January 1--Dorcas, daughter of Phily and Dorcas Allyne.
April 26--Daniel and Samuel Kissam, sons of Joseph and Deborah Kissam.
April 12--Mary, daughter of Denis and Susannah Wright, baptised at Huntington.
                Katherine, daughter of John and Jane Davis, baptised at Huntington.
               Hannah, daughter of Munson and Rebecca Gold, baptised at Huntington.
               Nathaniel, son of George and Elizabeth Bunce, baptised at Huntington.
April 13--Rachel Seymore and Deborah Wright, adults, baptised at Huntington.
               Thomas, son of Jehiel and Rachel Seymore, baptised at Huntington.
May 10--Mary, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Holms.
May 24--Marianne, daughter of Samuel and Rebeca Clowes.
June 22--A child of John and Deborah Denton.
                A child of John and An Combs.
June 28--Samuel, son of Samuel Judian.
August 9--Hilena, daughter of Leffurt and Mary Hogewont.
September 14--Joseph Kissam and Elizabeth Kissam, adults.
                 Deborah, daughter of Joseph and Deborah Kissarn.
October 15--Freelove Rogers, adult, baptised at Huntington.
                Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Lloyd, baptised at Huntington.
October 15--Freelove, daughter of John and Rebecca Bennett of Huntington.
               Mary and Abigail, children of John and Ann Smith.
October 22--Mary, daughter of Benj. and Mary Lester.
November 19--Margarett, daughter of John and Phebee Morril.
November 26--Elizabeth, daughter of Millett, baptised at Oyster bay.
November 27--Jacob and Mercy,' children of Jonathan Pratt, baptised at Oyster bay.
December 27--Son of Richard and Mary Rhodes.
December 31--Rebeccah Mott, adult, baptised at Huntington.
               George, son of George Wizer of Huntington.
               Elizabeth, daughter of Isaiah and Eliz. Rogers of Huntington.
              John, son of Mr. Haveland, Schoolmaster in Huntington

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