Union Cemetery A through Q

By Elaine Moffitt Short on Monday, February 9, 2015



         The Union Cemetery is located in Middle Island NY across from the old Middle Island Presbyterian Church on Middle Country Road at the intersection of Church Lane.
         The Cemetery originally was a part of a large farm belonging to Stephen Swezey, of Brookhaven, who, on July 14, 1747 sold the same to his son James. James died. In May 1809 John Van Brunt to Abel Wooster conveyed the tract for $1650. In 1810 it was sold to Joshua Swezey, who, in 1839 sold to William Phillips, Mordecai Homan and Apollos A. Mills. The cemetery was used as a family burial ground and soon shared with the          Presbyterian Church where they buried many of their members.
Those interred in Union paint a picture of the history of Middle Island, Coram and Ridge, with burial plots of many of the local families including Bayles, Davis, Randall, Swezey, Edwards, Homan, Petty, and many more. Buried in Union are local veterans of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars as well as World War I, and World War II. Doctors, lawyers, educators, politicians, government officials, Ministers, farmers, skilled laborers, business owners, firefighters and police officers including one fireman and one police officer who died in the line of duty are buried there. Many children died way to early and are buried with their siblings and parents. Along with those who died of natural causes, The cemetery is home to accident victims, weather related deaths, drowning’s and, yes even a murder or two.
         The cemetery is still active, a resting place for local residents including several Estonians that immigrated to the Middle Island area in the 1940's and 1950s
What I am trying to do is, besides just listing their names as has been done on a few occasions, I hope to research their lives and give them more than a name on a granite marker. This is a project that takes a lot of research from local newspaper archives, local history that has been compiled by such individuals as Thomas Bayles, Paul Infranco and local historic societies and the wealth of information found at the Longwood Library, and by you, those who may have additional information to share. It’s my task to put it all together so it somehow makes sense. be patient, more info will be posted in the near future




ADAMS, GEORGE,  1877-1946 age 69


ADAMS, IDA,  1893-1971 age 78


AHRLICH, HERTA,  Born May 30 1908 Died April 13 1974 age 65, Middle Island resident

ALBIN, EARL,  was born December 22 1909 and died November 15 1999 Age 89. He served in World War II as a PFC in the Army 

ALBIN, GEORGE,  Died 1932 age 64, married Alice Edwards from Swezeytown (Middle Island) in 1897 and built a house there, the house still stands. They raised a son Leroy.


ALBIN, LEROY, "ROY",  was born in 1905 who graduated from New York University and began teaching Sept. 1929 in the new East Middle Island Schoolhouse (District # 17). After four years he became an English teacher in the Port Jefferson High School. He lived in the home that his parents built in Swezeytown Road. On July 7, 1942 Leroy was inducted into the Army and reported to Camp Upton, Long Island on July 21. After 3 days there he was sent to Camp Gruber, Oklahoma which had opened in May 1942. In July the 88th Infantry Division began training there and LeRoy was assigned to Company D in the 349th Regiment. Company D was a heavy weapons company and Roy achieved the rank of Sergeant. He was home on a 10 day furlough in December and remained in Camp Gruber until May 28, 1943 when he qualified for the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) which had began that month. The ASTP was a controversial program under which qualified men were sent to college to study engineering and other technical subjects. He remained in the Army until August 1945, during that time he also attended college at A&M in Oklahoma and Purdue in Indiana. He returned to his position as English teacher at Port Jefferson High School and remained there until his retirement. He died in 1976 at the age of 71.


ALLEN, ADA AMELIA,  was born June 7 1868 and died July 16 1943 at the age of 75. Wife of Reverend Frederick Allen, they were married in New Haven Connecticut


ALLEN, FREDERICK E.,  Died in 1930 at the age of 79 at his home in Port Jefferson. A graduate of Rutgers University he was Pastor of Southaven Presbyterian Church.


AMSLER, NANCY,  Died on November 12, 2008. Wife of Donny. Loving mother of Ted, Dana and Dawn. Cherished grandmother of Ashley and Dakota




ALVAREZ, JOSE  died June 2003


ANELLO, JOSEPH,  was born on June 4 1922 in Nassau County. When he was 15 years old and living in Franklin Square his father died. He left school and got a job setting pins for 2 1/2 cents each, to help bring money to help support his mother and sister during the depression. He joined the Merchant Marines in World War II where he delivered supplies to Allied troops and ferried injured soldiers back to their bases, his ship was stationed off the coast of Normandy. He worked for Newsday from 1966 to 1986 as a circulation district manager. He and his wife and two children lived in Centereach and St. James, He died in December of 2010 at St. Catherine's Hospital in Smithtown of cardiac arrest. 


ANELLO, LUCILLE NORDMARK,  was born March 11 1923, she met her husband of 63 years while both were elementary school in Franklin Square. she died April 12 2008 at the age of 85


ANTSMAN, OSCAR,  1908-1979


ANTSMAN, OLGA,  1912-1983


ARMSTRONG, ANDREW,  Died in October 19, 1961 at the age of 62. He suffered a fatal heart attack while driving along Northern State Parkway in Plainview with his wife. The car veered off the road and hit a guard rail. His wife was not hurt. He was survived by his wife Margaret and daughter Eleanor. The Armstrongs lived in Shoreham and New York City. They were married in 1922.


ARMSTRONG, MARGARET,  Born in 1897 and died February 5 1984,age 87. Wife of the late Andrew. Formally of Shoreham. She was survived by two sisters, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren 


ATLAS, AIME KASSIK,  Born September 11, 1929 in Tallin, Estonia, the largest city and capitol of Estonia. She fled to Sweden in 1944 and came to the United States ten years later. Attending Upsala College and Pratt Institute in New York. Mrs Atlas was senior librarian at Pilgrim Psychiatric Center in Brentwood for 19 years, gaining the respect of fellow employees as well as patients. She was one of four librarians in the country chosen to develop criteria for library services for Physciatric Hospitals. She also worked part time at half Hollow Hills Community Library. She died January 4th 1989 after a five year battle with liver cancer at Sloan Kettering Hospital in Manhatten. She was married to Paul, a son and her mother Elsie Kassik survived her.


BACH,HENRY,  was born on November 23 1892 and lived in Holtsville at the time of his death Died February 1, 1966 age 73.


BACH, MARTHA,  1897-1977


BACH, RICHARD L.,  1927-1975


BACZENSKY, ETHEL,  of Coram Died Oct 14 1959 age 50 at Southshore Convalescent home Patchogue. She was the first wife of Captain Jacob Baczensky, Brookhaven Town Police Captain. She was a Prominent member of Brookhaven Town Republican Committe and Co-Chair for 25 years and a member of the Coram Fire Department Ladies Auxillary


BADEAU, DAVID,  1884-1955


BADEAU, EMMA M., 1884-1980


BAILEY, CHARITY ACKERLY,  Wife of John. Died November 1783 age 40


BAILEY, JOHN, was born in Setauket in 1744, and died in 1802 age 59. he married Charity Ackerly. After her death he was married again to Temperence.  John fathered six children


BAILEY, RUTH,  Died 1781 3 years old, the daughter of John and Charity. One of six children.


BALLAS, ANNA,  Died 1949 age 65


BAXTER, CHARLES,  Died in February 9th 1931 at the age of 91. The Port Jefferson resident was a Civil War Veteran 34th Independent Battery NY Light Artillery from 1863 to 1865 taking part in the battles of Cedar Mountain, Frederickburg, Vickburg, and Knoxville among others.


BAXTER, JANE,  died 1910 age 65, wife of Charles


BAYLES, ALBERT, E., b. June 14, 1839  d. age 25, killed in Civil War in 1864.

BAYLES, EDWARD,  b. Decemeber 16, 1841 d. age 23,  killed in Civil War in 1864

Both were two of three sons born in Coram, to Richard and Harmony (Swezey) Bayles. The boys were aged 7 and 5 when their father died and lived on the family farm with their mother. When she passed away they went to live with their Uncle Edward Swezey in Middle Island on the north side of Middle Country Road across from where Bartlett Pond Park is now located.

They enlisted in the Army in 1862 joining Company A of the 139th New York Volunteers. They eventually were sent to Fort Monroe Virginia. After moving being stationed at Williamsburg in Virginia, their unit saw the first action April 12th 1863. Battles increased in 1864, they wrote home in February that their unit lost 60-70 men.At 4:30 AM on June 3rd The Army of the Potomic began to march toward the Confederate lines. The Confederates opened fire with Union soldiers falling like bowling pins. Albert was shot first and as his brother tried to reach him he too was killed by a sharpshooter. Within a half hour 7000 Union soldiers lay dead or wounded. Edward and Albert were buried near the battlefield, and then later to a nearby national cemetery. Two monuments with their names were placed at Middle Island in their honor (Information excerpted from Longwood During the Civil War by Paul Infranco and Guy Mastrion 2002)


BAYLES, ALBERT E.,  was born December 23 1897 and died in June 1963 at the age of 66 of a heart attack at his home. He was well known in the community and had an insurance business that he inherited from his father Richard which began in 1877. He also was mechanically inclined and known to repair anything from watches to automobiles and took an interest in photography, photographing people and places and doing his own developing and printing. He left a brother Thomas and nephew Donald and was a member of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church for fifty years.  He kept a diary which he began in 1899 and kept regularly until 1956 with other entrees until 1961 that led to a book entitled "A lifetime in Middle Island" compiled by his nephew Donald Bayles in 2008. A portion of the information found in this project is a result of his memoirs. He also was a member of the Coram Fire Department during its earliest inception.


BAYLES, ARTHUR, , Fireman First Class on the U.S. Destroyer Hyman. The Coram resident, the son of Donald and Doris Bayles died in 1964 at the age of 21 in a car accident.


BAYLES, ELWYN,  was born March 10 1919 and died January 28th 1941 Age 22. husband of Marian 


BAYLES, FLORENCE V. (ROWLAND),  age 84 died in 1954 widow of Richard M Bayles. Mrs Bayles formally of Miller Place left two sons Thomas & Albert


BAYLES, GERTRUDE BENJAMEN,  Born July 2 1897 died November 5 1990, wife of Thomas. They were married on October 7 1916.


BAYLES, HARMONY SWEZEY,  was born in 1817 died January 15 1860 at the age of 42. She was pre-deceased by her husband Richard Bayles who died in 1846 at the age of 36. They lived on a farm in Coram. She was the daughter of Joshua and Mehitable Swezey. They had three sons including two who were killed in the same Civil War battle. Mother of Edward and Albert.


BAYLES, MARIAN,  was born in 1920 and died January 28th 1941 Age 17 Elwyn and Marian were married September 15 1940, Marian the daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Whiteman of Port Jefferson. Elwyn , the son of Mr & Mrs Thomas Bayles of Middle Island.The young couple were on their way to a movie in Port Jefferson during January of 1941 when their coupe was hit head on by another on Middle Country Road near where the Island Squire is. The impact on the snow covered roadway was so fierce that both engines were rammed partially back into the vehicles. Marian died instantly and Elwyn died at Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson of internal injuries. Besides her parents Marian had four brothers and a sister, Elwyn had a brother Donald.


BAYLES, MARY SMITH,  born on October 3 1851 and died June 3 1901 at the age of 50. The daughter of Henry Bayles suffered from what was described as paralysis of the throat and despite several operations, was rendered speechless.


BAYLES, RICHARD M.,  of Coram was born April 20 1810 and died June 26 1846 at the age of 36, just 11 days before his son Richard Jr would be born and when his other two sons Albert and Edward were 7 and 5 years of age. He was married to Harmony.


BAYLES, RICHARD M. JR.,  was born in Coram, March 23, 1846. and died November 4, 1930 at the age of 84.  He was one of the most widely known and respected citizens, not only of his native Town of Brookhaven, but of the whole Suffolk country , while among historians, he was widely known.When he was 13 years old, his mother died and when he was 15, his two brothers, Albert E, and Edward F., of the 139th Regiment , were killed in the Civil War. After the death of his mother, her brother Edward Swezey took Richard and his two older brothers into his home, which he shared with his parents, his wife Cynthia and two young daughters Eliza Ann, and Alda. They lived in Middle Island on the north side of the Middle Country Road just east of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Bayles was educated in the common school and at Northville Academy. Mr. Bayles began his career by writing historical articles at the age of 18. He spent several years teaching in the schools in Coram, Eastport, Center Moriches, Manorville and Middle Island from 1877 to 1893.In 1872, he began his first important work, "Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Suffolk Country." It was published in 1874. This led to his being engaged by W.W. Munsell & Co., publishers to write the history of Riverhead Town and Brookhaven Town for their "History of Suffolk County," published in 1882. The article on Brookhaven is the most complete and exhaustive ever written, and Brookhaven is indebted to him for having preserved more of our history than anymore with the possible exception of Benjamin F. Thompson.His next work was a history of Green Country, N.Y., published by J.B. Beers & Co., in 1884. In 1885 , he published his "Handbook of Long Island" containing maps and illustrations and the only thing of the kind ever brought out by any other than the railroad company. His "City of Yonkers appeared in 1885 in the "History of Westchester County" published by L.E. Preston & Co. Following this in 1886, he composed his History of Richmond County, Staten Island. This was followed by his Newport County", R.I in 1887. Then came his "Windham County", Conn. In 1889 and this in turn was followed in 1890-1, by his last work, a two-volume history of "Providence County", R.I .All of the books are large and no one but a person with a genius for history or one of Mr. Bayles' patience and love of research, would or could have attempted them. Besides compiling these works, he found time to contribute articles for newspapers and periodicals and from 1886 to 1908,he wrote the Long Island articles for the Brooklyn "Eagle Almanac".In 1903, Mr. Bayles married Florence V. Rowland, of Millers Place. Two sons were born to them, Thomas and Albert. The former married Gertrude Benjamin of Center Moriches and has two sons Elwin and Donald.  He was chosen by the town board to be the town historian and he acted in that capacity until his death. After the close of the World War, he made a roster of every person of Brookhaven who was in the service, including his or her war record. He assisted Roscoe C. Craft in compiling the "Directory of the public Schools" and the "Directory and Year Book of the public recently for the Second Supervisory Schools" Mr. Bayles home was on the Middle Country Road at the top of the hill a rising from Connecticut Hollow in Middle Island (where the City on The Hill Church is now located).  He knew every inch of the country for miles around, and, being a surveyor of excellent caliber for many years, he picked up a wonderful fund of knowledge about places and people with whom he came in contact.He made copies of the names and dates from tombstones for miles around, abstracted data from old wills, ancient deeds in documents and had in his collection, many valuable historical genealogical data. Much of this he "carried in his head" and would converse about the people and their characteristics and the events of the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries and familiarly as thought they were but yesterday.People of all walks in life visited Mr Bayles, seeking information about family ancestory, wanting a title searched, asking advice about a will, wanting a deed made out.His aid was sought by the lawyer the genealogist, the historian. He was an insurance agent, a realtor, and notary public. People who could not call on him personally, wrote for information and his correspondence was always extensive and, must have been a great burden as he invariably answered all his letters personally. He was a Christian gentleman of the old school. Sunday and prayer-meeting nights found him at the old Middletown Presbyterian Church.  He was the oldest of the elders of the parish, was the clerk of the session as well as a teacher in the Sunday School. In the absence of the, minister, he often conducted the meetings.Mr. Bayles was a true friend, a kind neighbor and a courteous man- one never too busy to help any who came to him for help or advice.


BAYLES, THOMAS RICHARD,  was born in Middle Island February 4th 1895, the son of Richard and Florence, he lived in his parents house which he also used as his Insurance office. In 1910 Thomas took a business course which led to several bookkeeping jobs. He married Gertrude Benjamen in 1916 they had two sons Elwyn and Donald. In 1917 he worked for the Long Island Railroad at its freight office at Camp Upton which is now Brookhaven National Lab. he retired in 1958. In his retirement he used his interest and knowledge of local history and prepared several papers and booklets on the subject. He donated much of his collection to the Middle Island Public Library (Longwood), who then designated a local history room, the Thomas Bayles History Collection. He died June 29 1977 at the age of 82.


BELANGER, LAWRENCE R., Lawrence R Belanger was born September 13 1892 and died November 26 1964. He served in World War I N.Y SFC 1 Company 152 Depot Brigade.   The depot brigades processed the new draftees while the divisions began a rigorous training program. 

BELANGER, LEATHY M.,  was born March 20th 1895 and died August 1st 1987 in Riverhead at 92 years of age.


BELANGER, RAE L.,  Born and died in 1955.



BLENDERMAN, MYRTLE,  was born August 16, 1899 and died June 12, 1997, 97 years old, lived in Middle Island


BOHLES, CHARLES, ] died August 20 1937. It is unknown his exact age, as he is listed as 57 but an obituary listed him as 50. He was found dead in his bungalow on Old Yaphank Road in Coram by his step brother Bernard Noll. It was determined he had died of natural causes several days earlier. He was found lying across a wooden box in his kitchen


BOHLES, WILLIAM, died in 1956 at the age of 80 at the Yaphank Infirmary. He lived on Old Yaphank Road in Coram for 30 years (possibly related to and inherited from Charles). He was born in Brooklyn, NY.


BONNEY, CHARLOTTE,  died at "Longwood", the home of William S. Smith August 23 1839, 21 years old.


BORLAND, AMELIA, Born April 6 1831 and died May 25 1905, 71 years old


BOSCH, CHARLES,  died 1963 at the age of 62 in Brooklyn, NY but spent his summers near Artist Lake in Middle Island


BOSCH, LILLIAN,  1898-1989, wife of Charles was 91.


BRENNER, ELSIE VIERTEL,  was born in 1885 to Arthur and Anna Viertel of Middle Island died September 19 1966 at the age of 81 in DeBarry Florida. She married her husband, Fred in 1907 and lived with him and their five Children.


BRENNER, FRED,  Died in 1943 at the age of 81. The Brenner family lived 100 feet south of Middle Country Road, east of Bartlett Road. When the road was realigned, the house was between the old Road and new Road. Brenner and his wife operated a small store on the corner of Bartlett and Middle Country Road. The Brenner family made news in June 1928, when Fred Jr, aged 17 was assaulted by a neighbor Charles Diefenbach. The teenager and a friend Howard Swezey was walking along the "Bartlett Pond" which Diefenbach claimed was his property, part of a large tract of land he had purchased, while other claimed it was town owned. An argument ensued with young Brenner being struck in the back of the neck by a double barreled shotgun wielded by Diefenbach. He was charged with assault and Brenner charged with trespassing. The courthouse was filled with Middle Island residents supporting the Brenner family. A fence surrounding the pond was "heavily destroyed" sometime afterwards. A year later, local farmers claimed that the pond was wrongly fenced off eventually winning that case in court. Another son Joseph served in the U.S. Army during World War 2.


BREWSTER, DANIEL,  was born in 1687 and died 1748 at the age of 61. He lived on the north east corner of Middle Country Road and Rocky Point Road where he had a farm from 1735 until his death. It is presumed that his is the oldest headstone in the cemetery. He was the Grandson of Reverend Nathaniel Brewster, the first minister of the "Old Town" Church in Setauket in 1655


BREWSTER, TEMPERANCE,  died in 1791 at the age of 60, the wife of William


BREWSTER, WILLIAM,  died in May of 1793 at the age of 61. He was born in 1731 to Daniel and Mary Thompson Brewster. He married Temperance Woodhull and lived in Middle Island. They had nine children. Of the nine only four would reach adulthood. Brewster, along with his son William Jr became a Patriot and signed the Brookhaven 4th Company in 1775. In 1778 he was listed as a farmer. His Children, all who died young: Daniel died in 1761 age 6, Mary died 1776 age 5, Ann died 1786 age 5 and Temmy (Temperance) died in 1794 at the age of 20.


BROWN, JENNIE RANDALL,  died in June 1941 at the age of 71 in Terryville.


BRUNN, RUTH LONI LEO,  12/21/24-4/3/2000


BUCKINGHAM, ABIGAIL,  died in 1897 at the age of 91, the daughter of Daniel Howell, married to John and became the Matriarch of the family upon her husbands’ death in 1852. 

BUCKINGHAM, CHARLES EUGENE,  was born August 15 1850 to John & Abigail in Brookhaven and died December 10 1854 in Middle Island, 4 years old


BUCKINGHAM, DANIEL HOWELL,  was born December 27th 1827 to John and Abigail in Middle Island. At age 17 he left home for Port Jefferson where he worked a year and a half as an apprentice shipbuilder for John T Mather. After about eighteen months he worked with his father repairing and building mills on Long Island. Between 1843 and 1848 he would begin work on whaling voyages from Greenport and Sag Harbor, including sailing around Cape Horn and the Azores Islands. When he returned, Daniel working the ship yards and was elected Justice of the Peace twice in Brookhaven Town, serving in that capacity for eight years. Daniel married three times. His first in 1849 Hannah Gerard, settling in Port Jefferson. Hannah was born April 28 1828 and died September 27 1851 at the age of 22. She died giving birth to their daughter Alida 1851-1886.(35).

A second wife, Hannah's sister, Sarah was born April 23 1835 and died August 2nd 1874 at the age of 39, They had nine children, all died at a very young age and are buried with their parents., Samuel died in 1858 only 18 days old, Prenalus died 1860 age 7 months, Susan Emma died 1863 age 2 months, Daniel died 1864 age 6 months, Willie died 1866 age 2 months, Frank died 1868 age 10 months, Joseph died 1869 age 5 months, John died 1870 age 2 months.After his third wife Sally died in 1899, Buckingham lived in rooming houses and the Hotel Townsend House in Port Jefferson before moving into the Chapin Home for the Aged in Jamiaca Queens where he died in 1913 at the age of 86


BUCKINGHAM, JOHN,  died 1852 at the age of 54 married to Abigail Howell, a widow of Jacob Meserole. John and Abigail had eight children The Buckingham family had a potato farm on what is now the Spring Lake Golf Course in Middle Island. In 1857 the family leased the land to William O. Bartlett a New York City Lawyer. He bought the land and homestead three years later and would retain ownership until his death in Brooklyn in 1925.


BUTLER, ELLEN,  Died October of 1934 at the age of 79 at her home in Eastport. She was born in Kilkenny Ireland and came to this country in 1877. She leaves numerous brothers and sisters in Ireland, four sons and four daughters sixteen grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren on Long Island. An obituary in the October 19 1934 listed Eastport cemetery as the burial place for Ellen Butler. A search of those buried there found none by that name. The Butlers named in her obituary seem to match with those buried in Union


BUTLER, FLORENCE  Died in August 1917 at the age of 24 just one week after the death of her father Henry Butler who died at the age of 65. Both lived in Middle Island


BUTLER, HENRY, 1852- 1917 age 65. He immigrated from Ireland in 1877 and married his wife Ellen. They had six children, two OF them Henry Jr and Joseph served in World War I


BUTLER, JOHN F., was born on September 6 1908 and died September 9th 1978 served in the U.S. Army in World War I serving in France. Son of Henry and Ellen.


BUTLER, JOHN,  1879-1948 age 69 lived with his wife Sophie (1871-1944) in a house built by Richard Bayles on the north side of Middle Country Road. east of Bartlett Road. They lived there with their father Henry and a sister Florence. In 1919, John and Sophie moved to Blue Point, his mother and a brother remained in the house until it was sold in 1922.


BUTLER, JOSEPH,  was born November 29 1890 at Middle Island and died 1956 age 64, World war I veteran in the U.S. Navy. previously he worked as a Fireman in Locust Valley, In 1919 while a Machinist on the USS Marblehead he was caught under a piece of heavy machinery that fell from a crane, suffering what the Patchogue Advance described as a "serious injury."


BUTLER, MARY E.,  1897-1989


BUTLER, SOPHY (SOPHIE),  1871-1944 age 73 wife of John Butler and the daughter of Henry and Frederica Bosch who lived on the east side of Artist Lake.




CADET, ALFRED,  Died 1961 age 69


CAMPICHE, CHARLES,  was born in Switzerland April 27,1889 and immigrated to the United States in 1908 when he was 19 years old. He lived with his Aunt and two cousins across the street from Artist Lake Middle Island west of Currans Road. They moved in 1921 and Charles stayed in the house until 1946, when the land was purchased for the construction of "Lakeview Terraces". He relocated to a house on Middle Island Yaphank Road near where the East Middle Island School was located (Now the Longwood School District Central office) where he lived until his death in December of 1976 at the age of 87.


CAMPICHE, ELLA V.,  Died 1966 age 80


CARL, CHARLES,  Died 1949 age 67




CAROLI, JOHANNA,  was born in 1867 and died 1914 age 77, mother of John.


CAROLI, JOHN,  Died in 1935 at the age of 75. He lived on Pauls Path in Coram and had been in failing health. Born in Germany he was a retired ticket agent for the Old Iron Steamboat Company which provided travel from Manhattan to Coney Island with seven vessels and operated between the years 1881 and 1932. Mr Caroli left a brother and sister.


CAROLI, WILLIAM, was born in 1867 and died in 1926 at the age of 59 after a short illness of acute indigestion. Brother of John Caroli.


CARR, IDA, died in 1945 at the age of 82 at her home on Central Avenue (Parkway) in Gordon Heights. Born in North Carolina she lived in the Gordon Heights /West Yaphank area for 12 years. Her husband William pre-deceased her. A funeral was held at her home. She left a daughter Ella Foster.


CARUSO, ANTHONY Died November 2006


CARUSO, TYLER  Died November 2006


CHAPPEL, ALONZO,  Died December 4th 1887 at his home near what is now known as Artist Lake at the age of 59. By far Mr. Chappel may be the most famous person buried in the cemetery.He was born March 1 1928 in new York Ciy in the lower Manhattan area known as the Bowery to William and Maria Chappel. His father was a Tinsmith. At the age of nine, Alonzo reportedly contributed a portrait titled "The Father of His Country" to the American Institute Fair; by the age of twelve, he was regularly setting up his easel on the sidewalks of New York and charging $5.00 or $10.00 to execute a portrait of any willing passerby. He went on to study art and had his work in many galleries throughout the cities, specializing in portraits and depictions of famous battles and historical events. In 1848 he moved to Brooklyn where he continued his artistic career. Chappel's career flourished, but his personal life was marred by the death of his wife, Almira, June 14, 1863, leaving him a widower in charge of four children. Some years later he remarried Abbie J. Briggam, a widow with one son. Abbie and he may have had additional children. It is known that Chappel had a son named Alonzo and a daughter called Ollie, but little is known of them and nothing of any possible descendants. In 1869 the Chappels purchased a parcel of land along Glover's Pond near Middle Island in Long Island's Suffolk County. Around 1871 they built a house there, and he established a sort of art colony which resulted in the renaming of the pond to "Artist's Lake."The last years Chappel spent at Middle Island with his family should have been ones of quiet, for he had a career as one of the most prolific illustrators of the third quarter of the nineteenth century. They were marred by a stranger, who appeared at his door one morning and threatened him.  Chappel tried to drive the man away, but the intruder, evidently insane, became violent and attacked the artist.  To save himself, Chappel drew a revolver and shot the man dead. "The horror of this event," reported "The Brooklyn Eagle" a quarter of a century later, "haunted him during the remaining four or five years of his life". On July 20, 1885, he consigned for auction his library of 343 volumes on subjects ranging from history and biography to art and literature. Some of this information and a more detailed biography as well as his complete artistic works can be found at www.alonzochappel.org


CHAPPEL, WILLIAM, Died March 1st 1878 at the age of 75. Mr Chappel, a tinsmith of Huguenot descent, was born in the home his parents settled at oppositie the Bowery Theatre in New York City. He was a man of moderate means and unable to provide an extensive education for his two sons, Alonzo and George. However, from all indications he and Maria encouraged Alonzo's early efforts at portrait painting. Though not reported, its assumed William lived at the Artist Lake at the time of his death.


CHERNEY, FRANK,  Died in 1968 age 70 at his home on Oak Street in Patchogue. Born in Bay Shore he left a wife, son and 27 Grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren as well as a sister.


CHERNEY, JAMES,  1/20/32-8/19/2000


CHERNEY, SUSAN,  1898-1986


CHRISTIAN, ELAMA,  1888-1975


CLAPP, PHOEBE ASENETH, was born April 27 1827 in Ridge to John and Jerusha Randall. In 1849 she married George Washington Clapp, they lived in Ridge. He was a Master Mariner who was lost at sea when the ship SS Quincy sank off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Phoebe died February 6, 1854, 26 years old, she and her husband had one daughter.


CLAREUS, FRITZ,  Died at the age of 72. Died at Brookhaven Memorial Hospital in 1957. A 21 year resident of East Bartlett Road in Middle Island, Mr. Clareus was born in Sweden, was a machinist who was survived by his wife Hilda and a son and daughter.

Hilda Amalia Clareus was born February 3rd 1895 and died February 1 1989 at age of 95.


CLARK, CARTER Died May 2004


CLARK, WILLIAM, LT., b. Sep. 15, 1746 d. Jul. 18, 1779 


CLENDINNEN, WILLIAM,  Died in July of 1968 at the age of 60 at Central Suffolk Hospital in Riverhead. Born in New York City he lived on Pauls Path in Coram for 16 years with his wife, son and two daughters. He was employed as a storekeeper by Suffolk County DPW and was a member of many local organizations including the Donegan Patent Lodge, F & AM of Medford, Kismet Temple, Coram Republican Club, Medford Republican Club, CSEA, Farmingville Fire Department and past member and President of the West Yaphank School Board. He died just months after his brother Clifford at the age of 67 and just 4 months after the marriage of his daughter Karen a 1964 graduate of Longwood High School and a salutatorian of that class.


CONKLIN, CORA RANDALL, Died in California in 1968 at the age of 93. She was born in Ridge in 1875, the daughter of Mr & Mrs Charles Randall a direct descendent of the original settlers of Ridge.


CONKLIN, RENEE,  5/10/1966- 8/17/2011


CONSERVA, DONALD,  Died January 10th 1928 age 8


COOK, LEONIDAS,  3/15/1894-9/27/75


COOK, MARIE,  9/5/1895-9/4/75


CORWIN, DOLLY (DOROTHEA) HOMAN,  was born in Yaphank in May 25 1802 and Died April 22, 1827. Sometime after 1823 she became the second wife of Hudson Corwin of Baiting Hollow and had two children. She died April 22 1827 at the age of 24, leaving him with a two year old and and a two month old baby. He would marry again in 1828 and died in Greenport where he was buried in 1864


CORWIN, JACOB, was born 1781 and died 1806 age 25, son of Jacob & Sarah.


CORWIN, REVEREND JACOB,  was born in October 1745 in Southold and died September 20th 1831 at the age of 86. In 1771 he relocated to Middle Island and lived on the North Side of Middle Country Road near Artist Lake, which for a time was called Corwin's Pond. A road running northward towards Wading River was called Corwin's Road, its now known as Currans Road.He enlisted in the Minute Man Company of Aquebogue in March 1776 and served until June of the same year. In May he signed on in another Company and in October was stationed in Freenwuch Connecticut where he was engaged in building a fort, one of thirteen built in New York to ensure safety from an impending attack by the British. Not accustomed to hard work and labor, Corwin took ill with a fever, spent three weeks in the hospital and returned to Southold. Sometime after 1775 he married Sarah Howell and had a son Jacob and two daughters Sarah and Maryann. Sarah died in 1816 and he later married Mehitable Davis, daughter of Deacon David Davis. She also was the mother in law of Jacob's daughter Patience. He again settled in Middle Island. An ordained minister he served the Wading River Congregational Church from 1787 to 1800. He was succeeded by his nephew Rev. David Wells who Jacob had raised from boyhood. In 1815 he organized and served as first Pastor at The New Village (Centereach) Congregational Church


CORWIN, MARY,  was born July 13 1803 in Yaphank and married Hudson Corwin sometime around 1820 becoming the first of his three wives. She died July 4 1823 age 19


CORWIN, MEHETABLE,  was born in 1768 and died in 1859 at the age of 91. She first married Deacon David Davis of Yaphank who died in 1816, her second marriage was to Reverend Jacob Corwin of Middle Island.


CORWIN, OSCAR,  Died 1860 age 23


CORWIN, SARAH,  Died 1816 age 61, wife of Rev. Jacob Corwin.


COSTELLO, WALLACE,  born December 1823, died January 1824, 11 months old


CROUCH, MALVINA,  1901-1971


CURTIN, LYDIA,  1909-1971


DAVIS, A. L.,  (G.A.R. Company A, 133rd regiment of New York)


DAVIS, ABIGAIL,  Died 1824 age 36. The first wife of Anselm Davis, was born 1788 in Coram to Nathaniel and Deborah Overton. She was the mother of three of Anselms six children



DAVIS, ALBERT B., Died September 17th 1828 at the age of 30. Life long resident of Middle Island, he married Clarissa Davis in 1818. Albert died young, leaving is wife and three children Daniel, Joanna and Ira aged 7, 3 and 2.


DAVIS, ALFRED,  was born in 1817 and Died March 1st 1870 in Middle Island age 52.  He and his wife Ellen Rider had four children and lived across the road from where Coram School is now. Their farm is now a housing development known as Musket Ridge. He was the son of Squire Alfred Davis whose home would later become the Old Orchard Tea Room on Middle Country Road in Coram


DAVIS, ALICE E.,  Born in 1853 and died 1899 age 46. The wife of Samuel S Davis. They had four children. She was the daughter of Sylvester and Nancy Phillips Swezey


DAVIS, ANN M., SMITH,  Died 1861-1911 age 50, second wife of William L. Davis.


DAVIS, ANNA,  Died 1745-1818 age 73, wife of David.


DAVIS, ANSLEM,  Died 1867 In Middle Island at the age of 90. He was born September 22 1776 to Isaac and Hannah Roe Davis. His first wife Abigail Overton died in 1824, they had four children. He married again January 25, 1825 to Mary Swezey daughter of Isaac and Martha Swezey. She died in 1854 giving Anselm 2 more children. Of his six children, all grown into adulthood, three are buried in Union.


DAVIS, AMSLEM,  Died Feb 22 1824


DAVIS "BABY DAVIS",  (3 infants died 1908, 1837 and June 6 1887, (parents to be determined) one, a male possibly the son of Daniel and Nellie Davis.


DAVIS, BETSEY,  1806- 1819 at the young age of 13. Daughter of Bryant.


DAVIS, BRIANT,  1775-1848 at the age of 73. The son of David & Anna Norton Davis, married Martha (Patty) Brown . They had five children including Albert B Davis, Betsey and Sabra, all buried in Middle Island.


DAVIS, CAROLINE MORRELL OVERTON,  was born November 19 1857 to Daniel T and Charry A Overton. They lived in Coram Hills on the north west corner of Granny Road and Mill Road, their house was bulldozed down in 1992. Caroline was a school teacher at the Farmingville School in 1858. She died March 20th 1893 at the age of 36 (Jeff Davis' fathers’ grandmother)


DAVIS, CHARLES JEFFREY RANDALL,  was born in Coram on February 7 1893 and enlisted in the Navy in 1917. He served on a submarine chaser and later in destroyer service During World War 1.. He was eventually transferred to shore duty due to chronic sea sickness. He died October 1986 in Trumball, Connecticut


DAVIS, CLARISSA CHERRY,  Died in 1926 at the age of 87. A Middle Island resident she was the wife of J.Franklin Davis and the mother of six children


DAVIS, CLARISSA ROE,  Died in Middle Island July 2 1900 at the age of 84. She was the widow of Lester Hopkins Davis whom she married October 19 1856 in Middle Island. He died in Coram in 1886. They had twelve children including Jeff Davis' Great Grandfather William Lester Davis. Clarissa was born in Port Jefferson on July 15 1816.


DAVIS D.M.,  Died in 1893. No other information is available


DAVIS, DANIEL "DANK" ROE,  was born January 15 1854 in Coram, one of 12 children to Lester H and Clarissa Roe. He married Nellie Josephine Randall, they had no children. He died in 1944 at the age of 90 at his home in Coram.


DAVIS, DAVID,  was born in "Brookhaven" May 6 1737 to David and Phebe Davis, died March 10, 1825 in Middle Island at the age of 87. He married Anna Norton in 1763 and moved from Mount Sinai to to Middle island. They had ten children, a 1810 census showed David, a farmer with a wife and six children living at home. He signed the Association May 17 1775, achieving the offices of Sargent and Ensign. He was a Brookhaven Town Fence Viewer in 1781 and Overseer of Highways in 1787.


DAVIS, DEACON DAVID,  was born in Yaphank April 6th 1764 the son of David and Anna Norton Davis. He married Mehitable Tuthill of Cutchogue on October 4th 1787, they had 7 children. He died May 13 1816 at the age of 62.


DAVIS, DEBORAH N.,  1812-1863 age 51, wife of Ira


DAVIS, DOROTHY C.,  was born 1924 in Brooklyn N.Y. to Joseph and Martha W. Gardiner Rocklein. After Joseph died, her mother married a second time to Harvey Kiefer of Brooklyn. They lived in Mt. Sinai on North Country Road. Kiefer was a farmer and donated property for the Mt. Sinai Fire Department to be built near the site of the Mt. Sinai School on the corner of Mt.Sinai Road and North Country Road. The Acampora Recreation Center on Route 25A was also part of the Kiefer farm. She married Judson P. Davis of Coram in 1941 and they settled in Coram on Mt Sinai Coram Road next to his father Harold's house and farm. A member of the Mt Sinai Congregational Church, Dorothy taught Sunday school and was a housewife. Judson and Dorothy retired to Florida in 1974 living first in Cape Coral and then North Ft. Myers. She died in 2004 in Brandon, Florida. She was survived by two sons Frank and Jeffrey and three grand children.


DAVIS, EDITH,  1860-1887, 26 years old, the daughter of Joseph F and Clarissa Davis


DAVIS, EDITH E.,  1869-1872. Daughter of Albert and Elizabeth.


DAVIS, EDWARD,  1906-1908


DAVIS, ELIZA A.,  1813-1891, age 78


DAVIS, ELIZABETH J.,  1842-1928


DAVIS, ELIZABETH,  1829-1932


DAVIS, ELLA M.,  was born February 23 1858 in Coram to Lester and Harriet Woodhull Davis she died in 1891 at the age of 33.


DAVIS, ELLEN,  died March 25 1863, age 44. She was the wife of Alfred and daughter of Smith and Phebe Rider.


DAVIS, ETHEL,  1873-1908


DAVIS, EVERETT E.,  Born October 9 1860 and died April 1 1943 at the age of 83, in Coram to Lester & Harriet Woodhull Davis. He married Margaret Stein and their children were Minnie, Grace, and Woodhull. The daughters were both school teachers and never married.  Everett, a Lay Preacher also was called “Deacon Davis” and served the Methodist Church.


DAVIS, FANNIE M. (FRANCES),  was born to Lester and Clarissa R Davis on August 28 1855 in Coram. She never married and died 1935 age 85. She worked for a while with the Thompson Publishing Company of Northport


DAVIS, FLORENCE HINKLEY,  Born October 12, 1887 in Delhi, New York and died of a stroke in February 1969, 82 years old in Avon Park Florida. Second wife of Harold F Davis, Florence was a retired Principal at the Maple Avenue School in Patchogue. “Nana and Pop” lived on Coram Mt Sinai Rd. in Coram and spent their winters in Avon Park, Florida.


DAVIS, FLORENCE L.,  Died 1879 age 6 months. Daughter of Albert L. and Elizabeth


DAVIS, FRANK,  1832-1920 (88)


DAVIS, GRACE, b. 1893 d. 1986


DAVIS, HANNAH A.,  1822-1900 (78)


DAVIS, HAROLD FRANKLIN,  was born September 8 1885 in Coram and died December 24th 1961 at his winter home in Avon Park, Florida. The son of William L. Davis & Carrie Morrell Overton Davis, he grew up and continued living on the farm located on the west side of Mt. Sinai Coram Rd just south of Swezeytown Road in Coram. He first married Inez Swezey, daughter of Sylvester and Almira Penney Swezey November 28 (Thanksgiving Day) 1912 and had two children Helen and Judson. Helen married Thomas E. Dixon. Inez died in 1928. He married again, to Florence Hinkley in 1932. She died in 1969. Harold, a farmer was very involved in the community serving as Brookhaven Town Highway Superintendent from 1931 to 1941. He was defeated by Republican Robert S. Still, ending a long line of generations of Davis' to hold public office in Brookhaven Town. The farm would later be sold to the Long Island Beagle Club and was used for fox hunts and training of the dogs. It was again sold to a developer and is now the site of "The Hunt Club", a residential community. (Harold is Jeff Davis' Grandfather)


DAVIS, HARRIET, 11/6/1819-1888 (68)


DAVIS, HATTIE L.,  1854-1921 (67)


DAVIS, HOMER WOODHULL,  was born in Coram on August 30 1895, the son of Daniel & Nellie. He joined the U.S. Army in 1918 moving up the ranks to Sgt. He graduated Hamilton College and became an educator at Robert College of Istanbul in 1920. While there he met and married Marjorie Weston Cook. He was later appointed Principal in 1927 and President of Athens College in Greece in 1930.When World War II broke out, Homer returned to the United States and during 1941 and 1942 he was chief of project licensing division of the Board of Economic Warfare. He then was a Vice president of the Greek War Relief. In 1944 he returned to Athens, Greece where he remained until his retirement in 1976. He moved to and died on Cape Cod, Massachusetts on August 17 1984


DAVIS, HOPKINS ROE,  1838-1840,


DAVIS, INEZ, I Born October 1882 in Swezeytown (Middle Island), first wife of Harold F Davis and mother of Helen and Judson. Inez was a school teacher at the Farmingville school. She died in 1928 at Southside Hospital in Bay Shore


DAVIS, "CAPTAIN" IRA,  Born in 1808 and died in 1881 at the age of 76 living his life in Middle Island.. He was the son of "Deacon" David Davis and Mehitable Tuthill. He married Lydia.


DAVIS, ISAAC,  1809-1837, age 28, the son of Anslem and Abigail Overton Davis. He was unmarried.


DAVIS, J. FRANKLIN (JOSEPH),  Originally from Miller Place, J. Franklin was born in 1832 and died in 1923 at the age of 91. He resided for 60 years on Church lane by Pine Lake which was known as Half Mile Pond in Middle Island. He married Clarissa Cherry in 1859 and they had 6 children. Davis was a mate on a schooner.


DAVIS, JAMES,  Born November 1794, died May 25 195, 7 months old. Son of David and Mehitable


DAVIS, JAMES,  Born March 1850 Died January 10th 1851, 10 months old, son of Joseph and Eliza


DAVIS, JOHN, Born in 1865 died at his Middle Island home January 31 1929, 64 years old


DAVIS, JOHN E.,  was born in Middle Island in 1873 to Mr & Mrs Albert L. Davis, the family moved to Yaphank in 1876. His first job was delivering mail for Yaphank Postmaster Charles Howell, then worked for a butcher in Riverhead and also was a butcher in Port Jefferson. He then joined with William Miller a local friend, who taught him the carpenter trade eventually earning $7 a week, a job he held for several years throughout Long island. In 1907 he was elected Brookhaven Town Constable, an office he held until 1927 when he decided not to run again. In 1929 he went to to work as an investigator for the District Attorney. In 1932 he resigned to become deputy sheriff. He and his wife had 10 children. He died in 1952 at the age of 79.


DAVIS, JOSEPH, 1816- June 18,1891 (75)


DAVIS, JOSEPHINE,  Born in Connecticut in 1875, the wife of of Joseph E Davis, lived in Yaphank on Main Street for 52 years, married for 51 years. His daughter Florence died from burns in 1937 in a fire at their house.


DAVIS, JUDSON P.,  was born in Coram, NY on January 20, 1880. He was a graduate of Syracuse University, and was a school teacher for a time before enlisting in the United States Marine Corps in 1904. His assignments included the Philippines, the USS Oregon (BB-3), a battleship, and Marine Barracks, Navy Shipyard, Puget Sound. His last assignment as a Marine was in the Seattle Recruiting Office. He was honorably discharged in February 1908. He lived at 3048 W. 65th St. and worked as a laborer until he was commissioned as a Seattle police officer on January 1, 1909. On February 23, 1911 around 6:00 p.m., Officer Judson P. Davis, 31, was at police headquarters getting ready for a plain-clothes assignments with Officer Herbert C. Smith in the hope of catching some of the people responsible for a local crime spree. The assignment was to end at 8:00 p.m. Davis and Smith were close friends. Smith’s wife had recently died, and he had moved in with Davis who was living at the Baxter Hotel, 518 Pike St. in Seattle. Shortly after 7:00 p.m., Davis and Smith were walking north on Boylston Ave. from Olive St. when they observed two men a distance ahead of them, walking north on the west side of the street. Davis and Smith thought they looked suspicious and decided to stop them. The two officers started walking faster. They caught up with the two men mid-block between Howell and Denny on the west side of the street. When the officers were about eight feet from the two, Davis ordered them to stop and put their hands up. One suspect, John Ford, turned around with an eight shot semi-automatic pistol in his hand, and ordered the officers to put their hands up. Officer Davis reached for his revolver. Ford fired and started moving into the street. The second suspect, Axel Nist, started running across the street with Officer Smith firing at him. One of Ford’s shots hit Officer Davis in the leg just above the ankle. Davis went down on one knee. One of Davis’s shots hit Ford, just missing the heart and lodging in his back. Ford went down in the middle of Boylston, paralyzed from the waist down. He was able to sit up and continue firing. Officer Davis fired five shots from his six shot revolver. He had the habit of leaving one chamber empty and resting the pistol’s hammer on that empty chamber. When Davis fired his last shot, Ford had one bullet left. That bullet hit Davis in the shoulder and exited his back, severing his spinal column in the process. Officer Davis died almost instantly at the age of 31.He was un-married, and was survived by his brother, Harold Davis, in Coram, NY. Harold and his wife had a son born in 1918. They named him Judson P. Davis. (information acquired from Seattle P.D. and newspaper accounts)


DAVIS, JUDSON P.,  Judson P Davis was Born August 15 1918 in Coram, the son of Harold and Inez Swezey and died 2004 in Cape Coral, Florida. He worked for McDonald's Construction as an oiler operator and also delivered milk for Randall Farms in Mt. Sinai.  He retired from Teamsters Local 282 as a truck driver for Lyon & Reboli Asphalt in East Setauket. He was long time member of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church of which he was an Elder and was part of the building committee for the construction of the modernized church on Longwood Road. He married Dorothy Rocklein of Mt. Sinai June 15 1941 at Mt. Sinai Congregational Church. She was born in Brooklyn New York on June 1924 and died in 2004, 80 years old in Brandon Florida. They lived briefly in Port Jefferson and Mt Sinai before building a house in 1954 on Coram Mt Sinai Road next to his fathers home. They would live there until they retired in 1973, moving to Florida and living in Cape Coral and North Ft. Myers. He enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard March 17 1942 entering the serice as a Coxswain and promoting to Boatswains Mate 2nd Class in 1943. He served on Ellis Island and Manhattan Beach, He was discharged in August 1945 in Brooklyn.. He and Dorothy raised two sons, Frank, born 1949 and Jeffrey born 1953. Judson & Dorothy are Jeff Davis' parents. 


DAVIS, JULIA E., 1865-1875, 10 years old. Daughter of Albert and Elizabeth


DAVIS, L. ADDIE (LOUISA),  Born June 17 1844 in Coram, she died September 3, 1931 (87)


DAVIS, LESTER HOPKINS,  was born September 30 1807 in Coram to Daniel and Dorothy Hopkins Davis and died October 26 1886 after a short illness at the age 0f 79. Just after being married for 50 years to Clarissa Roe, raising a son and six daughters. They lived in the Davis Homestead on Middle Country Road. He served as County Treasurer, Brookhaven Town Trustee, and during the time he lived there, the house was used for town elections as well as at seat of Brookhaven Town.


DAVIS, LESTER H.,  Born February 18, 1891 in Coram, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. and died on December 4, 1974 in Coram. The son of Daniel Roe and Nellie Josphine (Randall) Davis. He married Alma Vida Quackenbush April 2, 1921 in Waldwick, Sussex County, New Jersey. He was a dairy farmer and was Brookhaven Town Justice of the Peace. His farmland would later be used for the Coram air park, where private planes flew in and out of when his son (Lester H.) plowed a path down the center of his family cornfield and created a runway in 1955. That runway operated until about 1985 though pitted and coated with sand, and he still grew sweet corn around the taxiing planes. Eventually the land to the west was sold and there is a large shopping Center sitting where the cows used to graze. Lester Jr, also ran Davis Farms a drive through dairy store which was located on the north west corner of Middle Country Road and Mt. Sinai Coram Road where the bank is. The family donated the land where the Coram Fire Department now is located


DAVIS, LESTER H.,  1813-1890 (77)


DAVIS, LORNA HIBBARD,  Born 1895, Died King George, Virginia 1953 (58)


DAVIS, MARGARET STEEN,  was born in Brooklyn September 13 1867. In 1887 she married Everett Davis and they lived in a house her father built on the the Davis farm on Middle Country Road in Coram and raised two daughters. Known locally for her baking of pies and pastries, she also was an avid reader. She was a member of the Patchogue Sorosis, Wading River Historical Society and the Daughters of the American Revolution. 

DAVIS, MARIANNA,  the daughter of Floyd and Sarah E. Edwards Davis died march 30 1898, 43 years old.


DAVIS, MARJORIE WESTON COOK,  was born July 16 1889 at Woochester, Providence, Rhode Island and died April 5 1977 at Brewster, Massachusetts. She attended Robert College of Istanbul where she met Homer Davis, the son of Daniel R. and Nellie Randall Davis. They were married in 1921 in Constantinople, Turkey. Homer would serve as teacher, Principal and finally President of Athens College in Greece. During World War 1. He served in the U.S. Army and at the outbreak of World War II he served on the Board of Econmic Warfare and executive vice president of the Greek War Relief. He then was a special assistant to the State Department and the American Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.


DAVIS, MARY TERESA,  was born January 26 1841 in Coram to Lester H and Clarissa Davis. She never married and died March 30, 1907 at home, 66 years old


DAVIS, MINERVA,  Born 1822 and died at her home in 1913 age 91. Four nieces and nephews were listed as survivors.


DAVIS, MINNIE M.,  Born 1863 Died 1886 (21)


DAVIS, MINNIE,  1888-1985 (97)


DAVIS, MINOR,  Died 1811 age 7, son of Briant.


DAVIS, MINOR,   was born in 1818 in Brookhaven and died 1848 in Middle Island, 30 years old. He married Elizabeth Hutchinson, they had three daughters


DAVIS, NELLIE RANDALL,  was born December 18 1864 and died in October 12,1948 at the South Shore Convalescent Home in Patchogue at the age of 84. The wife of Daniel R Davis was born in Middle Island to Charles J. and Helen Overton Randall. A member of several local organizations, Nellie married Daniel in 1880.


DAVIS, "CAPTAIN" OLIVER,  Died in 1875 at the age of 45 as the result of a drowning. He was born September 20 1830 in Middle Island, the son of Anslem and Mary Davis. In 1865 he became the second husband of Martha Jane Darling of Port Jefferson. 


DAVIS, PATIENCE,  Died on April 9 1823, 33 years old, was married to George Davis 

DAVIS, PATTY,  1773-1862 (89) wife of Briant.


DAVIS, POLLY,  1786-1854 (68) Wife of Anslem


DAVIS, ROBERT C., Died May 31 1800, just one month old, son of Briant


DAVIS, SAMUEL S., The son of Alfred & Ellen was born in 1850 and died in1910 at the age 60 in Coram


DAVIS, SYLVESTER,  Born April 10 1826, Died September 24 1903 (77)


DAVIS, VERNON ROE,  Died March 17,1899 1 year old 

DAVIS, WILLIAM LESTER,  was born July 5 1850 in Coram the son of Lester H and Clarissa Roe Davis. In 1879 he married Caroline Morrell Overton of "Coram Hills." They lived in a house on a 250 acre farm on the Mt. Sinai Coram Road near Swezeytown Road. The house was built sometime around 1858, although a brick was found in the basement dated 1819. William's Grandfather Daniel, bought the house and property in 1826 from Azur Raynor for $2,500. At that time the farm consisted of 180 acres. Daniel farmed the land but never lived in the house. Upon his death he passed it on to his son Lester who also farmed the land but never lived there. William would be the first Davis to live and farm on the land. William and Caroline had three Children Judson, William and Harold. Caroline died in 1893 and William later married Anna Smith. William suffered a stroke in February 1926 and was seriously ill, contracting Pnuemonia which led to his death a month later at the age of 76. Until that time he was cared for at his home by Harriet Swezey of New York City.


DAYTON, ADA DAVIS, born in Coram, the daughter of Lester and Clarissa Davis in1852, she was the second wife of John Dayton who previously was married to her sister Amelia who died in 1885. Ada died November 4 1930 at the Long Island Home in Amityville at the age of 78. They had no children.


DAYTON, AMELIA DAVIS,  Born July 18 1848, daughter of Lester and Clarissa and sister of Ada Davis and the first wife of John Dayton. They were married in 1876 in Middle Island. They had no children, she died in 1885 age 39.


DAYTON, JAMES,  , the son of Morton Dayton was born in 1767 and Died August 11,1840 age 72. Married Ruth Roe Hawkins and had two sons.


DAYTON, JAMES, was born May 9 1795 and died July 20 1872 age 77


DAYTON, JOHN R.,  was born 1848 in Port Jefferson to Mr & Mrs Smith Dayton. As a youngster he went to live with two of his bachelor Uncles James and William Dayton on a large farm in Yaphank which he inherited upon their deaths where he raised sheep. He married Amelia Davis of Coram the daughter of Mr and Mrs Lester H Davis. Shortly thereafter she passed away and he moved to Salt Lake City Utah where he sold real estate and conducted a dairy. He sold all his assets and returned to Yaphank. He then married Ada Davis, the sister of his first wife. He then sold the Middle Island home and farm to George Prosser in 1889. He then purchased the Nathaniel Dickerson place near the Port Jefferson Railroad station where he continued farming. He was an active member of the Middle island Presbyterian Church and the Bailey Democratic Club in Port Jefferson Station. He died at his home in January of 1913 at the age of 65.


DAYTON, LAURA, Died 1866 age 31


DAYTON, LAURA C.,  was born January 27 1885 and died just fifteen days later February 11, 1855


DAYTON, ORVILLE,  Died June 9, 1854, 1 year old


DAYTON, RUTH ROE HAWKINS,  Born January 25 1769, and Died March 17 1853 age 84.


DAYTON, WILLIAM, Born January 6th 1793 and died August 4 1883 age 90


DE KATO, MINNIE,  10/2/15-9/4/2000


DE KATO, PETER,  9/5/09-5/17/74


DE LUCIAN, HANNAH,  Died in 1938 age 43


DIXON, HANNAH,  was born in 1850 and died January 9, 1906 at the age of 56. The wife of Thomas, she died tragically in a mid morning fire that swept through their house and barn which was on the north west corner of Middle Country Road and Church Lane. The house was formally owned by Rev. Ezra King. Neighbors had said she had earlier complained she was not feeling well and about an hour or more later noticed smoke coming from the house. Local residents tried to extinguish the fire with pails of water and found Mrs. Dixon lying on the bed consumed by fire. It is believed an oil burning lamp may have caused the blaze. Burning cinders landed on the roof of the Presbyterian Church 150 feet away. Men rushed up the bell tower to the roof with pails of water and were able to extinguish the hot spots before any serious damage could occur. Her husband Thomas was in Brooklyn at the time of the tragedy.


DIXON, THOMAS,  was born in 1847 in Alabama. He married twice, first to Hannah, who died in 1906 and second to Flora Louisa Swezey on September 13 1908, they lived on a farm on the northwest side of Church Lane in Middle Island. He died in 1923 age 76


DONNELLY, ANN C.,  1889- 1957 age 58,


DUFFEE, DORIS,  1889- 1930 age 41, She was a nurse


DUFFEE, INEZ DE ETTA,  daughter of Philetus and Hannah Phillips was born March 10 1858 in Yaphank and Died in 1951 at Southampton NY Hospital age 93


DUFFEE, ROBERT,  was born November 1859 in New York City and married Inez Phillips in 1887. A carpenter by trade he died 1938 age 41 in Southampton NY.


DUNBAR, MARY, Died 1949


DUNN, BILL,  Died 1960 age 71


DUNN, CLEMENTYNE, Died 1942 age 42 

DUNN, HARRIET,  died September 25 1837, age 18. Married to John Dunn (possibly died during childbirth of her daughter Harriet E.) 

DUNN, HARRIET E.,  died September 5 1938, 1 year old.


DUTCHER, MARGARET,  Died 1921 age 57


EAGLE, CHRISTINA,  Died in 1967 at the age of 80.


EAGLE, EDNA,  The wife of William Eagle was born in 1918 and died in 1972 at the age of 54.


EAGLE, JAMES,  was Born in Lindenhurst July 18, 1919,  James was a World War II U.S. Navy veteran enlisting in October of 1940. After six weeks of training he was assigned to the USS Tennessee and was stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7 1941 when the Japanese attacked in the early morning hours. He returned home after 1942 and three years later he married Virginia Goldstein both active members of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church in Middle Island. They made their home on Coram Mt Sinai Road in Coram and had one son. Both active members of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church.He died 2001


EAGLE, WILLIAM P.,  was born in June 7, 1916 in Canada. The family moved to Long Island and he entered the U.S. Army in 1945 at Camp Upton. He lived next to his brother James in Coram with his wife Edna. William died in 1993 at the age of 77 

M.A.E 1885-1910


ECK, KESENIA (CSENIA),  died in 1963 at Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson age 66. She was born in Estonia and was a Middle Island resident for thirteen years with her husband and two children Hilda (Schirmer) and August Kaup were with her first husband who she married in Germany


ECK, PAUL,  was born in Estonia and lived on Evergreen Avenue in Middle Island. A retired paint contractor, Paul died in Bay Shore in 1965 age 65. He left a step-daughter Hilda Shirmer of Middle Island and two sisters in Estonia


EDGAR, GEORGE,  1914-1998


EDGAR, MYRTLE,  1911-1997


EDWARDS, ADELAIDE,  1882- 1962 age 80


EDWARDS, ADELIA CHARITY,  Died June 17, 1881 age 21, daughter of Floyd and Sarah


EDWARDS, AUGUSTUS,  1818-1890 age 72, married Harriet Hulse


EDWARDS, CHARLES,  1857-1929 age 72 son of Floyd D. Edwards. also lived in the house his father once owned. Married Catherine Cornelia Davis, daughter of Albert and Sarah of Mt. Sinai


EDWARDS, CHRISTINE,  Died 1967, wife of Leon of Middle Island


EDWARDS, CORNELIA,  December 26 1947 at the home of her daughter in Rocky Point at the age of 86


EDWARDS, DANIEL,  1790- 1870 age 80, Married Sarah Polly Swezey, the daughter of Stephen and Sophia Jayne Swezey, father of Augustus, Orlando and Jehial


EDWARDS, DEBORAH,  Died September 23, 1846 age 90, wife of Jonathon


EDWARDS. "CAPTAIN" EDWARD,  1862- 1935 age 72


EDWARDS, EDWIN,  Born 1914 Died 1980 age 66, had farmhouse and pond on Swezeytown Road in Middle Island. Edwards Pond was very popular for local families for winter ice skating Although some of the property was sold off for a housing development, the house, and a large barn remains and is now called Saddle Rock Ranch, for therapeutic horseback riding for children and adults who are developmentally challenged. The property dates back to 1812.


EDWARDS, ELOISE,  Died 1935 age 79


EDWARDS, EVELYN,  Died 1855 age 52


EDWARDS, FLOYD,  The son of Jonathon died September 1894 after being in failed health for several years at his home where his father and grandfather had lived before him . A farmer, he was married to Sally "Sarah" Hawkins in 1851 and they had five children. They lived on Coram Swezeytown Road just south of Edwards Pond.

EDWARDS, FRANKLIN M.,  1870- 1907 age 37, the son of Orlando and Mary Davis Edwards, married Leila Smith


EDWARDS, GEORGE C.,  1911-1985


EDWARDS, GEORGE N.,  Died March 4 1955 at the age of 87, Father of Carlton Edwards of Coram and Edwin of Middle Island 


EDWARDS, HARRIET,  Died 1891 age 72


EDWARDS, HELEN,  Died 1940 age 76


EDWARDS, IDA F., 1856- 1922 age 66, daughter of Floyd and Sarah.


EDWARDS, JEHIAL,  was born September 27 1827 and died April 27, 1901 age 73, married Martha E, Petty.


EDWARDS, JEMIMA,  died 1866- age 78


EDWARDS, JONATHON,  was born in Middle Island February 13 1788 and was married to Mary Overton Dec 21 1818 and had two childen Maria and Floyd. Jonathon inherited the farm his father had with a homestead on Miller Place Yaphank Road just north of Whiskey Road. It is said his father arrived from Canada sometime before 1850 and was given 300 acres of property, he also brought with him seedlings of White Pine. There is a white pine forest south of Whiskey Road near the twin ponds. It is said that other seedlings were planted by William Dayton creating what is now "Prosser Pines". The land Jonathon inherited went north to Miller Place and west to the Swezey property in "Swezeytown". Jonathon died in 1866 Age 78


EDWARDS, LELIA,  was born in 1886 to Thomas and Nancy Davis Norton Smith Edwards, died 1937 age 51, Wife of George


EDWARDS, LEON, Died in 1941 at the age of 64. Husband of Christine and was a Carpenter. Leon and Christine had six daughters and three sons.


EDWARDS, LEWIS,  was born June 1, 1822 and died October 31 1904, 82 years old


EDWARDS, LILLIAN,  1911-1995, wife of Carlton


EDWARDS, MARIA,  Died in 1875 age 60


EDWARDS, MARTHA,  Died 1933 age 88


EDWARDS, MARY OVERTON,  Died January 27, 1853 age 65, wife of Jonathon


EDWARDS, ORLANDO,  was born in 1824 and died in Middle Island in 1893 age 70. He married Ruth Elmira Davis the daughter of Samuel and Ruth Norton Davis, they had a son, George.


EDWARDS, ORLANDO "LANNIE",  was born February 6 1896 in Middle Island and Died 1969 age 73, served in World War I in the U.S. Army spending a month at Camp Upton, Now the site of Brookhaven National Lab. He was attached to a supply company in the Quarter master Corps son of Charles and Cornelia Edwards.


EDWARDS, POLLY,  Died 1850 age 60


EDWARDS, ROSWELL,  was born December 26 1865 and Died 1959 age 93. He married Eloise Loper of Port Jefferson


EDWARDS, RUBY,  1916-1985, wife of Edwin.


EDWARDS, RUTH,  Died 1850 age 60


EDWARDS, SARAH A.,  Died July 22,1910 age 87, wife of Floyd.


EDWARDS, VERNON,  the son of Leon and Christine Edwards. At a young age he was employed by the New York State Rangers, and then joined the Coram Volunteer Fire Department which was formed in 1929. On April 28th 1930 a large woods fire burned south of Swezeytown Road. Vernon with friend and fellow member Hewlett Mott drove to the fire in a car. Stories vary but they agree that smoke was so thick visibility was near zero. The car Vernon was a passenger in hit another car driven by a Mattituck man. One story states that Vernon was standing on the running board and was thrown free of the car upon impact and went un-noticed until later when the driver saw him missing from the car, when they returned Edwards was dead from the fire. Another report says that the car overturned pinning Vernon underneath and despite rescue efforts by his brother Clarence and Charles Swezey, the flames consumed him. No matter how he died, Vernon Edwards became the first firefighter to die in the line of duty in the Coram Fire Department. The only other Coram fireman to die in the line of duty was Dennis Rodd March 13, 1993.


EDWARDS, VICTOR, Victor Edwards was born in Middle Island at the family homestead in 1857, the son of Floyd and Sarah. He too farmed the land and would be the last of four generations to live in the house that was believed to have built before 1761. Died 1940 age 83


EDWARDS, WALLACE,  Died 1855 7 years old


EDWARDS, WILBERT,  Died 1868 9 years old


EFFLAND, ANNA M.,  Died in 1944 at Southside Hospital in Bay Shore. The Medford resident was 57, married to Henry.


EFFLAND, HENRY,  Died in 1952 aged 68 at Southside Hospital in Bay Shore. He and his wife lived on Route 112 in Medford with one son and nine daughters. Born upstate New York, he was retired as a well driller and worked in an aircraft plant during World War II.


EFFLAND, WILLIAM,  Born February 7 1927, Died May 5 1988,


EHLERS, FRED,  Died 1909 The Ehlers lived in Ridge on a 65 acre farm just east of Randall Road on Middle Country Road and were grandparents of Fred Ehlers, who for years operated the Mobil gas station in Ridge at that location. Their house still stands just east of the current gas station.


EHLERS, MRS. unknown  Died 1916


EHRHARDT, DANIEL DAVIS,  was born November 6 1924 in Winnipeg, Canada and died June 7 2001. He married twice, first to Marianne Weiss in 1956 and second to Lois M Rooney. "Davis" was educated at the University of Vermont and in Austria. He was the son of John G. and Eleanor Davis Ehrhardt. He retired as head of the Long Island Division of the Queens Borough Public Library in Jamaica, New York. He lived in his parents house on Mt. Sinai Coram Road diagonally across from the Davis meeting House which was his great Great Grandfathers house.




EHRHARDT, JOHN G., was born November 4 1889 and died February 18 1951 in South Africa. John was a long time government official serving as a U.S, Diplomat in Greece, Canada, France and Germany. He served as Foreign Minister to Austria and finally Ambassador to South Africa. He married Eleanor Davis, the daughter of Daniel R and Nellie Randall Davis, they had a son Daniel Davis Ehrhardt.


EHRLAND, JOHN,  1/2/1891-12/13/1983


EHRLAGEN, MIKE,  10/5/1896- 8/28/73


ELLISON, PHEBE MELISSA,  Born 1808 Died September 1844 age 35, wife of Thomas.


ELLISON, THOMAS JEFFERSON,  Born January 6 1806 in “Fireplace” NY, now known as the hamlet of Brookhaven and died March 31 1867 at the age of 61. His occupation is listed as Merchant and he operated a store with his mother Elizabeth on South Country Road and Beaver Dam Road where the “Brook Store” now stands. He was a Brookhaven Town Trustee and overseer of the poor. It is presumed he was married twice. His nickname of “Big Tom” originated with his 400 pound frame and was described as “Independent and Chewed Tobacco badly”




ELIAS, LUBOV,  1902-1980


EVE, FREDA,  Died May 11 1941 age 61


EVE, MARGARET,  1909-1988


EVE, PAUL,  1907-1974, Paul was employed as Brookhaven Town Constable and enlisted in the U.S. Army in April 1942 and achieved the the rank of Sergeant in just over a years service.


EVE, THOMAS, Thomas Eve Died October 7 1953 age 78


FARON, ALFRED, born in Brooklyn, NY in 1896. He spent his childhood with his grandfather Samuel Higbie. In 1914 he moved in with his Aunt in Brooklyn, he was a gunner in World War I in 1917. On October 3 1919 he was killed in a Brookyn shipyard accident. He had two brothers Sam and Arthur of Coram.


FARON, ANNA,  Died 1865 age 40


FARON, ARTHUR,  1889-1978


FARON, CHARLOTTE,  The wife of Samuel Faron, died January 13 1962 age 72. She and her husband had 4 children, two sons and two daughters


FARON, GERTRUDE, 1891-1980


FARON, SAMUEL,  1886-1971




FASSETT, BERTHA CAMPBELL WOODRUFF,  Born1877 in Bellport, Died 1970 in Chatham Morris, New Jersey. She and her husband Harvey had three daughters


FASSETT, HARVEY,  Born in Scottsdale, Arizona October 6 1867, spent his summers in Bellport. He was a retired Newark, New Jersey principal for 35 years and member of Newark Board of Education retiring in June of 1940. He also taught in Troy, N.Y. and several New Jersey schools. He attended college at Bucknell, Cornell and Columbia. He died in 1941 at the age of 71.


FITZGERALD, CAROLLYN,  Died in 1967 age 39




FLORSZ, MARION, 1922-1998, mother of Robert Florsz


FLORSZ, ROBERT,  Born in 1953 a resident of Mattituck, died February 22 2005, 52 years old, while under hospice care. He married Lorraine Ponessa Florsz. He is the son of Edward and Marion Florsz


FORDHAM, ELOISE,  Died 1827 age 12


FORDHAM, ISAAC,  Died 1839 age 16


FOURNEY, FRANK T.,  12/22/24- 2/13/98


FOURNEY, JOAN M. GARLAND,  9/28/34- 1/11/2007


FOURNEY, KENNETH S.,  1928-1987


FOURNEY, MARTHA NORTON,  Born 1898 in Coram to Thomas and Nancy Smith Norton, lived in Patchogue for 45 years. Died September 19 1967 age 69 leaving three sons and a husband


FREEMAN, HENRY VOORHES,  was born January 21, 1829 in New York City and Died May 7 1888 age 59


FREEMAN, IDA LILLIAN VAN HORN,  Born February 23 1839 in New York City and died September 26 1898 Died age 58. She married Henry V Freeman in 1861. They had two daughters, one was Irmingarde who worked as an interior decorator in New York City and East Hampton, Long Island.


FREY unknow, Died 1934 age 64


FUENTES, NOEMI  Died March 2006


FUKAGAWA, YUKI,  1904-1976


GAGNON, ANNA, 12/9/1899-1/6/1997


GAGNON, ANDREW,  Died 1956 age 61


GAGNON, EDWARD,  Died 1936 age 79


GAGNON, MARGUERITE,  Born in 1861 in Canada lived on Granny Road in Medford for 30 years, died at Yaphank Infirmary in 1952 91 years old


GARCIA, DIEGO,  Born in Puerto Rico in 1923, lived on West Main Street in Patchogue and was found dead in the Patchogue River of an apparent accidental drowning in June of 1964 at the age of 41. Diego lived in Patchogue for 9 years and was employed as a welder at Lawrence Aviation in Port Jefferson. He left a wife son, 2 daughters and a brother all from Patchogue.


GARCIA, ESTEVAN DAVID,  Died March 22 2010


GILDERSLEEVE, CHAUNCEY,  Died 1891 1 year old, son of John and Charlotte.


GILDERSLEEVE, CYNTHIA,  unknown, died 1832


GILDERSLEEVE, EZRA B.,  Died March 1, 1904 age 76


GILDERSLEEVE, EZRA,  died June 11, 1860, 69 years old. He was a farmer who lived on the south side of Middle Country Road where the Longwood Library and Wal-Mart are located. Upon his Death, the mortgage was signed over to Reverend Latting Carpenter, who held ownership until 1872.


GILDERSLEEVE, HULDAH,  wife of Ezra died February 8, 1872 age 80


GILDERSLEEVE, LESTER,  died October 14,1836. The son of Ezra and Huldah was 19 years old.


GILDERSLEEVE, MARY L.,  Died February 24, 1852, 18 years old.


GLOVER, DANIEL, was born September 12 1810 and died ten days later on September 23rd. Son of Samuel and Mercy Glover


GLOVER, SAMUEL,  Died 1850 age 24, son of Samuel and Mercy.


GOBLER, JANE  unknown 


GOLDHORN, CHARLES,  Born in Albany NY in 1894, a World War I veteran lived in West Yaphank for 16 years and was a bayman. He suffered a heart attack and died January 1950 while clamming in the Moriches Bay in Center Moriches at the age of 56. He left his wife three sons and two daughters


GOLDSTEIN, JEAN,  Born in 1928, wife of Peter Goldstein of Coram died 199_


GOLDSTEIN, PETER,  was born November 28 1923 and died November 4 2013, 89 years old. Amember of the Coram Fire Department, he retired as a operators engineer. 

GOLTERMAN, FRED,  Born April 1 1896 in Germany and lived on Park Lane in Middle Island, a retired building contractor died in June 1964 age 68


GORDON, EDWARD,  Died 1862- 1921 after a long illness at the age of 59.


GORDON, GUSSIE,  Wife of Edward, daughter of J.Franklin Davis died in 1955 age 74


GRAHAM, DAVID, Died August 9, 1890 age 90


GRAY, FRANCES E.,  1860- 1925 age 65


GRAY, REVEREND EUGENE,  Died 1945 age 85


GREEN, KATERINE,  Died 1870 Age 84 

GREENWALD, JOSEPH "JERRY",  Born April 12 1926 Died November 5 2007 Served in World War II U.S. Navy S-2.


GRIFFIN, G.A. unknown


GRIFFEN, G.C. unknown


GRIFFEN, J.G. unknown


GRIFFEN, JULIA, unknown Died 1907


GRIFFEN, M. G. unknown


GRIFFEN, SARAH,  Died September 17 in Centereach at the age 89. Wife of W.B. Griffin of Port Jefferson


GRIFFEN, MICHAEL,  Died March 21st, 1873 age 56


HAGEN, WALTER,  was the son of Christian and Anna Hagan of Brooklyn. The family lived on Sherman Street and their first three children died in in the diphtheria epidemic of 1894-1897 in which 181 people died. The three children are buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn. Walter was the fourth to die in 1907, just 1 year old. The parents moved to Middle Island and operated Hagan's General Store from 1902-1922. The store located between Swezeytown Road and Swezey Lane was originally owned by Oscar Swezey and was built in 1835 as a hotel and store. The hotel burned down in the early 1800's and the store would later become Hunter's Inn and then the Island Squire restaurant.


HAKULA, ELSIE, 1903-1978


HAKULA, MATTI,  Died 1962 age 64


HALL, ANGELINE,  Died 1893 Age 62


HALLOCK, BENJAMEN,  was born in 1777 and died October 5, 1858, 82 years old. He was a prominent Middle island resident where he was a Blacksmith, farmer and town Justice of The Peace


HALLOCK, ELIZA H., Died 1883 Age 75


HALLOCK, EZRA KING, 1822-1843 age 22, the son of Benjamen and Sarah


HALLOCK, LILLIAN, Died 1904 age 21


HALLOCK, MABEL,  Died 1880 Age 34


HALLOCK, SARAH, Died 1785-1855 age 69, wife of Benjamen, they were married in 1803 and had thirteen children.


HALLOCK, WILLIAM CARMON, Died 1843 age 21, the son of Benjamen and Sarah


HALLOCK, WINFIELD SCOTT "BILL",  was born in Rocky Point December 3rd 1848, the eleventh of twelve children of Captain Amos and Juliette Clark Hallock. The house he grew up in still stands at 115 Rocky Point Landing Road. His father was a farmer and donated property that is now the home of the Parish Research Center on the corner of Rocky Point Landing Road and Hallock Landing Road across the street from the Rocky Point F.D. North Shore House. Two of his brothers drowned at sea and another was a steamboat pilot. Winfield died in 1897, 49 years old.


HAMMOND, DANIEL,  was born May 3 1774 and died December 30 1848, 74 years old. A shoemaker and tanner currier, it is said he is buried in the cemetery in an unmarked grave. He was social friends with Esquire William Phillips and Mordecai Homan. He was known to locals to "tip his elbow socially enjoying 'Blue Lightning" and 'firewater', married he had had five sons and one daughter.






HANSON, ALWINE,  1203-2004


HARTLEY, STUYVESANT,  Died 1965 Age 65


HAWKINS, CHRISTINA OVERTON,  Born March 8, 1878, was the daughter of Elisha and Charlotte Overton. She was a lifetime resident of Coram who lived on Mill Road, wife of Edwin Webster Hawkins., son Edwin.


HAWKINS, CLARA,  7/28/14-5/6/1904


HAWKINS, EDWIN W. JR., Died 1947 1 day old


HAWKINS, EDWIN,  the son of Edwin and Christina Overton Hawkins was born April 11 1918 in Coram, member of the Coram F.D. serving as Chief from 1948-1949 and Commissioner for four years. Died November 22 1999, 81 years old. "Ed" started working as a boy at a rug factory which he would later become the owner and operater of what would be called the Coram Rug Works located on the corner of Mill Road and Route 112, a business he ran with his step-brother Elihu who started making rag carpets as a hobby with Morse Overton as a salesman. When Edwin returned home from serving as a Merchant Marine in World War II, besides being a Chief Engineer at Republic Airport in Farmingdale, he worked on on the P47 Thunderbolt. He also sold carpets purchased from mills in New York City. The Coram Rug Works quickly became one of the largest distributors in New York State until they closed in the 1970's. He also loved racing and raced midget cars, once topping 150 miles per hour and would later become the owner and operator of the Riverhead Raceway and Islip Speedway.


HAWKINS, ELKANAH WALTERS,  was born September 13 1826 and died June 15 1888, 61 years old. In 1850 he married Lydia Maria Turner, daughter of William and Lydia. They lived in Middle Island where he was a farmer. They had three children.


HAWKINS, ELLIE F.,  was born June 10, 1871 and died June 16, 1875 Age 4, daughter of Elkanah and Lydia.


HAWKINS, HARRIET,  1832-1909 Age 77, wife of Herman Hawkins


HAWKINS, HARRIET,  Died 1876 Age 58


HAWKINS, HERMAN,  was born September 9,1813 and died July 5,1903. 89 years old. He married Harriet Hulse in 1858. They lived in Brookhaven where he was a farmer. They had three children.


HAWKINS, LYDIA M., Died April 24,1890 Age 57, wife of Elkanah


HAYNES, MAGGIE,  Died 1969 Age 80


HEITMAN, HERMAN,  Born in Germany in 1895, Herman lived in Medford for 27 years and never married. He was a self employed trucker and was killed July 1954 outside Norris City, Illinois when his truck went off the highway hitting a pole. He was 59 years old


HEITMAN, LOUIS,  Died August 1957, Brother of Herman, also born in Germany, lived in Medford for 31 years in the Trucking business.


HEITMAN, LOUIS,  1929-1979. Son of Louis and Minnie Heitman


HEITMAN, MINNIE,  Died 1965 age 79, wife of Louis , had a son Louis.


HERRARA, BRANDON ARAGON, unknown,  Died April 23 2003


HIGBIE, GRACE, Born 1874 Died 1964 age 90


HIGBIE, SAMUEL, born 1839 Died 1912 Age 73


HIGGINS, M.A. (MARYANN),  was born December 9 1794 in Riverhead NY, daughter of Reverend Jacob Corwin. She married twice, first to William Hurtin who died in 1821. She then married a man named Higgins who was born in Massachusetts. Maryann died November 9 1885 Age 91




HOFFMAN, EMMA,  1885-1973 Wife of Gustav.


HOFFMAN, GUSTAV,  Born 1881 in Germany, Died in 1940 age 59 at Yaphank Infirmary. Lived on Pauls Path with wife Emma and sons Paul and Gus.


HOFFMAN, PAUL, Died 1963 Age 51, lived on Pauls Path Coram


HOFFMAN, ROSE,  Died 1963 Age 51


HOFFSTRAND, OSCAR WALTER, born Sept. 9, 1903-September 1983


HOLL, CLARE, 1896-1981


HOLL, DOROTHY,  1900-1976


HOLSCHUH, ANN MARIE,  7/17/1875-6/24/1973


HOLSCHUH, CARL,  Born 1893 in New York City. Died at his home on Middle Country Road in Coram in 1958 at the age of 65. He was employed by Eastern States Electric Company at Brookhaven National Laboratory and a member of IBEW 25. He taught Sunday School and was Sunday School Superintendant at Middle Island Presbyterian Church for 15 years, where he was an elder. A member of the Coram Community Choir, he also served as Treasurer for the Coram School District. His wife Evelyn was a long time Librarian at the Longwood Library, dating back to when it was housed in the old Coram Schoolhouse.




HOMAN, CHARLES A.,  Died 1837-1840 age 3


HOMAN, CLARENCE B.,  the son of Marcus and Ellen Ruland Homan Died 1875 1 year old in Wading River where he was also born.


HOMAN, DANIEL,  was born in 1800 and lived his life in Yaphank. At the age of 17, he was a Carpenters apprentice in Wading River. He married Melissa Griffing and moved to Brooklyn and resided on Pineapple Street. His wife had health problems living in the city and he moved back to Yaphank. After 7 years of illness, Daniel died in 1847 of Consumption at the age of 46


HOMAN, DANIEL,  Died 1786- 1793 Age 7 son of Moredecai and Mary Leek 

HOMAN, ELLEN RULAND,  1836-1894, 58 years old, married to Marcus Homan


HOMAN, FREDERICK BROWNING,  the son of Samuel and Jemima died October 12, 1848 6 months old 

HOMAN, GEORGE,  1842-1869, the son of Daniel and Melissa Homan, was 27 years old


HOMAN, GEORGIANNA,  Died 1850-1898 Wife of George


HOMAN, JEMIMA,  1826- 1848 Age 24 wife of Samuel


HOMAN, MARCUS A.,  was born 1834 In Yaphank, had 7 children and lived in Wading River and died in Brookhaven in 1926 Age 92


HOMAN, MARY, 1859 Age 85


HOMAN, MARY, 1818-1890 Age 77


HOMAN, MARY,  1750- 1793, 45 years old wife of Mordecai (1750-1805)


HOMAN, MELISSA, Died 1845 Age 41, wife of Daniel (1800-1847)


HOMAN, MORDECAI,  was born November 11 1750 in Yaphank and married Mary Leek. They had 7 sons and one daughter and lived just south of the Yaphank/ Middle Island border. He died 1805 age 56. He was the son of John and Mary Homan. John ran the Sawmill on the Lower Yaphank Lake


HOMAN, MORDECAI,  was born in 1771 in Middle Island and raised on his fathers farm. He would later relocate to Yaphank where he became a very popular and influential resident. Early in life he was a school teacher and at the age of 28 he married Polly Buckingham in Old Milford, Connecticut and purchased his brothers interest in the Yaphank Homan estate. He served as Brookhaven Town Clerk for 42 years, as well as being the Towns Justice of the peace.

His popularity was such that he was asked to serve his community in the State Assembly and as Town Supervisor, both offers he refused, feeling the need to care for his large family of ailing residents who depended on him,as he spent hundreds of dollars on medical bills. He was not rich or well off, but was always available for assistance. He died in 1854 Age 83


HOMAN, MULFORD,  was born 1813 in Middle Island and died 1906 in Middle Island, 90 years old. he and his wife Mary had three children


HOMAN, NANCY LOUISE,  born 1838, died 1870 in Brookhaven, 31 years old and unmarried. The daughter of Samuel and Sarah Homan


HOMAN, PHILLIP, Phillip Homan Born 1773 Died in 1775, brother of Mordecai.


HOMAN, SAMUEL,  was born in1807 and died in 1839, 32 years of age in Brookhaven. (Brookhaven later was referred to as Middle Island). He married Sarah Ann Davis of "Brookhaven". They had two children


HOMAN,  (Twin boys) Died 1876


HOMAN, ZACHARIAH,  Born 1782 Died 1784


HOMES, WILLIAM,  1898-1972


HOWELL, BATHSHEBA,  was born December 8 1774 in Mattituck daughter of William and Mary Reeves Clark. She died December 3 1809 in Middle island, 64 years old.


HOWELL, DANIEL,  was born in 1773 and died 1808 in Middle Island, 35 years old, the son of Reeves and Bathsheba Clark Howell. Daniel married Martha Stephens


HOWELL, ISAAC,  was born February 19 1769 in Middle island and died October 27 1813, age 44. he married Mary Hawkins and had eleven children.


HOWELL, JOHN, was born in Southold in 1761 and died in Middle Island on the family farm in 1842 at the age of 81. The farm would later become owned by his Grand-daughter and her husband John Buckingham


HOWELL, MARTHA STEPHENS,  was born May 11 1779 in Quogue to Edward and Martha Stephens and died December 5 1855 76 years old. Her first husband Daniel Howell died in February 1808. They had a daughter Abigail who married Jacob Meserole and John Buckingham. Martha married again later in 2008 to Richard Swezey, they also had a daughter, Julia who married James Overton


HOWELL, REEVES, was born in 1738 and died in 1802 in Middle Island, married to Bathsheba Clark in 1769


HOWELL, WILLIAM,  Died 1831 Age 25


HUDSON, HANNAH MILLS, was born November 11 1764 in Southold.  Died June 1, 1826 in Middle Island, 62 years old, she and her husband Nathaniel had 10 children


HUDSON, KATHERINE, 1846- 1927 Age 81


HUDSON, MIRIAM,  died in Setauket at the age of 85 on the 28th. She formerly lived in Middle Island.


HUDSON, NATHANIEL,  was born in 1750 in Southampton and died 1826 in Middle Island. He married Hannah Wells. Age 66


HUDSON, NATHANIEL,  was born March 14 1793 in Middle Island and died February 21 1874 in Middle Island, 84 years old. He lived 100 feet north of the Middle Island Presbyterian Parsonage (Church Lane).


HUDSON, SALLY,  was born December 14 1790 in Middle Island to Nathaniel and Hannah and died July 28 1875, 84 years old. She never married.


HUGHES, SHANNON  Died December 2005




HULSE, CALEB,  was born 1779 and died 1833 Age 54


HULSE, CALEB MAPES,  was born September 22 1748 in Coram and died January 1 1810, 62 years old. In 1773 he married Jerusha Petty (1754-1840) and had ten children. they lived in Coram


HULSE, DANIEL, was born June 9 1792 in Coram to Caleb and Jerusha and died October 30 1860 in Coram, 68 years old married Elizabeth Woodhull in 1819 and had five children


HULSE, ELIZABETH WOODHULL, was born September 16 1793 in Mattituck and died January 31 1860 in Coram. She was 66 years old. Died 1860 age 66


HULSE, HARRIET SOPHIA,  was born in Coram in 1835, the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth and died  March 31,1843 in Coram. She was 8 years old


HULSE, DR. ISAAC,  was born in 1796 and died in 1870, he was 74 years old. He was married three times, first to Amelia Roberts who died in 1827 in Pensacola, Florida, He married a woman named Nancy who died in 1862. They apparently were divorced because she married again in New Hampshire in 1821 and again in New York in 1845 and then married Melania Innerarity


HULSE, JERUSHA,  was born in Wading River August 7 1754 and died in "Fireplace" now known as Brookhaven hamlet September 7 1840, she was 86 years old


HULSE, LUCY ANN WALLACE,  was born July 20 1780 in Stonington, Connecticut and died March 21 1868 in Brookhaven, 87 years old. She and her husband Caleb had 6 children


HULSE, LYDIA,  Died 1861 age 31


HULSE, NANCY,  1792- 1862 Age 70, wife of Isaac


HULSE, "DEACON" PAUL,  was born 1728 in Coram and lived on the farm his father John previously owned with his wife Mary, son Isaac and an Indian servant. Paul was a deacon in the Middle Island Presbyterian Church and held numerous Brookhaven Town elected offices including the first "fence viewer" in 1767, 1768 and 1779. He served as Trustee 1771, 1774 and 1775. When the Revolutionary War spread quickly he became a Patriot signing for the Association twice in 1775. In 1778 he left the war and returned to his home and was listed in the census as a farmer. He died 1799 age 81


HULSE, SIMEON,  was born in Coram October 18 1783 and married Prudence Corwin in 1805. He died three years later November 2 1808, 25 years old.


HULSE, MRS. WILLIAM, Died 1901 age 33




HURTIN, CHRISTOPHER,  was born in 1775 and died February 19 1807 in Middle Island. He was 65 years old. He and his wife Julianna Swezey had three children. She was the daughter of Christopher and Julianna Davis Swezey.


HURTIN, HANNA HEDGES, was born February 17 1794 in Brookhaven and died August 24 1873 in Middle Island, she married Samuel Nutin Hurtin.


HURTIN, JERUSHA,  Died at home on April 17 1891 of "gripe" age 66 after a short illness, sister of Joseph for whome she managed most of his household affairs, as he never married, she was the daughter of Samuel and Hannah


HURTIN, JOSEPH,  was born 1828 on his father Samuel's farm in Middle Island on the west side of Middle Island Yaphank Road north of East Bartlett Road. Described as a progressive farmer, Mr Hurtin never married and lived his later years with his neice Mrs. Edward Phieffer. Joseph died in 1923 at the age of 95.


HURTIN, SAMUEL NUTIN,  Died 1873 age 85


HURTIN, SARAH, \Died 1801 age 56


HUTCHINSON, BENJAMEN,  was born April 11 1768 in Baiting Hollow and married Elizabeth Tuthill on January 24 1791 in Cutchogue. They had six children. In 1804 he sold the 200 acres he inherited by his father Benjamen to Benjamen Brewster and bought a house built in 1750. In 1811 he became postmaster and the post office was located in part of the house until 1834 when his son Benjamen T. became Postmaster. The house was also used as Town Clerks office for Brookhaven when Benjamen was elected to that office. and 120 acres for $2,000 in Middle Island on Middle Country Road where the "Kogel Property" now is, across the street from Longwood Library. He died in Middle Island in 1849 Age 82


HUTCHINSON, BENJAMEN TUTHILL,  was born March 2 1808 in Middle Island, the 6th and last child of Benjamen. When he was 17 years old he left home for New York City to work as a clerk at a grocery store owned by Charles Swezey. Four years later he was part owner of a grocery store in the same place. When he was about 26 years old he returned to Middle Island and for four years beginning in 1831he taught school in Moriches, Coram and Middle Island. He still had a desire to be a merchant and opened a store in his home town. He married twice, first to Louisa D. Youngs of New York City in 1835, they had two children ,she died April 21 1837 and second to Minerva Overton in 1840. Together they had 7 children, three of which married. After living several years in New York City Benjamen and his family moved back to Middle Island in 1830 purchasing an adjoining farm owned by his uncle giving Benjamen 100 acres of owned landIn 1834 he became Postmaster when his father retired. He was Town Clerk in 1848 and 1849 and again from 1860-1877 and also Suffolk County Clerk from 1850 to 1853 and 1860-1877. he also was the Town Commissioner of Schools in 1843. After he died his daughter Cynthia was appointed Postmaster. Benjamen maintained his own lending library. The extensive collection of old and rare books. He Died in September of 1877 in Middle Island, age 69


Hutchinson Clara Josephine Brown was born May 14 1864 in Brooklyn and died in January 9, 1940 at the age of 76 in Bridgeport Connecticut at the home of her daughter. The widow of Edwin, formally lived in Middle Island on the former Donald Ferguson property known as "Rainbow Ranch" which was located the property and across from where Mangano Funeral Home is now located.


Hutchinson Cynthia  was born in Middle Island October 24 1793, daughter of Benjamen T and Minerva. She never married and was appointed Middle Island Postmaster after her fathers death in 1877. She lived alone in the house was found dead there November 11 1909 age 66. her father was asked by Brookhaven Town to compile and publish "The Brookhaven Town Records". He took on the task and when he died, Cynthia completed the records. The house and property was purchased by LeRoy realty in New York City and later sold to the Kogel Brothers for a concrete producing plant.


 Hutchinson, Edwin  Born in 1847, he lived in Middle Island where he was a farmer, the last surviving of six sons to Benjamen T. He married Clara J Brown and occupied the old homestead after his brother Henry died in 1894. In 1917 he sold the homestead and 13 acres of woodland to Joseph H. Randall and he moved to Norwichtown (Bridgeport) Connecticut to live with his daughter, where he died in 1922 at the age of 75.


HUTCHINSON, ELIZABETH TUTHILL,  was born May 1 1769 on Plum Island, The wife of Benjamen Age 81


HUTCHINSON, HENRY PARSONS,  was born in Baiting Hollow, November 8 1795 to Benjamen and Elizabeth. He died September 28 1867, 72 years old, the farmer never married.


HUTCHINSON, HENRY F., was the son of Benjamen T. and Minerva on November 12 1851 at the family homestead. He married Katie Risley in 1883 and became the owner of his grandfathers 125 acre farm and estate where he lived with his wife and three children. Henry succeeded his father as town clerk in 1877 and held the position until 1890 Died August 13, 1894


HUTCHINSON, KATHERINE "KATE",  was born July 4 1869 to John and Bridget Risley and according to records married Henry F. Hutchinson at the age of 13 in 1883. She died in1891, 26 years old. 


HUTCHINSON, LOUISA,  b. unknown d. Apr. 21, 1837


HUTCHINSON, MARY,  Died December 20 1936 in Setauket at the age of 83


HUTCHINSON, MINERVA,  was born in Baiting Hollow February 18 1798, the daughter of Benjamen and Elizabeth. She died December 30, 1879 Age 81


HUTCHINSON, MINERVA OVERTON,  was born in Coram in 1818 and died July 1904 in Middle Island, 86 years old, she was married to Benjamen T. Hutchinson.


HUTCHINSON, MINERVA,  Died March 1911 of scarlett fever in New York City at the age of 21.


HUTCHINSON, MONTAUGUE, "EDWIN",  was born May 31 1892 in Middle Island and died August 27, 1971 in Annapolis, Maryland. The son of Edwin and Clara Hutchinson married Charetta Florence Teeple in 1916. He was a Chemist for American Cyanmide in Linden New Jersey where they lived until they retired and moved to Annapolis, they had two sons.


HYNCIA, ALEX,  Died 1960 age 73


HYNNA, HILJA,  1893-1972


INTERNAN, EMMA,  Died 1965 age 90


INTERNAN, GEORGE,  Died 1946 age 78


ISLET, ELIZABETH,  1889-1981


IVANY, GEORGE,  Born 1953, Died 1988 age 35 Inscription reads "A man with many friends"


IVANY, RHODA,  1923-1979


IVANY, WILLIAM,  1905-1970


JACOBY, JOHN C.,  1918-1996


JOHNSON, CHRISTINA  Died  March 2006


JOHNSON, FRANK,  Died 1963 age 81


JOHNSON, JESSE E.,  Born in 1861 in Beaver Meadow, New York, A teacher for 40 years retired in 1927. He and his wife Irene lived in Brookhaven in the farmhouse that her grandfather Jesse Rose built in 1780. Jesse farmed the land after he retired from teaching. He died at Southside Hospital in February 1945 after falling on his porch at home, fracturing his skull. He was 84.


JOHNSON, IRENE,  A retired teacher, she was the daughter of Herman Hawkins and Harriet Hulse of Brookhaven. She and her husband were active volunteers in their community with their church and the Red Cross. She died in 1951 at Pine Rest Convalescent Home in Patchogue at the age of 86


JONES, ALBERT BALLANTINE, died July 23 1838 4 months old, the infant son of Albert and Elizabeth Randall Jones


JONES, ELIZABETH RANDALL,  was born in Ridge on June 3 1815 to William and Phoebe Randall. She married Captain Albert Jones of Norfolk Virginia in 1834 in New York City. He was a Master Mariner for the Panama Steamship Company. Elizabeth died in 1838, 23 years old, they had two children.


JONES, EMMA,  Died 1949 age 81


JONES, GARY,  Died 1943


JULIN, GEORGIANNA,  died December 15 1874 age 29, was married to James Julin


JULIN, IDA JANE,  1868- 1869, the one year old daughter of James and Georgianna.


KAARE, ANNE,  1941-1912


KAARE, JOHANNES,  1910-1991


KAARE, MAIGA,  1916-9/27/97


KAHARA, IMPI O.,  1/22/10-1/9/93


KAHARA, VAINO,  11/23/05-1/8/72


KALD, ARTHUR,  Born in Estonia in 1903. He lived on Middle Island Blvd in Middle Island for 20 years with his wife Orpha. He was a Carpenter. He died at Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson in 1967 age 63


KALD, ORPHA,  Born in Estonia in 1904 and died in 1976 age 72.


KALD, VAMBOLA,  1923-1992 age 69


KARULAAS, EDWARD,  Born 1904-1968 Died 1968 age 63




KATTAI, GRIGORI,  Born in Estonia in 1913 and died in 1986 at the age of 74.


KATTAI, SILVIA STERN,  Was born in Estonia in 1928 and escaped with many other Estonians during World War II surviving the Russian Occupation enemy attacks. She came to to the United States in 1954, became a Board member and volunteer with the Estonian Education Society in Middle Island.  Her husband Grigori pre-deceased her as did her grandson Eric Savisaar. She died December 28 2010 in Franklin, Tennessee at the age of 82 survived by three daughters and four grandchildren.


KEMPEL, AMY,  Born in England in 1883, lived in Ridge for 5 years before her death in 1943 at the age of 60 at Meadowbrook Hospital in Hempstead.


KEMPEL, ERIC, 1908-1980 Husband of Ann. They had 1 son.


KEMPSTER, JAMES,  1957-1985


KEMPSTER, JAMES W., Died 1955 age 8 months


KEMPSTER, KENNETH DWIGHT,  son of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kempster in 1952, he and three other boys were walking the edge of an excavation hole on Union Street in Port Jefferson Station when the edge collapsed sending Kempster eight feet in the hole buried under the dirt and clay. His friends ran to a nearby home of Terryville Fire Chief Harold Hoxie who arrived with local Doctor Sherman Mills and despite frantic efforts, Kenneth died at the age 11, suffocated due to the clay packing tightly against his chest.


KING, REVEREND EZRA,  was born July 24th 1784 in East Marion, NY, he served as a school teacher and pastor who was educated at Clinton Academy in East Hampton. He was Master of the Oyster Ponds School from 1805 to 1807.  In 1811 he married Lydia Youngs of East Marion and was appointed to the Presbyterian Church in Middle Island that spring. He and his wife moved into a home on Middle Country Road just west of Church Lane and purchased an adjoining farm of 100 acres that extended north to Half Mile Pond Road and east of the church. Lydia died in 1814 and he re-married Eliza Helme of Miller Place. King fathered 8 children. He served as Pastor for both the Middle Island and Southaven Presbyterian Churches. He founded the Bellport Presbyterian Church and Bellport Academy. He also served as Inspector of Schools. He was married twice to Lydia and Elixa and had five sons and three daughters. He died in Miller Place February 7 1867 at the age of 87.


KING, NANCY SWEZEY,  1812-1891 age 79, Wife of Thomas King,


KING, THOMAS, Born August 6 1812, son of Reverend Ezra King. He and his wife Nancy, lived in the house owned by his father and had a daughter, Lydia who married Joseph H Randall. Thomas died March 24 1871 age 58. Thomas sold the house to Thomas Dixon in 1896, they lived there until it burned to the ground in 1906, Hannah Dixon died in the fire.




KNIPE, EMMA,  1912-October 13 1998


KNIPE, JAMES,  Died in 1964 age 63


KOROLISZYN, ANNA, Died 1938 Age 59


KOROLISZYN, HENRY,  Died in 1942 Age 53 or 65. Lived on Route 112 Medford


KOSATAN, SIDONEA, Died November 1943, age 83




KOSCHARA, CHRISTIAN,  Died 1938, 5 years old


KOSCHARA, CHRISTIAN J.,  1901-1971 Farmer on Mooney Pond Road, charter member of the Coram Fire Department




KOSCHARA, JOHN,  Died 1926




KOSCHARA, WILLIAM,  1895-1985, William and his wife Beryl donated a state of the art Shulmerich Carillon Organ to the Middle Island Presbyterian Church






KRISTIANSEN, SVERRE,  Died in 1966 when his car was struck by a Long island Railroad train at the North Street Manorville crossing. The front end of his car was torn off by the impact. Police stated there was no warning lights or gates at the crossing. He was 64 years old


KRUGER, GLADYS,  1909-1989


KUKEPU, GEORGE,  Born in Estonia in 1892, lived on Middle Island Blvd, and was a retired Carpenter. He died in October of 1966.  He left a wife and son.


KUKEPU, OLGA,  April 11 1900-January 11 1987


KUKEPU, WAINO,  January 7 1925-June 24 2005


KUKK, HILDA,  1909-1994


KUKK, RAUL,  1912-1994


KULL, DYLAN MICHAEL, unknown, Died December 16 1999


KRUGER, GLADYS,  1909-1989


LAINE, SELMA,  1898-1983


LANE, ALBERT,  Died 1956 age 68


LANE, BERT,  Died 1962 age 64


LANE, GEORGE,  Died 1954 age 85


LANE, MABEL, Died 1953 age 67


LANE, OLIVER,  Born 1878


LANG, THOMAS M.,  Died 1965 age 71


LANGMASS, EDWARD,  Died 1961 age 72




LARSEN, ANDREW,  Died December 26 1952




LARSEN, GEORGE W.,  Died 1923 age 16


LARSEN, HEDEA,  1903-1989


LARSEN, JOHANNA,  Died 1959 age 83


LARSEN, JOHANNA C.,  Died 1904 2 months old


LARSEN, JOHN,  Died 1954 age 66


LARSEN, LEO,  1889-1991


LARSEN, LYDIA,  Died 1957 age 79, wife of Andrew


LARSEN, LYDIA E.,  Died 1905 4 months old


LARSEN, NIELS,  Died 1916 age 68


LEE, BERTHA (ZAUNER),   the daughter of T.B. Lee and sister of Mrs Herman Vogel, was married to Joseph Zauner. She died in 1928 of Pnuemonia. A native of Coram, her husband was from Woodhaven Queens. She was 41 at the time of her death.


LEE, FRANCES,  Died 1927 age 73


LEE, MARTHA,  Died 1917 age 59


LEE, THOMAS,  Died 1932 Age 77 brother of Eunice Petty.


LEEMAN, LILLIAN,  1940-2000


LEEMAN, RUDOLPH,  1910-1976


LENTINI, JOHN,  1918-2007




LEO, LINA,  Born February 23 1898, Died January 23 1991


LEO, PAUL,  Born in 1897 in Germany, a 12 year resident of Middle Island. He died at his home after an illness. He had been a carpenter. He left a wife, daughter and brother.


LEYES, HENRY,  Died 1920 age 20


L'HOMMEDIEU, BERTHA,  Died 1868 5 years old


L'HOMMEDIEU, DANIEL,  Died 1850 age 6


L'HOMMEDIEU, DANIEL,  Died 1855 Age 50


L'HOMMEDIEU, WILLIAM,  Died 1851 9 months old


LIIVAT, LIIDIA,Liidia Liivat Born September 16 1918 in Lihula, Estonia a small rural town, Died May 28, 2011 in Rocky Point, 93 years old.


LIIVAT, VADEKO,  Born February 27, 1920 in Tartu which is the second largest city in Estonia. He died at the age of 74 on June 19 1994 in Oceanside, NY


LILLIP, ALFRED,  Born in Estonia in 1898, a retired iron worker died at his sons house in Patchogue in 1969 age 70.


LILLIP, MARGOT,  1905-1992


LINNAS, AUGUST,  1889-1971


LINNAS, IDA,  1891-1971


LOHMAN, EVA J.,  August 15 1921-June 3 1975


LORFINK, RICHARD J. SR.,  1955-2003


LYNCH, ARTHUR,  Died 1970 age 65


LYNCH, CORNELIA,  1915-1986


MAANDI, ALLAN,  1959-1983 


MAANDI, ELVI,  11/4/1902-1/1989 


MAANDI, VALDEK, The son of Mr & Mrs Julian Maandi of Patchogue, was born 1933. In July of 1958 he married Siivi Karulaas of Patchogue. A reception was held at the Estonian Hall in Middle Island.


MAC ALISTER, ANNA,  was born in Scotland and Died in Sayville in 1954 age 67 


MAC ALISTER, HECTOR G.,  Died 1924 age 43 


MAIDLA, ELIZABETH,  Died 1970 age 64


MAILER, ANDREW,  Died February 6 1955, was a First class vegetable grower from Coram where he had a farm. Mailer entered many local growing contests. In 1932, he took first place for heaviest watermelon and first prize for sweet corn. He also specialized in growing beans, peppers, carrots, eggplants and tomatoes on his Middle Country Road farm. He was 86 when he died. He had two brothers Donald and Malcolm. 


MAILER, MALCOLM, Malcolm Mailer was 28 years old when he died in 1956 in an automobile accident, the son of Andrew and Ruth 


MAILER, RUTH,  The wife of Andrew was born in Coram and died October 1957 age 61 at Brookhaven Memorial Hospital.


MANDEL, AINO,  1910-1990


MANDEL, ROMULUS, 1915-1989 


MARDLA, AUGUST,  was born in 1900 in Estonia and lived in Patchogue where he was a 12 year resident. He was an assembler for Robco Manufacturing and died at Southside hospital in 1967 at age 67.


MARDLA, EHA,  1909-1990


MARDLA, ELISABETH,  1906-1970 


MARSCH, SAM,  Died 1944 age 76


MARTIN, HILDA,  1895-1972 


MATSON, ERIC,  Died 1955 age 56 




MCCAULEY, ANASTASIA G. Died December 2004


MC GONIGLE, ROBERT,  Died December 13 2009 of cancer, he was employed at Brookhaven National Lab and lived on Middle Island Blvd.


MC KECHNIE, MICHAEL,  Member of Middle Island Fire Department married to Rita




MC MULLEN, MRS., Died 1920 age 65 


MEIS, ARTHUR,  Died 1927 


MEISSNER, LESTER,  Died in 1956 age 58


MEJIA, ANGEL, J  Died January 1 2005


MERWIN, JAMES,  Died 1854 age 39 


MERWIN, JAMESETTE,  Died 1857, 4 years old


MERWIN, JANE E.,  Died in 1850, 1 year old


METSNIT, JOHN,  2/2/1904-4/20/1989


MEYER, FRANCES,  10/4/1924-6/26/1998


MEYER, MILTON FRANCIS,  100 years old, died suddenly on February 23, 2015 at his residence in Mastic Beach. Milton was born in Elmhurst, Queens, New York. He was a retired bus driver from Grumman Corporation. He would later own a paving company. His beloved wife Frances predeceased Milton in 1998. Surviving Milton are his seven loving children, Milton Jr. (Helen), Robert, Patricia, Richard (Lorraine), Carol (Richie), Christian, Barbara (Ronald), he was the grandfather of Matthew, Penny, Kelly, Ryan, Michelle and Jessica and great grandfather of Matthew, Jesse, Kyle and Noah. Until the day he died, Milton was an active senior with clarity of mind and in relatively sound health. Milton loved baseball and the NY Mets. He dreamed of being a professional ballplayer himself . Eventually, he was scouted as a pitcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers, but a medical condition prevented that from occurring. As an adult, he played on the Grumman Baseball League.


MICHAELS, FREDERICK H.,  Died 1867 age


MICHAELS, JANE,  Died 1882 age 61


MILLER, FRANK,  Died 1942 age 62


MILLER, LIRA,  Gordon Heights resident for 25 years, past president of the Gordon Heights Fire Department Ladies Auxillary, founder of the Gordon Heights Community Center died in July 1969 at the age of 75, leaving two daughters three grandchildren and five great grand children


MILLER, VLADIMER,  Died November 10 1965 age 79, born in Estonia he was a four year resident of Middle Island where he died. A retired bookkeeper, he was a member of the Estonian Educational Society of New York. He was survived by his wife Alexsandra, a daughter and step daughter, and was a grandfather and great grandfather.


MILLS, DEBORAH,  Died 1847 age 38 


MILLS, EDMUND T.,  Died 1871 age 37 


MILLS, GEORGE B.,  Died 1851 age 19 


MILLS, JOHN E.,  Died 1850, age 13


MILLS, PHILLIP,  Died 1852 died age 42




MISTLER, EDITH, 1926-1998 


MISTLER, EVELYN,  Died 1942 age 25 


MISTLER, GEORGE F.,  1909-1978


MISTLER, GEORGE F.,  1940-1996


MISTLER, JACOB, 1912-1967


MONAMENT, ALEXANDER,  Died 1951 age 83


MONAMENT, CAROLINE,  Died 1944 age 68


MOTT, FRED,  Died 1960 age 73 

MOTT, GERTRUDE,  1905-1974 wife of Hewlett Mott


MOTT, HEWLETT,  Died in 1960 at the age of 71. In June of 1964 Mott sold the West Middle Island School District a 15 acre tract of land he owned in the “Wellington Lots” along with Leroy ALbin and George Edwards for $1,000 an acre. They built the West Middle Island School on the site. 


MOTT, JESSIE, Died February 5 1929 and left seven parcels of land to her three sons Hewlett, Frederick and Wallace, all of Coram. The Mott properties were located on the south side of Coram Swezeytown Road on the Coram/Middle Island border. Hewlett was left the house and lot known as Wellington Lot and swamp lot at Chestnut pound, Frederick was left all land owned North of Swezeytown Road adjoining the Elbert J Swezey estate and Wallace south of the big lot, south of Swezeytown Road.


MOTT, WALLACE,  was born in 1931 and died at the of 16 after a short illness May 27 1947. He was a junior at Port Jefferson High School


MOTT, WALLACE EDWIN,  lived with his wife Anna, brother Frederick and son Wallace on Coram Swezeytown Road just west of Swezeytown Road. He was born August 19 1893. He worked on the farm of Hewlett Mott before emlisting in the U.S. Army in 1917. He was assigned to Camp Upton and assigned to the 305th Field Hospital and later as an ambulance driver at the Camp. He was discharged as a Private 1st Class July 1 1918.On July 15, 1942 after being despondent over ill health and being sick for six weeks, he told his brother he wanted to be alone to rest in a chair near the woods. Upon returning from a shopping trip in Port Jefferson, his wife found him dead as a result of a double barrel shotgun wound to the head in an apparent suicide.


MUELLEN, ALDOPH,  was born in New York City in 1841 and died in New York City February 1927. He lived with his wife and son in Middle Island from 1869 until her death in 1915


MUELLEN, CHARLES,  born 1873 in Middle Island, he died in New York City in 1960 age 87 


MUELLEN, SUSANNA,  was born in New York City. She died in 1915 in Middle Island 


MURRAY, JESSICA,  Died 1944, age 76


MURRAY, JOHN,  Died November 1911 at the age of 71 in Coram. He served in the Civil War 

MUURISEPP, HARITA,  1921-1911 



NAGEL, JOSEPHINE,  1892-1972 


NAGEL, PERCY,  was born in Greenport in 1895. He later moved to Medford, where he became a member of the Fire Department. He was a retired carpenter for Frank J Hines Builders, and built many of the homes in South Country Shores in Patchogue. he and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 4 1996. he died October 27th of the same year at the age of 71.




NEFF, DOROTHY,  1915-1977


NEFF, HARRY,  Died 1965 age 69 


NEFF, ROSE, Died 1947, age 4 


NEIRA, CAROLINA,  9/15/1915-2/26/2003 


NICOLL, AMANDA,  Died 1872 




NICOLL, BEN, Died 1870 age 64 


NICOLL, EFFIE,  Died 1875, 1 year old


NICOLL, ELIZA,  Died 1894 age 89


NICOLL, GEORGE,  Died 1875 age 33


NICOLL, JOHN R.,  Died 1878 age 39 


NICOLL, LIZZIE,  Died 1872 age 38 


NICOLL, WILLIAM,  Died 1872 age 33 


NICOLL, WINIFRED,  Died 1914 age 73


NIENBURG, DOROTHY,  1924-1999 


NIENBURG, JENNIFER,  January 15 1964-November 1980 


NIENBURG, LOUIS,  1920-1996 


NILSSON, CHRISTINA,  Died 1956 age 85  


NILSSON, CHRISTINE,  Died 1956 age 85, wife of Theodore.




NILSSON, THEODORE,  was born in Switzerland in 1861. A 46 year resident of Medford, he and his wife had 3 daughters and 3 sons. He died in October of 1941 at Southside Hospital in Bay Shore


NIXON, CHRISTIAN  Died February 2006


NOLAN, RANDOLPH, 1933-2012 79 years old


NORCROSS, ADA, 1905-1990 age 85, married to Hewitt.


NORCROSS, HEWITT,  was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1899. His family moved to Yaphank where he would spend the next 50 years. A World War I veteran, he also volunteered with the Yaphank Fire Department spending time as their Treasurer beginning in 1948. On the night of July 17 1932 he was a passenger in a car owned by Cleveland Church of Patchogue along with S. Raymond Homan. The car stuck and killed teenager Henry Ehmann as he walked along North Ocean Avenue and then fled the scene. Police traced the car to Vermont where Church had been staying. Norcross and Church were both arrested and charged with Driving While Intoxicated in a case that spanned three and a half years. There was contradictions of who was driving the car until Church admitted he was the driver. Homan originally suspected to be the driver, was charged with being an accessory. Hewitt left for New Orleans sometime around 1937, but then returned to Yaphank. He retired from Suffolk County Department of Public Works and died in 1968 at the age of 69.


NORDMARK, PAULINE,  1899-1983 84 years old


NORDMARK, RAYMOND,  4/10/1919-7/19/2004 85 years old


NORDMARK, STEWART,  1893-1964 71 years old


NOWAK, WILLIAM BENJAMEN,  6/25/1976-8/17/1976


0'ROURKE, ALMA,  1913-2010


O'SHEA, CONSTANCE,  1894-1981


OEDING, ALBERT,  1908-1981


OEDING, GLADYS, 1884-1969


OEDING, WILHELMINE,  was born March 1 1884 and died February 1969


OLSEN, OSCAR,  was born July 18 1901 in Norway, Died February 27 1975 

OLSEN, PAULINE,  October 6 1904- February 20 1975


OMAR, OLGA MARIE,  was born in 1889 in Norway and lived for 24 years in Middle Island. She then went to live with her daughter in Bellport, where she died at the age of 64


ORBST, LORETTA,  1906-1994


ORTEGA, LOPEZ, VANAESSA  Died February 2006


OSBORN, LOUISA  Born 1800, Died 1836


OUTLAR, RUBY,  was born in 1907. She and her husband William lived in Gordon Heights for 12 years. In 1953 she drowned in Three Mile harbor in Easthampton when the rowboat she was in overturned. Besides her husband, she left 5 brothers, 1 sister and her mother. Ruby was 46 years old.


OVERTON, AMELIA ADELIZA, was born in Ridge in 1879, a direct descendent of the Randall family. A member of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church, she was a resident of Shoreham for 25 years. She retired as a telephone operator for the Shoreham exchange. She died in October of 1958 at Ramor Nursing Home in Patchogue.


OVERTON, BEATRICE,  was born, possibly in Coram in 1890. Her father, Hopkins was a travelling salesman, and at some point Beatrice went to live with her Aunt and Uncle, Mr & Mrs George Wilson in Flushing, New York. She attended Flushing High School. While her father was in Chicago, Beatrice fell off a hammock in the summer of 1907. She died that October at the age of 17.


OVERTON, CHARITY,  died 1898 age 53


OVERTON, CHRISTINA,  died 1882 age 32


OVERTON, CLARISSA,  died 1888 age 87


OVERTON, ELIZABETH,  was born February 10 1806 in Coram, the daughter of Daniel and Dorothy Hopkins Davis, she married Lewis Roe Overton. She died in 1896 age 90


OVERTON, FRANKLIN,  was born in 1806, he married Sarepta Davis on October 17 1827 in Middle Island, he died 1876 age 70


OVERTON, GRACE,  died 1948 age 72


OVERTON, HAMPTON,  died 1885 age 72


OVERTON, HANNAH,  Died 1901 age 78, sister of Joseph Hurtin


OVERTON, HIRAM,  died October 1887 at his home in West Yaphank at the age of 1883.


OVERTON, HOPKINS ROE,  was born in Coram on January 13 1850 to Lewis Roe Overton and Eliza Davis. He had possibly three children, Beatrice who died in 1907 at the age of 17, and another daughter and son. A traveling salesman, he died in Washington DC November 4 1917, 67 years old. He left two children and a wife.


OVERTON, HULDUH,  died 1915 age 67


OVERTON, REVEREND ISAAC,  died 1799 age 44


OVERTON, JAMES,  Died 1879 age 78


OVERTON, JEHIEL W.,  Died 1865 age 29


OVERTON, JULIA,  Died 1890 age 75


OVERTON, LEWIS R.,  Died 1872 age 71, home was located on Mill Road near where the current David Overton Road is located. He lived there with his wife Elizabeth and five children. Lewis was a schoolteacher at the Coram School, Coram Postmaster and Town Clerk for Brookhaven.


OVERTON, LEWIS R,  Died 1891 died 8 years old


OVERTON, LUCILIA,  died 1919 age 76


OVERTON, MABEL ALICE,  Died 1965 age 79


OVERTON, MORSE, was born in 1880, the son of Elisha Webster Overton in 1880, he died in 1964 age 84


OVERTON, NELLIE M.,  died 1863 1 year old


OVERTON, ROBERT,  died 1912 age 58


OVERTON, SARAH,  died 1907 age 63


OVERTON, SAREPTA D.,  was born in 1812, married Franklin Overton in 1827 and died 1866 age 54


OVERTON, WEBSTER E.,  died 1905 age 66, World War I veteran


OWEN, ADELAIDE,  1800-1867 


OWEN, ADELINE FITZGERALD,  was born in 1835 and died May 28 1841, age 7 years old of scarlett fever. Daughter of William and Adeline.


OWEN, ADELINE W.,  died 1915 age 74, married to William.


OWEN, FREDERICK WOOSTER,  was born October 6 1840 in Vinyard Haven, Massachusetts. 


OWEN, LOUISA G.,  1841-1915, married to Frederick 


OWEN, WILLIAM HENRY,  was born in 1808, New York City and died June 27,1867, Port Jefferson age 66


OWEN, CAPTAIN WILLIAM W.,  was born September 10 1801 in Brunswick, Maine and died June 15 1867 in Staten Island, NY


PAGANO, NICK JR., 1956-2007 age 51


PALMER, ANNA CLYDE,  1897-1974


PARTLOW, ANNA E,  died 1963 age 42


PARTLOW, BERTHA,  1919-1990 age 71


PARTLOW, CAROL,  1950-1997 age 47 PARTLOW, DAVID,  born March 9 1943, died March 3 1996 age 52. He was a member of the Middle Island Fire Department and died of a heart attack.


PARTLOW, HELEN, January 2 1950-January 29 1998 48 years old


PARTLOW, ROBERT,  1912-1981, 69 years old


PARTLOW, WILLIAM,  died 1964 age 55 PAUL, LEONA, 1896-1977


PAZ, AMELIA JO,  Died September 30 2009


PEDERSON, EUGENE,  born 1891, the Middle Island resident died at Suffolk Infirmary in Yaphank May 23 1950, 59 years old.

PENNEY, HELEN FASSETT,  the daughter of Harvey and Berta Fassett was born March 24 1908, died in 1955 age 47. 




PEREZ, CIRA,  1896-1974 


PEREZ, EDWIN  Died January 2006


PEREZ, PETER, Died 1957 


PERRY, GERTRUDE, 1909-1973 


PERRY, LESTER H.,  1904-1990 


PESCE, EDWARD J.,  1938-1982 SM SGT United States Air Force Korea 


PETERS, ROBERT E,  1947-1968 


PETTY, died 1807, 9 months old 


PETTY, ANNA,  died 1810 age 27 


PETTY, BETSY,  died 1798 2 years old 


PETTY, CHARRY,  died 1890 age 78, wife of Herman 


PETTY, CHARRY A.,  died 1894, 5 days old 


PETTY, DANIEL,  was born in 1745. He puchased his Middle Island farm from William Phillips in 1773. He married Sarah and had 7 children. In May 1775 he became a patriot signing with the Association, He left the Association signing his Oath of Loyalty to King George in 1778, returning to his family and farm. In 1778 he was elected a Commissioner for Brookhaven Town and in 1795, as a fence viewer. He died in 1799 at the age of 54. He left his farm, cattle sheep and horses to his son Daniel Jr. 


PETTY DANIEL,  born 1773 in Middle Island on the family farm. When his father died in 1799 he found himself executor and principal heir of his fathers estate at the age of 26. He died 1839 age 66 


PETTY, DANIEL,  son of Daniel Petty 1773-1839 was deeded 350 acres of land from his father extending north past Whiskey Road. He later sold the property to Edgar Swezey, it was then owned by the Pfeiffer family who sold it to the Rowehl family in the 1950's. Today it is the site of Brichwood at Springlake. Petty died in 1875 age 72 


PETTY, ELBERT D., died 1929 age 74 


PETTY, ELIZA A.,  died 1869, age 64 


PETTY, EUNICE L.,  was born 1858 in Coram, She was the last of the Petty family and was an Aunt of the wife of Herman Vogel, a chicken farmer from Coram on Mt Sinai Coram Road where the George Link Circle community is. Eunice died in Brooklyn in 1932 age 74. 


PETTY, HERMAN,  died February 1879, 68 years old of epileptic shock


PETTY, HERMAN D.,  1903-1906 


PETTY, JOHN,  1778-1799 


PETTY, MARTIN,  died 4 months old 


PETTY, MARTIN L.,  died 1858 age 68 


PETTY, POLLY,  died 1872 age 82 


PETTY, SARAH,  born 1746, died 1823 age 77, wife of Daniel Susannah Petty died 1839 age 67 




PFEIFFER, EDWARD,  was born 1868 in Middle Island. Besides being a President of Peoples National Bank in Patchogue and the Bank of Stony Brook, he was a school trustee and member of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church. He owned and operated Pfieffer's Store in Middle Island from 1892 until his retirement in 1943. He also was Middle Island Postmaster from 1901 until 1940. The general store was built around 1739 and was owned and operated by the Brewster family. It was later a tavern owned by Briant Davis, and then Horace Randall operated a general store on the site which was located on the northeast corner of Middle Country Road and Rocky Point Road. Horace's son Joseph sold the store and property to Pfeieffer. When Pfieffer retired, he turned the store over to his son Everett. He lived in Patchogue with his wife Flora L. Dixon Pfieffer. They had a stepson Thomas Edgar Dixon who married Helen Davis, daughter of Harold, they lived in Norwich NY and used the Patchogue house as a summer home when the Pfeiffers passed away. Edward died at the store in 1951 at the age of 83 


PFEIFFER, ELIZABETH SWEZEY,  died 1904 age 37 


PFEIFFER, EVERETT H.,  was born in 1907 and was the son of Edward and Jennie Overton Pfeiffer. He attended the Stony Brook school for Boys and then Everett operated the store when his father retired in 1943 and was postmaster for 6 years. In 1943 he was drafted into the U.S. Army reporting to Camp Upton, then serving in Maine, Texas and Maryland before being assigned to the Panama Canal Zone, he was discharged in 1945. He died in 1957 of a heart attack while working in the Post Office at the age of 47. He was a member of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church. In 1932 he married Grace Faron of Coram 


PFIEFFER, FLORA,  died 1904 (baby)


PFEIFFER, FLORA DIXON, was born 1875 in Middle Island. She attended college in upstate Oneonta and taught school in Mt. Vernon N.Y. She first married Thomas I Dixon of Middle Island and had a son Edgar. Thomas died in 1922. Eleven years later she married Edward Pfeiffer, he would die in 1952. Flora was active in the Middle Island Presbyterian Church, Patchogue Sorosis, Col. Joshua Smith Chapter of the Daughters of American Revolution in Patchogue. She died in 1959 in Norwich, N.Y. while staying with her son at the age of 84 


PFEIFFER, GRACE E.,  died on January 3 1968 at the age of 55. She became Middle Island Postmistress on the death of her husband Everett. She was the sister of Doris Faron Bayles. 


PFIEFFER,  JENNY,  died 1932 age 65 


PHILLIPS, ELIZABETH,  died 1844 age 82 


PHILLIPS, HANNAH A. VAN HORN,  was born August 11 1835 in New York City. She married Philetus Phillips in 1854. They had 9 children. Hannah Died November 6th 1919 in Yaphank at the age of 84, eight months after her husband died. Hannah was in "feeble health" for several years but was able to be out and about. She was the oldest daughter of Abner and Hannah Van Horn of Middle Island. She was an active member of the local Presbyterian Church, possibly in Yaphank. Rev. Fred Swezey the nephew of her husband took part in the funeral service. 


PHILLIPS, JOHN STANLEY,  was born Born January 27 1871 in Yaphank and died in New York City November 30 1925 of Scarlett Fever at the age of 54. He was a son of Philetus and Sarah. 


PHILLIPS, JOSIAH,  1789- 1807 age 17, son of William & Urania Phillips 


PHILLIPS, MARY E.,  1828- 1844 age 15 daughter of William & Nancy Phillips. 


PHILLIPS, NANCY, was married to Esquire William Phillips, she died 1839 age 45 


PHILLIPS, PHILETUS,  was born 1834. He took over the farm and homestead his father and grandfather before him had owned on the west side of Middle Island Yaphank Road in Middle Island. He married Hannah Van Horn and had 8 children. He died May 1919 at the age of 85. 


PHILLIPS, RICHARD, 1796-1801 age 5, son of William & Urania Phillips 


PHILLIPS, SARA LILLIAN,  was born December 20 1868 in Yaphank and was the daughter of Philetus. Sarah (Sadie) was the last of the Phillips family to live on the farm. In 1945 she sold the house and 70 acre farm to Mr and Mrs Frank Bianca. Sarah was living in Southampton when she died January 8 1955 at the age of 87. 


PHILLIPS, URANIA BUCKINGHAM,  died 1803 age 46, wife of William Jr. "Esquire" 


PHILLIPS, WILLIAM ESQ.,  was born in 1787. As a young man he moved to Connecticut and worked as a clerk in one of his uncles stores, he ultimately returned to Long Island. He married Nancy Phillips in 1822, raised five children and settled down as a farmer becoming wealthy in the wood industry and was an extensive land owner. He served time as a Brookhaven Town Justice of the Peace and also was a Captain in the Militia. He became the owner of his fathers estate and was described as a hard working man, hale and rugged. He suffered the pain of cancer for several years. He died in Yaphank in 1858 at the age of 71.


PHILLIPS, WILLIAM,  Born in Yaphank in 1823 and died in Yaphank, May of 1891, son of "Esquire"William & Nancy Phillips. William owned a large tract of land and became very wealthy, he cleared the land, making room for the County Farm which is situated South of the Long Island Expressway west of Yaphank Avenue which the County purchased from him in 1870 and built the County Alms House on the land. He was 68 when he died suffering from Grip. He built a home for himself north of the Yaphank Railroad Station where he lived alone and never married. 


PHILLIPS, CAPTAIN WILLIAM,  Born in 1741, he was a Revolutionary War veteran. Before going to war, he worked as an overseer at the William Floyd Estate in Mastic. He and his family lived in a stately home on Middle Island Yaphank Road in Yaphank. Phillips was the son of William and Sibyl Smith Phillips, the grand daughter of Richard "Bull" Smith of Smithtown. William Jr. was born in 1741 and married Urania Buckingham in 1785, they had five children, two dying young. William died in 1799 age 57. 


PINCKNEY, BERTHA,  died 1955 age 78 


PINCKNEY, ELMIRA,  was born 1851 and lived in Coram. She later moved to Ossining, New York where she died at her sons house in 1935 age 84 


PINKEYE, JACOB S.,  died 1944 age 64 


POHL, HENRY,  1901-1973 


POOLA, HELGA,  born October 31 1925 and died August 8 2011 at Kindred Crossings & Masonicare Hospice in Quaker Hill Connecticut. 


POOLA, PAUL,  January 1 1912-March 22 1992 


POTTER, MILTON, 1909-1997 


PRENTISS, BABY PRAEGWE EDWARD,  was born in 1901 and died at the age 0f 36 in 1937. He wrote a weekly column on investments in the Patchogue Advance. 


PRENTISS, KATE,  died 1946 age 78 


PRIEKALIS, REINHOLD,  February 12 1912-April 25 1990 


PRITCHARD, HOOP   died 1910 age 60


PUSS, ALAMA, 1902-April 9 1991


PUSS, HILDA,  1899-March 24 1976


QUACKENBUSH, ALMA,  1891-1984 


QUARLTERE, ALICE, 1922-2003