3, Cornelius Conkling, Supervisor; Beriah Dayton and Thomas
Osborn, Constables; Burnet Miller, Town Clerk.
Cornelius Conklin, 1750, '51, '52, '53, '54, '55, '56, '57, '58, '59,
'60, '62, '63.
Capt. Isaac Barnes, 1761. Burnet Miller, 1764, '65, '66, '67, '69,
'70, '71, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76.
Col. Abraham Gardiner, 1768.
Nathaniel Dominy, 1777, '78, '79.
Ezekiel Mulford, 1780, '81, '82, '83, '84.
Capt. John Dayton, 1785, '86, '87, '88.
Abraham Miller, 1789, '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '99.
Jonathan Dayton, 1798.
Abraham Miller, 1800, '03, '04, '05.
Jonathan Dayton, 1801, '02, '06, '07, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, '13,
'14, '15.
Jonathan S. Conkling, 1816, '17, '18, '19, '20, '21, '22, 2'3, '24,
David Hedges, Jr., 1826. '36, '37, '38, '39,
Abraham Parsons, 1827, '28.
Abel Huntington, 1829, '30, '31, '32, '44.
Daniel Dayton, 1833.
Felix Dominy, 1834, '35.
Charles H. Miller, 1840, '41, '42, '43.
Samuel B. Gardiner, 1845.
George L. Huntington, 1846, '47, '48, '49.
1841, June 1. A whale was seen in Gardiner's Bay to-day.
June 16. The ship Henry sailed to-day; D. Youngs, captain; Geo Brown
and Henry Conklin, mates; William Hunting, boatsteerer.
July 28. A whale was killed off Amagansett day before yesterday.
Oct. 3. Heavy blow from the east; greatest wind experienced in 25 years.
Nov. 8. In the moraing snow; during the day very dark; required candles
Nov. 10. Ellis Parsons died, aged 85 years.
Dec. 9. Thanksgiving Day.
1842, June 8. Cold for the season; some ice formed last night at Freetown.
Aug. 2. Yesterday the corner stone of the Presbyterian church in Bridge-Hampton
was laid.
Sept. 25. Mr. Livingston and Mr. Henry Hedges delivered addresses to
the Sabbath School. Oct. 14. Mr. Jeremiah Dayton's house burnt with all
its contents
1843, Jan. 17. The new Presbyterian church at Bridge-Hampton was dedicated
Feb. 15. This day, according to the predictions of the Israelite, is
the day when the dissolution of the world is to take place. But nothing
at present has occurred to the natural eye in the heavens above or on the
earth beneath. Everything assumes the same appearance.
June 15. To-day the corner stone of the new Presbyterian church in
Sag-Harbor was laid.
July 4. Celebration in East-Hampton to-day.
Aug. 30, Wednesday. To-day Doctor Lyman Beecher administered the Sacrament.
It was indeed a very solemn, interesting and delightful occasion. His two
sons were also present. Their parting addresses, winged with much Christian
love and affection, will long be remembered, and as this day was appointed
as a day for visitation of neighboring ministers, no less than 9 or 10
were present. The day is pleasant, although warm. Doctor Beecher preached
from Luke 7th Ch. 36 to 48 vs.
Dec. 14. Thanksgiving.
1844, Feb. 6. The wife of Isaac VanScoy died to-day, aged 84 years.
Aug. 6. Mr. Ezekiel Payne died to-day, aged 92 years. " 11. Joseph
Osborn, Sr., died to-day, aged 90 years.
Sept.10. Abraham Parsons died to-day, aged 73 years. " 14. E. G. Hedges
left for the west. H. P. Sherrill left for the west yesterday.
1845, Sept. 25. Ex-President Tyler and his lady visited East-Hampton
Oct. 3. General Training in East Hampton to day.
Dec 31. Twenty-eight deaths in East-Hampton in 1845.
1846, Sept. 19. Gov. Wright and Mr. Flagg, comptroller of the State
are visiting East-Hampton.
Oct. 14. The most heavy wind I ever knew--many fences blown down.
Nov. 30. Unusually high winds this month. A number of wrecks along
our shore. The steamer Atlantic cast ashore on Fishers Island.
Dec. 31. 31 deaths in 1846.
1847, Jan. 22. Killed a whale off Amagansett yesterday.
Mar. 25. Killed a whale off Wainscott to-day.
Apr. 13. Killed a whale to-day.
Apr. 14. Took a whale at Bridge-Hampton this morning: also one at Southampton.
These make six whales taken in two days. A great show of whales off the
coast, such as has not been known for many years.
May 1. Went on board a ship which is ashore opposite Bridge-Hampton.
Dec. 31. 28 deaths in 1847. 1848, March 1. To-day a Parish meeting
was held for the purpose of incorporating the Society and calling it the
First Presbyterian Church of East-Hampton. Six trustees were chosen as
follows: Stephen Hedges, Baldwin C. Talmage, David H. Huntting, Sylvester
D. Ranger, David H. Miller and Talmage Barnes.
March 2. A whale captured off Amagansett.
March 13. Vendue at Montauk off the wreck of a schooner,
Sept. 13. Abraham P. Sherrill and family left here to-day for the far
west. Also George Cook for Brooklyn.
Dec. 31. 26 deaths in 1848.
1849, Jan. 31. A bull was butchered by John Hedges which weighed 1,604
1/2 pounds.
Feb. 16. Thermometer stood 40 below zero last night. 28 deaths in 1849.
1850, May 6. A ship came on shore at Montauk loaded with coal.
1851, Aug. 23. The ship Catherine, of Liverpool, from Dublin, with
near 300 passengers came ashore last night off Amagansett.
1852, July 28. Ex-President Martin Van Buren and his son John came
in town this afternoon.
1853, Feb. 17. A schooner went ashore at Napeague last night.
1854, Nov. 10. The French ship Virgin Mary came ashore at the highland
and loaded with emigrants.
1856, Feb. 4. Thermometer 2 below zero this morning. The ocean frozen
for nearly two miles from shore.
Feb. 5. Ice piled up 7 to 10 feet high.
Feb. 6. People are crossing from Gardiner's Island on the ice.
Nov. 20. Samuel Mulford and Cynthia Lester were married in the Presbyterian
Church to-day. The first marriage that ever took place there.
Dec. 14. A brig came ashore on Montauk this afternoon.
1858, Feb. 21. A ship came ashore at Montauk yesterday.
Feb. 23. Eleven bodies have been picked up along shore from the wrecked
ship John Milton.
May 4. The schooner A. L. Hardy came ashore last night.
Oct. 11. Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett died to-day, aged 99 years.
1859, April 1. The first daily mail stage from Amagansett to Sag-Harbor
commenced running to-day--Jeremiah Baker contractor.
Aug. 21. Mr. Charles Beecher, a son of Rev. Doctor Lyman Beecher, preached
1860, Feb. 21. Amagansett has this day formally withdrawn from our
June 7. To-day the Sag-Harbor Savings Bank commenced operations. There
were 26 deposits amounting to $729.75.
Feb. 18. The corner stone of the Presbyterian Church in Amagansett
was laid to-day.
Aug. 4. The corner stone of the new church was laid at 1/2 past 2 this
afternoon. Dec. 28. Wires were put on the telegraph poles between Sag-Harbor
and E. H. to-day.
1861, May 17. Erecting a Liberty Pole in front of Samuel B. Gardiner's
and Nathaniel Huntting's.
May 21. This afternoon the United Stages flag was raised on our Liberty
Pole. Speeches by Rev. S. L. Mershon, John Wallace and Lawton S. Parsons.
1863, Aug. 6. Gen. George B. McLellan, former commander of the Army
of the Potomac arrived here to-day, stopping with Capt. Jeremiah Mulford.
1864, Jan. 27. Killed a whale to-day.
It would be a mistake to credit East-Hampton with little wit. Few villages
would surpass it, in condensed epigram, quaint humor, and sparkling repartee.
Some anecdotes of Dr. Buell have been noticed. The following, it is believed,
was never printed:
In crossing from Gardiner's Island to the Fire Place, a severe gale
endangered the safety of the Dr. and his grandson, when the Doctor oxpressed
great alarm for his life. After landing, the former said to the latter,
"Why should you be so much afraid of drowning? If you died you would go
right to heaven." "I know it," he answered, "but I don't wont to go to
heaven by water."
Tradition attributes to Huntting Miller the saying "Nobody was ever
married, but somebody was mad," and "Nobody ever died, but somebody was
When Jeremiah Dayton, driving stage, offered to give Sam Parsons a
ride homeward, Sam replied, "I can't stop. I'm in a hurry."
When some one wondered how Bob Hedges got the credit of keeping the
stillest school in the County, Bob said, "I had but one scholar, and he
was asleep."
When East-Hampton was rocked as in a sea over the question "shall an
exhibition be held in Clinton Academy?" it was decided against the ominous
forebodings of the old, that it be held. On the early morning of the next
day, tradition tells of a terrific hurricane, that blew off the roofs from
houses, broke off gigantic limbs, overthrew majestic trees, drove the waves
of mighty ocean into Hook Pond, and joined it with Town Pond. Looking from
her window on the wide desolation, and the raging storm, an old maiden
lady said, "This is some of that plaguey 'Cademy work."
The Inspectors of Election in early times, sat to receive votes in
the villages, and for that purpose were at Wainscott, when Abraham Parsons,
Esq., one of the board, enquired after a missing beast, describing age,
color and mark, when John Strong, an old Revolutionary soldier, said, "Yes,
I know such a critter; Continental has got him." "Who is he!" said the
Esquire. Strong replied, "Elisha Osborn." "Why do you call him Continental?"
was asked, and was answered, "Because he is just like Continental money;
he is good for nothing." There were two Elisha Osborns, one of whom in
the Revolution fled to Connecticut (the continent), and to distinguish
them was called "Continental." He was a worthy man, and brother-in-law
to John Strong.
East-Hampton was a world in miniature. Her citizens had troubles, real
or imaginary. The old lady to whom one said, "I suppose you have no troubles,"
replied, "Yes, I do. In spite of me, the black hen will set on the white
hen's nest."
It was a bitter cold night, when Dr. Geo. L. Huntington found Sam.
Parsons in the street overcome with liquor, and took him in his carriage
to Sam's front gate, pointing him to the door and in a fair way to reach
it. As the Doctor was leaving, Sam says, "Doctor stop." The Doctor says,
"What is it?" Sam, just able to articulate, says, "Doctor, do you think
you are sober enough to get home without my help?" Poor Sam! With ability
to attain eminence, one weakness made him a wreck.
Mrs. Helen Stratton relates this of Abel Huntington, when in Congress.
Having occasion to visit the room of a member from Connecticut, who had
therefrom a barrel of apples, (none of which he had given to his fellow
members) he saw a large one on the table. He cut off the top, scooped out
all the inner part, inserting in the hole this squib:
The owner of the apple, the next day, opened the door of the Doctor's room and threw the scooped apple at his room mate, not dreaming that the Doctor was from the State of Connecticut and the guilty one. In the memories of my youth, the robust form of chorister Joe Dimon often lises up. I hear his pitch pipe, remember how he called "Windham," and sung the fearful lines commencing:
It seemed then, and seems now, as if the theological sieve of Dr. Watts
was exceeding fine, yet not much more so than that of the old egotist who
said, "There are but two men in East-Hampton who will not lie; I am one,
and Dr. Buell is the other; and Dr. Buell will equivocate."
A list of those who served, by land or sea, in the
war for the maintenance of the Union of the United States, from the Town
of East-Hampton,
compiled chiefly by the aid of Clothier H. Vaughn and Geo. C. Morris:
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