GEORGE HAVENS--502: son of George--413 & Mary Havens (p 11), born ca 1720 (based on wife's birth date) died Aug 1770 (R16) married 1) Feb 9 1747 (R1) 1746 CR16) Feb 4 1747-8 (R14) Patience Booth b 1723-4 d May 30 1762 ae 38 CR13) m 2) Sep 2 1762 Amy/Anne Johnson (R15, 16); issue, first wife:
Obadiah--6001 b 1747 bpJan 191755 (R14)
m Phebe Havens (?).
George--6002 d Dec 2 1754 ae 6 months
Jemima--6003 b 1749 bp Jan 19 1755 (R14)
m Apr 10 1766 Henry Hudson son of Joseph (R16); their son Joseph b Oct
18 1778 bp May 23
1779 (R5) d Mar
5 1854 m Sep 20 1800 Mehitable Fanning bJun3 1782 d Feb 6 1868 (R11) da
Nathaniel & Anna (Wells) Fanning.
George--6004 b ca 1752 m Nov 22 1781 Lucretia
John--6005 b 1755 d Oct 6 1769.
Jonathan--6006 b ca 1757 m Susannah Horton.
Keziah--6007 m Joshua Hempstead Jan 2
1756 (R16).
He held office in Shelter Island. His father was active in town affairs but, after he diea 1 733-4, George--502 was the one who became overseer of the poor in 1754, 1756, town assessor 1759, constable & collector 1763, overseer of the poor 1765.
His will, Shelter Island Jul 4 1770, mentions wife Anne, sons Obadiah, John, George, daughter Keziah, son Jonathan, daughter Jemima; Capt. David Brown and cousin Nicoll Havens--505 executors; William Havens, yeoman, George Duvall, tanner, Robert Hempstead witnesses; proved Aug27 1770 (R15).
NICOLL HAVENS--505 (R1O): son of Jonathan--414 & Catherine (Nicoll) Havens, born Feb 10 1733 died Sep 7 1783 ae 51 (R13, 16), married 1) Nov 14 1755 Sarah Fosdick da Thomas & Esther (Updike) Fosdick, she b Apr 9 1730 d Aug 4 1767 (R1, 13) Aug 3 1767-8 (R16, 17); m 2) Desire Brown Mar29 1770 (R1, 16, 22) da Daniel & Mary (Havens) Brown, she b Sep 17 1744 d Mar 311828; issue, first marriage:
Jonathan NicoII--6008 b Jan 18 1757
d unmarried Oct 25 1799.
Esther/Easter--60O9 b Sep 4 1759 d August
4 1762 (R1, 13).
Esther Sarah--6010 b Jan 31 1763 m Nov
27 1787 Sylvester Dering (Ri, 16).
Mary Catherine--6011 b Sep 25 1765 m Jun
15 1803 Ezra L'Hommedieu of Southold (R11) d Jul 25 1843; their da Mary
Catherine b Jul 6
1806 d Jan 28
1838 (Nov 13 1865 ae 60 -- R48) m Aug 7 1823 Samuel Smith Gardiner b May
4 1789 d Mar 211859.
Second Marriage
Catherine Mary--6012 b Apr 201771 m Feb
26 1797 Henry Huntington d Mar 11 1839.
Rensselaer--6013 b Mar 13 1773 d Feb 8
1854 m 1) Anna Jenkins 2) Catherine Cebra Webb.
G/oriana--6014 b Dec 111774 m Sep 15 1794
Rev. Whitfield Cowles d Apr 12 1802.
Frances--6015 b Sep 7 1776 d unmarried
Apr 9 1812.
Watson--6016b Nov 211779 d Mar11 1785ae6(R13).
Henrietta--6017 b Nov 61781 d Apr16 1784
ae 3 (R13).
He played an important role in the Shelter Island town government. He was assessor 1756, 1758 clerk 1759 -- a post he held continuously until 1776, when there was a hiatus, presumably because of the war, but he resumed the position in 1780 and held it until 1783, the year of his death. Meanwhile he also served in other capacities: assessor 1762, 1764, fence viewer 1767, overseer of the poor 1769, and supervisor 1770, a position he held until 1776, serving as clerk at the same time. In 1880 he became clerk again, also in 1782, 1783, and in 1783 he became supervisor once more --the year he died. From then on his illustrious son, Jonathan Nicoll--6008, became a man of importance in town affairs.
The Shelter Island 1771 census gives him a household containing one male between 16 and 60, one under 16, one female over 16, and one under. The 1776 census lists one male from 16 to 50, one under 16, five females over 16 and four under, all Shelter Island.
His will, Shelter Island, Sep 20 1782 proved Jun 6 1784 (Lib 17 p 87) mentions wife Desire and children Jonathan Nicoll, Esther Sarah, Mary Catherine, Catherine Mary, Rensselaer, Gloriana, Frances, Watson and Henrietta (R10). His tombstone is in the Shelter Island church cemetery, and his wife Sarah is also buried there.
Salmon Records (R16) say a child of Nicoll Havens died Sep 281778.
CONSTANT HAVENS--513 (R16, 32): son of Constant--415 & Abigail Havens (p 12 ) born 1734 died Sep 14 1797 married 1) Oct 13-15 1756 Bethiah Brown 2) Martha --- b 1744-5 d Feb 25 17743) Temperance Gordon (Gurdon); issue first wife:
Walter--6018 b 1757d 1840m 1) Hannah
Downs2) Disie Goodale.
Constant--6019 a complete blank except
for a listing in the 1790 census, Southampton: one male over 16, two females.
But we cannot be sure
the listing applies
to him, for surrogate's records show a Constant Havens for whom letters
of administration were issued Oct 10 1784 (R10)
to creditors,
who might have been the son of Constant--513; his occupation was given
as cordwainer, and the will (?) was made in Southold.
Abigall--6020 m -- Jennings (R15).
Jerusha --6023
Hannah--6 024
Nancy--6026 m Mar 10 1806 Halsey Pierson
at Bridgehampton (H14).
Biram --6028
Gordon --6030 probably same person
as Gurdon, below.
Third Marriage
Gurdon Constant--6030 b JuI 30 1792
d Feb 3 1870 m 1815 Mary Ann Wilson (R32).
He was a Southampton man. He signed the Association in May 1775 and was listed in the 1776 census for Southampton as having a family with one male between 16 and 50, five under 16, two females over 16, and two under. From this we can assume that some of the children had already married and left home. The 1790 census gives him two males over 16, two under and six females.
A muster roll of Capt. Paul Reeve's company of Southold minute men in 1776 lists a Constant Havens as a 45-year.old corporal who would have been this Constant. (R5).
His will, Aug 8 1797
Southampton (Liber A 504-6) proved Sep 14 1797 mentions wife Temperance,
daughters Abigail Jennings, Lucretia, Peggy, Jerusha, Hannah, Polly, Nancy,
plus sons Constant, Jeremiah, Buram, David, Gordon. His wife Temperance
was executrix and son Biram, executor (RiO, 15). He and Martha, second
wife, are buried in a Havens cemetery in Southampton (R38).
DR. JONATHAN HAVENS--516 : son of Constant--415 & Abigail Havens, born 1738 died Apr 22-26 1801 Sag Harbor (R43), married Abigail Tiley/Tyler issue:
Barret--6031 b 1762 d Dec 23 1845 m Jane
John Tiley/Tyler--6032 (p 32 ) b 1765
d Jun 25 1839 m Phebe Havens.
Gabriel --6033 (p 32) m Cynthia Stanton
d ca 1839.
Philetus--6034 d unmarried after Apr 1801
Janet--6035 b 1769 d unmarried Jun 12
1852 ae 83.
Harriet--6036 d unmarried after Apr 1801
Abigail--6037 b 1777 m Rev. Jabez Munsell
d Jul 3 1858.
Henrietta--6038 m ---- Crary d after Apr
1801 (R44).
Ptolemy--6039 b 1779 d Nov 3 1798.
Mather calls him Dr. Jonathan, a surgeon in the hospital service, who fled from Sag Harbor to East Haddam in 1776. Craven (R5) cites a memorial presented to the Connecticut legislature in May 1778 by Jonathan Havens, Benjamin Conklin and others, complaining of the illegal seizure of their property. He is listed in the 1771 Shelter Island census as having one male between 16 and 60, one under 16, one female over 16, and one under in his family. He was listed in the 1776 census for Southampton as head of a family consisting of one male between 16 and 50, five under 16, one female over 16 and two under. He signed the Association in 1775, Suffolk County. The 1790 census shows him with six males over 16 one under and five females, Southampton.
He may have held town office; it is likely, but it is difficult to distinguish between the Jonathans listed by MaIlman for this service. The list starts in 1736, before this Jonathan was born, so the earlier offices probably were held by his uncle, Jonathan--414, but the dates run to the 1770's, by which time Dr. Jonathan would have been old enough to quality.
CAPTAIN JAMES HAVENS--52: son of William--417 & Sarah (Case) Havens (p 13) born Feb 12 1742 died Mar 15 1810 ae 69 (Ri, 2, 8) married Apr 1761 (R33) Elizabeth Bowditch of Shelter Island da Joel & Bethiah (Case) Bowditch, she b Nov 12 1742 d Mar 15 1828 ae 84 (R8); issue:
Frances--6040 b Oct 22 1761 d Aug 10 1763
ae 2.
Francis--6041 b Nov 16 1763 d Nov 8 1829
m 1) Martha J. Lay 2) Phebe Payne 3) Mary Eldridge.
Frances --6042 b Dec 211766 d Apr 20 1831
m Matthias Davis.
Gordon --6043 b Nov 29 1768 d Mar 16 1825
m Esther Clark.
Julia--6044 b May 30 1771 d Jul 3 1806
Flushing, N.Y. in the 36th year; m Jul 1796 David Gardiner (R26).
Elizabeth--6045 b May 19 1773 d May 31
1868 m Jul 4 1796 Jonathan Thompson son of Judge Isaac Thompson & Mary
Smith; Jonathan
b Dec 7 1773
d Dec 30 1846; issue: David (May 3 1798-- Feb 22 1871), Junius (Jan 31
1800--Mar 24 1831), George Washington (Feb 25
1805-- Jan 8
1884), Mary Gardiner (Mar 23 1807-- Aug 5 1887), Elizabeth (Jan 12 1811
-- Dec 12, 1889). Jonathan (Feb 11 814 -- Nov 14
1872), Abraham
Gardiner (Aug 10 1816 -- Sep 26 1887) - R11.
Sidney--6046 b May 20 1775 drowned Oct
6 1789.
Lucretia--6047 b Jun 11777 d unmarried
Jul 14 1849 ae 72. Her will (R10) Shelter Island 1830 mentions sister Elizabeth
Thompson and brother
Henry P. Havens.
David--6048 b Jun 3 1780 m Aug 2 1801
Mary Mayo.
Henry P--6049 b Dec 13 1782 d Sep 17 1856
m Hannah Corliss/Corlies.
Sarah--605O b Feb 23 1786 d Aug 21/23
1790 ae 5 (R13).
All the children were baptized Oct 131786 (R14).
Captain James-521 was a Shelter Islander (R2, 11). Mather makes him one of the refugees who fled up the Connecticut River in 1776, saying "after his return to Long Island he was probably a captain in the Suffolk Co. militia, as a statement of his death gives him that title."
He signed the Association on Shelter Island in 1775. The 1771 census there lists him as head of a uusehold containing two males between 16 and 60, five under 16, one female over 16, and one der. The 1776 census has his household containing two males between 16 and 50, four under 16, e female over 16 and three under, Shelter Island. In the 1790 census, Shelter Island, he had three 3IeS over 16, one under, and four females. He was an executor of the will of his cousin )enezer--532 on Shelter Island in 1787.
He is buried in the Shelter Island Presbyterian Church cemetery (R8). His will (Liber E 135.6) elter Island Dec 14 1809 proved Sep 9 1825 mentions wife Elizabeth, daughters Frances Davis, Julia Gardiner, (dec), Elizabeth Thompson, Lucretia Havens, Sons Francis, Gordon, David and Henry P. His wife Elizabeth's tombstone is in the same cemetery: March 1828 ae 84 (R8).
He was a delegate to the first Provincial Congress (R2) on May 5 1775. He was active in town lairs: assessor for three years beginning in 1765, again in 1770, overseer of the poor and fence viewer the following year. He was overseer of the poor until 1774, when he became assessor again. ter the war period he was assessor starting in 1778 and continuing more or less through 1783, ien he became supervisor for two years. When Jonathan Nicoll became supervisor, Captain James ;umed his duties as assessor, holding the post more or less continuously until 1796, when he came poundmaster, a position he held through 1798, taking it again in 1800 for one term.
Most records say he was the first resident of Heartsease, the old Havens house still standing (1974) on Shelter Island and currently owned by the Shelter Island Historical Society, which uses it its headquarters. A descendant, Charles E. Havens of Ft. Myers, Florida, says it was built in 1743 (R37), but if so it must have been built by Capt. James' father, William--417, for Captain James was born in 1742.
WALTER HAVENS--522 (R2, 12, 26): son of William--417 & Sarah (Case) Havens 13), born ca 1743 (based on sibling dates) died May 1 1806, married Lois Tuthill of Rocky Point b ca 1759 d Sep 1813 da Azariah Tuthill (1724); issue:
Wlliam--6O51 m Sarah Frances Havens--7040
his second cousin.
Hannah--6O52 probably died unmarried Nov
Remington--6O53 mJan 13 l8O3
Jemima Tuthill; d Sep 161815.
Mather says he was a ship captain from Shelter Island, and the censuses put him there. The Shelter Island 1771 census gives him one male between 16 and 60, one under 16, one female over and two under. In 1776 it was one male between 16 and 50, two under 16, one female over 16, d two under. In 1790 there was one male over 16, two under, and one female.
He was collector and constable for the town in 1777, fence viewer in 1781 through 1784, and am in 1786, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1798.
He died intestate (Liber E), a Shelter Island farmer. Letters of administration were issued to his n in 1814, Remington--6053; nephews Obadiah and Lodowick were witnesses (R1O).
SAMUEL HAVENS--523 : son of William--417 & Sarah (Case) Havens, born 1745 (based on sibling dates) died ca 1803, married Mary Parker da Abraham & Mary (Budd) Parker; issue:
Susan/Sarah--6054 bp Jul 6 1772 (R1, 14,22).
Lodowick--6055 bJan 17 1774 d Nov 111854
m Mary Annabel.
Lucinda--6056 bp Jul 19 1782 (R14, 22)
m Jun 11 1808 William C. Congdon; she d Sep 12 1840.
Nancy--6O57 b ca 1778 d Oct 1 1804, is
not listed by MaIlman, but the Suffolk Gazette reported her death (R26).
Samuel, another Shelter Islander, was not listed in the earlier census for some reason not yet determined, but the 1790 census gives him a family of two males over 16, one under, and three females. He served as constable & collector for the town in 1776, fence viewer in 1784, collector & constable in 1786, 1787 and 1788, and fence viewer off and on from 1781 to 1798.
He died intestate a Shelter Island farmer; letters of administration were issued in 1803 to his son Lodowick, with Ezekiel Havens bondsman -- probably his brother (R10). Probate records call him a Shelter Island farmer.
PETER HAVENS--524: son of William--417 & Sarah (Case) Havens born ca 1750 (based on sibling dates), died Sep 3 1775, married Sally/Sarah----.
We know very little about him. He signed the Association in May 1775 on Shelter Island (R7), but he wasn't listed in any census, which is not surprising if he died on the date given above. It has been suggested that he may have been the Peter who married Rebecca Smith (R17) m Jul 31 1759, but his birth date rules that out. It is more likely that he was the Peter Havens, carpenter, of Shelter Island for whom letters of administration were issued in 1803 (1833?) to the widow, Sarah, the estate including half a sloop (R10). The bondsman was Ezekiel Havens, and Peter--524 had a brother Ezekiel, next below.
EZEKIEL HAVENS--525: son of WiIIiam-417 & Sarah (Case) Havens, born 1759 died Nov 29 1821, married 1) Mary Stratton b 1763 d Jun 30 1792 ae 30 (R13); m 2) Mar 1793 Jemima Case; issue first marriage:
Jemima --6058
Stratton --6059 d 1812 m Feb 26 1808-9
Abigail F. Hamilton.
Sara Phina--6060 b Mar 11789 m Oct 26/29
1807 Robert Harlow, son Robert & Phebe (Brown) Harlow (R26); she d
Jul 1850.
Philena--6061 bMar 1 1789 d Sep 18 1810
(R1, 26) m Shelter Island Aug 27 1806 Abraham Mulford of Southold (R26).
Like his siblings, Ezekiel was a Shelter Islander. He was not listed in the early census there, probably because he was not yet married but still living with his parents. But the 1790 census showed him with a household containing one male over 16, two under, and three females.
He was active in town affairs. He was on the board in 1785 as collector and constable, also fence viewer that year, holding the position through 1788. He was overseer of the poor in 1787, collector & constable and assessor in 1789, and he held various of these posts until 1805.
The Jemima Havens who was baptized as an adult in the Southold Presbyterian Church on Jun 30 1784 (R22) may have been his second wife.
WILLIAM HAVENS--526. son of William--417 & Sarah (Case) Havens born ca 1759 (he was a minor in 1761 when his father made his will) died May 7, 1808 (R14), married but wife unknown; issue:
William--6062 b ca 1786 (based on sibling
dates); he was drowned.
Carherine--6063 b 1787 m 1) John M. Isaacs
2) Jul 20 1842 William Davenport; she d Jul 31 1862.
Ezekiel--6064 b ca 1789 d 1812 m
Roxanna Case.
Sarah--6065 b ca 1790 m Jan 17 1811 Sayre
Eunice Maria --6066 b Dec25 1791 m Dec
23 1810 Samual Stratton Dayton; shed Jan 7 1872.
In the will of William--417, father of this William (A 15), Wilhiam--526 was listed as a minor when the will was drawn. It was that information that led me to estimate the above birth date. From that base we can further speculate that he could have married ca 1762 and had the above children before 1776, but what dates we do have show they were born after that time. So it is likely he was not yet married and head of a household at the time of the 1776 census. As a consequence, I think the 1776 census tigures given by Mather br this William should apply, rather, to his father William--417, and this belief is supported by the fact that neither of the census figures for the two Williams on Shelter Island agrees with the above family statistics.
He signed the Association in 1775 in Shelter Island. Mather says he went from Shelter Island to Saybrook, and in this he could well be right; he adds that William was in Saybrook in 1777.
I had for a time considered that this William was the one who held many town posts from 1761 on, but if he was a minor in that year it is open to question.
JOHN HAVENS JR--530 son of Henry--423 & Abigail (Tuthill) Havens, died 1796, married Rebecca Smith, daughter of Joseph and Catherine (Havens) Smith (R11) of Huntington, in West Moriches; issue:
Daniel--6067 m Phebe Galway.
Peter--6068 b May 11775 m Deborah
Patience--6069 m Samuel Smith of Smithtown
Jan 10 1786 (R23, 29).
Henry--6O70 a blank, except he is listed
in the will, with his two sisters below, as children of Smith's daughter,
Rebecca above. He may be the
Henry B. Havens
who m Jan 18 1806 Hannah da Captain David Sayer (A 14). His name comes
to us through the Archibald Havens ms
John--530 signed the Association in 1775 in Brookhaven (R7). The 1776 census gives him one male from 16 to 50, two under 16, one female over 16 and four under, in Brookhaven. He died intestate, a Brookhaven farmer and letters of administration were granted Nov 28 1798 to son-in-law Samuel Smith of Smithtown, sons Daniel & Peter, bondsmen (R10, 23).
EBENEZER HAVENS--532: son of William--424 & Ruth (Falconer) Havens, born ca 1740 (R14), died 1787 unmarried.
He signed the Association on Shelter Island in 1775 (R7), and he seems to have been the last of the John--315 clan to hold town office there. He was elected overseer of the poor there in 1780 and held the post two years.
His will, Shelter Island
May 5 1787 (Liber A 27-29), proved Dec 27-29 1787 (R10, 14), mentions sister
Hannah Parker, her daughter Deborah, brother Joseph; Joseph's son Augustus--6073;
James Havens a witness (R10).
CAPT. JOSEPH HAVENS--534 (R1, 2, 14): son of William--424 & Ruth (Falconer) Havens born 1745 died Oct 18 1827, married 1767-8 Phebe Havens--529 , his second cousin; issue:
Augustus--6073 b Nov 19 1768 d Jun 4 1830
married Esther Bowditch.
Caleb--60?4 b Feb 9 i773 died at sea unmarried
Sep 6 1795.
William--6075b Jun16 1776 d Apr 25 1791
ae 14y l0m (R13).
Nathaniel S.--6076 b Sep 18 1778
d Mar 24 1829 m Abigail Stewart.
Jacob--6077 b Mar 25 1783 d Dec 23, 1819
m Elizabeth Bennet.
Joseph Caleb--6078 b Oct 3 1786
died unmarried Jun 17 1842.
Cynthia--6079 b Jan 25 1789 died unmarried
Jun 11 1883.
Charles Alfred--6080 b Jun 211795 d Jul
2 1808 of lockjaw, Shelter Island (R14).
Mather calls him Captain Joseph, commanding a ship that transported refugees, saying he was from Sag Harbor, according to the 1776 census for Southampton, adding that W. S. PeIIetreau said he was from Shelter Island. "If he served in the army he was in the 1st and 3d of the Line and in Connecticut." He was, as Mather suggested, a private in the 1st and 3d Line regiments (R35). He received a land grant in 1790 as compensation for his military service (R34).
He signed the Association in 1775. The 1776 census gives him one male from 16 to 50, three under 16, one female under 16, in Southampton. The 1790 census lists three males over 16, four under, and two females on Shelter Island. He was an executor of the will of his brother Ebenezer--532 in 1787.
He must have moved from Southampton to Shelter Island. He may have held town office there; the records list a Joseph who was constable & collector in 1737, but that probably was Joseph--4 16. However, a Joseph was asked in 1767 to make out and levy the quit rents there, and he served as assessor in 1769; this could have been Joseph--534.
His will, Shelter Island Mar 14 1826 proved Dec 1 1827 (Liber E 319--320), mentions daughter Cynthia, granddaughters Phiebe and Elizabeth, sons Augustus, Nathaniel and Joseph C as executor (R10).
CAPT. WILLIAM HAVENS--535 (R14): son of William--424 & Ruth (Falconer) Havens was born 1747 Shelter Island died Nov 21 1798 ae 51 Cape Cod (Mar 26 1780 -- M1), married 1) ca 1770 Desire Havens--528 his second cousin, m 2) Bethiah Bowditch daughter of Joel & Bethiah (Case) Bowditch, she b Shelter Island Sep 9 1755 d Sag Harbor Dec 14 1830 where she is buried in Oakland Cemetery; issue (first four by first marriage --R14):
Son--6081 b before 1776.
Son--6082 (probably William) b before
Nancy--6083 b 1774 d Nov 26 1849 ae 75
m Capt. Phineas F. Corey b 1771 d Jan 15 1849 ae 78 son of Braddock &
Charity (Fordham)
Corey of
Sag Harbor. Mallman says they had Eliza Ann and Nancy Maria.
Desire Lydia--6084 b Jun 22 1776 d Dec
6 1828 m Jul 29 1802 Capt. Oliver Fowler b Jul 11778 d Feb 16 1866 son
of Richard & Mary Fowler.
Mary--6085 married William White. MaIlman
says they had two children.
Hamutal--6086 b ca 1777-8 d Apr 4 1847.8m
Nov 28 1799 John Conklin b ca 1776 d Dec 15 1814 ae 38; issue: Nancy d
1895 m May 8 1833
George Halsey;
Charles J. b ca 1811 d Jul 17 1882 m Fanny P. Hand; Henry C. b 1801
d unm May 9 1874; John H. b ca 1809 d ca 1862 m
Sarah M. Sheffield.
Lucretia--6087 b ca 1779 (1789-R1) d Jun
11-18 1830 ae 51 m (2d wife) Sep 4 1812 Hervey Pierson; their dau Jerusha
b ca 1813 d May 27
1832 unm.
Henry Bowditch--6088 b Oct 13 1780
d Oct 2 1857 m Jan 9 1806 Hannah Sanford Sayre b Jan 13 1783 d Apr20 1850
da Capt. David &
Jerusha (Wickham)
Elizabeth--6089 b ca 1786-7 d Sag Harbor
July 29 1843 ae 56 m Oct 23 1805 Elias Mathias Cooper b 1776 (May21 1769--R1)
d Dec 11
1842 ae 66 son
Elias & Ruth (Rogers) Cooper (R14); issue: William b 1807 m Roxanna
Stuart; Edward Mortimer m Mary Havens; Elizabeth
b Apr 24 1814
m Joseph Stanton; Jane m John Harrison.
Sabrina--6090 b Sep 2 1793 d Nov 15 1885
ae 92 m Joseph Gawley b 1790 d Mar 7 1852 ae 62.MaIlman says they had Samuel,
Mary, Elizabeth.
MaIlman says William--535 was "a noted captain of various privateers during the Revolution." He was not able to establish his parentage, but this was done by Louis T. Vail of White Plains, N.Y. (R14), to whom I am indebted for much of my information. Mr. Vail compiled a comprehensive record of Capt. William's military service and privateering, which can be found in the N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Record for January, 1947.
Caulkins, in his History of New London, Conn. (R47), names William as one of several seamen whose bravery and skill were unsurpassed in their harassing of an enemy or defense of a coast. He describes some of the captain's exploits during the Revolutionary War while in command of the sloop "Beaver."
William is identified by Mather (R2) as captain and lieutenant, saying: "At Southampton Jan 21 1794 he made affidavit that he was the only surviving officer of Capt. Davis' company, 4th Line." Mather adds that William served in the 2d and 3d Line regiments and was captain of the armed ship "Beaver." He resigned from the 4th Line Nov 14 1777. He served in Connecticut. A Lt. William Havens, undoubtedly the same man, is shown in the records as having served in the 3d and 4th Line and as a private in the 2d Line (R35), and a William Havens was granted land asa veteran in 1790 (R34).
He signed the Association in Shelter Island (R7), as did his father in 1775. It is not difficult to interpret the census record for 1776, for the William given for Southampton is called Lieutenant William. As I analyze the census figures, this William had one male between 16 and 50, one under 16, one female over 16, and one under in his family. He must have moved from Shelter Island to Southampton, for no William is listed for Shelter Island in the 1790 census, and a Captain William is listed for Southampton with one male over 18, one under, and two females. He may have been one of the Williams who held town office on Shelter Island, but the situation is complicated by the fact that there were other Williams there then.
Capt. William's first wife, Desire Havens--528, was a sister of Phebe Havens--529 who married Capt. Joseph--534, brother of Capt. William. His second wife, Bethiah Bowditch, is reported by Mallman to have married again after his death, her second husband being Phineas Parker, son of Abraham and Mary (Budd) Parker. But her tombstone inscription refers to her as "Bethiah, wife of Capt. William Havens."
Capt. William perished in a shipwreck off Cape Cod in November 1798, a fate similar to that of his brother Daniel--536, who was lost at sea some years before. Knowing that the brig "Lucy" of Sag Harbor had been lost off Cape Cod in 1798, Mr. Vail searched the files of Frothingham's Long Island Herald and found the following in the issue of Dec 3 1798:
"On the 2ist of November last the brig 'Lucy' of this port (Sag Harbor), James Terry master, belonging to Col. Benjamin Huntting from Macbias, Maine, laden with lumber on her homeward bound passage, was cast ashore on Cape Cod and entirely lost, and melancholy to add, Capt. William Havens, pilot, Jeremiah Rogers, mate, and a black man all perished in attempting to gain the shore. Capt. William Havens was an inhabitant of this place. In nautical knowledge very few excelled him. During the last Revolution he distinguished himself as a real Boanerges in the cause of freedom; he ever felt ready to fall or rise with the ruin or happiness of his country. But alas, the cause of liberty is not always the channel of preferment and reward, and he was possessed of too great an enlargement of heart ever to mourn his own misery or fortunes. As he lived generally esteemed, lo his death is universally lamented." (R14).
The Suffolk Gazette (R14) of Oct 19 1807 records the marriage of James Havens of ShelterIsland to Esther Nickerson of Sag Harbor. The identity of this James is not yet established, but he could have been one of the unnamed sons of Captain William.
CAPT. DANIEL HAVENS--536 ( R1, 2, 14, 23, 42): son of William--424 & Ruth (Falconer) Havens born ca 1748-9, died Feb 1783, married pr ca 1775-8 Hannah Nickerson of Chatham, Mass., b 1755 d Nov 26 1799 in her 44th year at Hog Island. (She m 2) Capt. Sam Ryder.) Issue:
William--6091 b ca 1776
Jonathan--6092 b ca 1776
Rensselaer--6093 b 1778.
Vincent--6094 b ca 1780
Daniel William Jr--6095 b May 11783 m
Desire Howes.
Edwin Havens of Arleta, Cal., writes: "I am descended from Capt. Daniel Havens Sr. who was lost off Montauk, Christmas 1782... He married at Chatham, Mass. apparently Hannah Nickerson. She was born in Chatham 1756 died Sag Harbor 1800 after remarrying to Capt. Sam Ryder... . The son Daniel Jr. was a captain in the India tea trade, sailing out of Norwich, Conn. He later became captain of the steamer 'Oliver Ellsworth' operating between Hartford and New York. That Captain Daniel Havens was my great-great-grandfather. His son, another Daniel William Havens, was rector of the Old Stone Church in East Haven, Conn. Captain Daniel W. Havens Jr. was born May 11783 five months after his father was lost at sea." Mr. Havens says Captain Daniel was believed by his family to have been about 32 when he died.
The late Archibald Havens (R23) said: "Miss Patia H. L'Hommedieu of Port Washington, Long Island, in a letter 10 August 1930 gives the record of her great-great-grandfather Daniel Havens b 1745-50 d 1783 m Hannah Nickerson who was born 1755 died 1799 of Chatham, Mass., lived at Sag Harbor. He is probably the Captain Daniel Havens given in Mather's 'Refugees'."
Mather (R2) says: "It is possible that he served in the 3d Line and in Conn. He fitted out the brig 'America' and made a very successful whaling voyage." Caulk ins' History of New London, Conn. (R47) says that Daniel fitted out his brig "America" in 1785, took her to the Brazil Banks, and returned with a harvest of 300 barrels of whale oil. Mather also says he was captain of the ship "Beaver," but that vessel seems to have been under the command of his brother Capt. William--535 (R14). Roberts' "New York in the Revolution" gives Daniel as a private in the third Line regiment. (R35).
MaIlman says Daniel--536 had two sons in 1776, and the Sag Harbor census of 1776 lists Daniel as head of a family containing one male between 16 and 50, two under 16, and one female over 16. These figures seem to corroborate Mailman's conclusion.
He died intestate, and
letters of administration were issued in 1789 for Daniel, mariner, Southampton,
to widow Elizabeth, which is at odds with the Hannah Nickerson information
(R10). Archibald Havens (R23) said Hannah Nickerson's gravestone was still
standing "in the little cemetery near the house of Dr. Johnson on the road
to Hog Neck --Shelter Island ferry." The N.Y. Gen. & Biog. Record (R14)
confirms Hannah Nickerson as Daniel's wife, plus others of the above data.
BENJAMIN HAVENS--541 (R28): son of John--426 & Patience (Tuthill) Havens, born ca 1744 died Aug 111798 ae 54, married Dec 19 1769 (R16) Abigail Amittee Moore born Dec 311746 died Oct 14 1831 ae 84; issue:
John Bradic/Braddock--6097 b ca 1773 m
Eunice Gardner.
David--6098 b Jul 12 1777 m Elizabeth
Sarah--6099 b May 12 1780 East Division,
Orange Co., N.Y. d Jun 1864 m Jul 18 1802 John Buckingham b Feb ii 1776
Saybrook, Conn. d
Sep 13 1812 ae
36 son Hezekiah & Elizabeth (Chatfield) Buckingham of Saybrook; issue:
Louis, Sarah, Nancy H., Joan, Helen.
Elizabeth--6100 b ca 1783 m Daniel
Sherwood; issue: William, Eliza, David Lydig, George Lindsey, Eunice, Manda,
Patience--6101 b ca 1785 m Waiter
Burling, Newburgh, N.Y. ship carpenter; issue: Charles, James, Benjamin,
Jacob Powell, Robert Emlie,
Sands, Elizabeth.
Ben jamin--6i02 b Jan 6 1787 d May
28 1877 ae 91 m Letitia Schriver. Selah--6103 died unmarried born pr ca
He left Long Island probably before 1776 (he is not listed in the 1776 Suffolk County census) and moved to Orange County, N.Y. It was the period when the lure of the frontier was exercising its greatest attraction. He probably brought his wife with him, for their marriage is listed in the Salmon Records, but whether any of their children were born when they came is not yet known; they were married in 1769 and David, their second child, was born in 1777. He is listed on the assessment roll for the precinct of Goshen, Orange County, ca 1779, he signed a promissory note to his father John--426 dated 1780 in Orange County, and he was mentioned first in his father's will. The 1790 census gives him a family in New Windsor having two males over 16, three under, and four females, which corresponds exactly with the family record above.
He was my great-great.great grandfather, via his son David--6098, and I would be delighted to hear from any descendants of the other children. Most of the above information is derived from family records, but the marriage date and the identity of his parents were obtained through research of the Salmon Records and the wills of Benjamin's father and brother Nathaniel: the latter left a bequest to his "brother Benjamin's youngest son Selah."
Some members of the early Orange County Havens family evidently visited their relatives on Long Island, for the late A.S. Havens of Center Moriches (R23) said in a letter to the late Judge Dwight Haven: "I once heard my father say that when a little boy two cousins of his father from 'up the river' visited them. I do not remember that he mentioned their names, but he had in mind they were in some way connected with the old West Point song of Benny Havens." My great-great-great grandfather Benjamin--541 (who moved from Suffolk County to Orange County) had a son Benjamin--6102 who became the patron saint of West Point.
The parentage of Abigail Moore, Benjamin's wife, has not yet (1974) been established, but I believe it to be highly probable that she was a sister of the John Moore of Rocky Point, Suffolk Co., married Mehitable--540, Benjamin's sister. (John Moore--4, 3, Nathaniel--2, Thomas--1 (R2, 3, 21.) There may be significance in the fact that another of Benjamin's sisters, Bethia--543, married Daniel Rackett of Rocky Point.
Selah--548, son of Benjamin--427 and cousin of Benjamin--541, died in 1785, a circumstance which may have led Benjamin--541 to name his youngest son Selah -- born shortly after the other had died.
CAPT. JOHN HAVENS--542: son of John--426 & Patience (Tuthill) Havens, born Jul 10-14 1748 (1745 -- R20) in Setauket, died Moriches Jun 13-18 1809 -10 ae 61, married 1) Abigail Bostwick b Jul 4 1746 died Nov 9 1801 ae 56 da Merreby & Mary (Strong) Bostwick; he m 2) widow Hannah ---of Pontigo, East Hampton (R10, 23); no issue. Munsell (R19) says Abigail Bostwick was the granddaughter of Selah Strong of Setauket. Issue by marriage:
Mary--6104 b May 6 1770 died Dec 11812
Nathan--6105 born Mar 6 1772 died Feb
27 1797 unmarried.
Jeremiah--6106 born Jul 6 1774 died
Feb 111862-4 mar Bethiah Youngs.
Charity--6107 b Jan 8 1777 m William Hawkins;
issue: John & Abigail who was buried in Hawkins cemetery, W. Moriches
Sarah--6108 b Jun 13 1779 d Jun 6 1782.
Abigail--6109 b Apr 13-23 1782 d May 3-23
Charles H--6110 b Dec 4-6 (Jun 14)1784
m Betsy Sherrill da Jacob Sherrill
John--611 1 b Nov 14 1787-8 d Apr
24 185Gm Eliza Ketchum.
Sarah--6112 b May 6-8 1790-1 m Jun 1814
Dr. Nathaniel Miller of Fireplace, Brookhaven (R23); sue: Nathaniel, m
Ellen Carmen; Mary m William Andrews; Jerusha m Caleb Parrhall, Laura m
eorge Ashby, DeWitt d unm; Caroline m Caleb Green; Sarah m George Andrews;
Julia F d unm 388.
Polly--61 13 mentioned in her father's
will but not given by MaIlman.
A number of vital records exist on this family, and they are all in substantial agreement; rtions are indicated above. They include a Strong family Bible, a Havens family Bible, and a (ham Bible. He was the second child mentioned in his father's will.
A newspaper record of burials in the old Beach Fern Avenue burying ground, Center Moriches 1) lists the following: Captain John Havens d Jun 18 1809 ae 61; Mrs. Abigail Havens, relict of tam John, Nov 9 1801 in her 56th year; Mary da John & Abigail Dec 1 1812 ae 42; Sarah da & Abigail Jun 6 1782; Abigail da John & Abigail May 3 (year missing) ae 12 days; Captian, oldest son of Capt John, Feb 27 1797 in his 25th year.
He was a Moriches man; he signed the Association there in 1775. He was listed in the 1776 census Brookhaven as having one male from 16 to 50, two under 16, one female over 16 and one under is family. The 1790 census gave him three males over 16, two under, and three females.
He was quite active in the Revoiution (R25). He was commissioned ensign by Governor DeLancy and captain by Governor Cheston. He served as a private in the 1st Line regiment (R35). He became known as Captain John to distinguish him from his cousin John Jr--53O (R23).
His will, Moriches May 11 1809 probated Jun 24 1809 (Liber C 14-16), mentions wife Hannah, sons Jeremiah, Charles, John, daughters Polly, Sally, Charity; his brother Jerusha was a witness (R10). His death was listed in the Suffolk Gazette Jun24 1809 ae 61 "at Moriches" (R26).
NATHANIEL HAVENS--544.- son of John--426 & Patience (Tuthill) Havens (p 15), born ca 1755 (estimated from wife's birth date), died Feb 25, 1809 at Moriches, married Sep 1778 (R16) Pamela ---- b 1759 (est from d. record) d Feb 1 1809 ae 50 (R8, 14, 23) Probably no issue (R1).
He was listed third in his father's will. He is not found in the 1776 Suffolk Co. census; he didn't marry until 1778 and presumably lived with his parents until then. He was, however, listed in the 1790 census, which gives him a man and woman both over 16, living in Southold.
Evidently he moved to Southold from Brookhaven, for he signed the Association in Brookhaven in 1775 and lived in Moriches (R7, 23). He must have gone from there to Brookhaven again, for his will of Dec 14 1805 proved Feb 1 1809 (R10, 15, 23) is dated Moriches. In it he mentions wife Pamela, Selah the youngest son of his brother Benjamin--541. In considering these switches in location, we remember that he must have been living with his parents in Brookhaven when he signed the Association, and his removal to Southold came after his marriage. When his father died in 1797 he inherited land, and he may have moved back to Brookhaven for that reason.
Osborn Shaw (R23) said he lived in Center Moriches. The Southold residence is given by the 1790 census, and the data given for his household there coincide with that of his family -- and he was the only Nathaniel listed for that place. It is curious that his brother Jeremiah--545, who lived and died in Brookhaven (see following entry), was also listed in the 1790 census for Southold, and he is listed in the church records there (R5). They were the only Havenses in Southold at that time.
He is buried in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery, Center Moriches, and his wife is buried beside him. His brother Jeremiah--545 and wife Mehitable are also buried there (R8).
JEREMIAH HAVENS--545: son of John--426 & Patience (Tuthill) Havens, born ca 1757 died Aug 1820 ae 63, married 1) Dec 19 1780 Mehitable Brown b Mar 31 1760 d Sep 10 1807 ae 47; m 2) Bethiah Conklin (R23). Issue first marriage:
Joseph Conklin--6115 b 1781 d Jun
3 1807.
Mehitable--61 16 b 1786 bp 1793 d Sep
3 1793 ae 6 (R5).
Daniel Tuthull--6117 bJun9 1789d Feb28
l868 m Betsy Raynor.
Jerusha--6118 b ca 1791 bp 1793 d Apr
17 1876 (Apr 13) m Aug 211820 Coe S. Downing who d Sep 2 1847 ae 46. (R1,
23) Craven (R5)
says she m 1788
Elcanah Smith.
John Syrnus/Symes--6119 b 1796 bp
Aug 2 1795 d Apr 6 1864-5 m Nancy Floyd Smith.
Issue Second Marriage
Maria S--6120 b Jan 9 1810 d Mar 1 1893 m May 10 1836 Nathaniel N. Munsell of Middle Island, son Nathaniel & Dolly (Smith) Munsell.
He is buried in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery, Center Moriches, with his wife Mehitable, and their birth dates can be computed from the cemetery records (R8). He died intestate, and letters of administration were granted in Brookhaven to his wife Mary (sicl) with sons Daniel and John (Liber El. He was baptized Mar 7 1793 as an adult, with five of his children (R5).
The late Osborn Shaw (R23) gave the second wife as Bethiah Conklin and the first, as Mehitable Conklin, with the birth date of Daniel--6117 as 1787 and the death date of Jerusha--6118 as Apr 13
Although the Havens and Shaw mss (R23) refer only to Jeremiah's activities in Moriches and Aquebogue, and not to Southold, Aquebogue is in Riverhead township near Southold township, and Riverhead was part of Southold until 1792. Craven (R5) lists him as "of Moriches." He was included for Southold in the 1790 census (one male over 16, two under, three females), but not for that of 1776; he did not marry until 1780 and thus was not head of a household before then.
Mrs. A. S. Andrews of Hillsborough, Cal., is searching for the parents of an ancestor Jonathan Havens who was born in Southold in 1784 and moved to North Carolina when not quite 20, where he married Sally Martin Smith. They lived and died in Washington, N.C., and are buried in the local churchyard; he died in 1828. At first thought, it would seem that her Jonathan could have been the third child of Jeremiah--545, his birth fitting nicely in the five-year gap between the births of Joseph and Mehitable. But he would have been six at the time of the 1790 census, and presumably still living with his parents, yet the 1790 census accounts for only two young sons.
SELAH STRONG HAVENS--548: son of Benjamin--427 & Abigail (Strong) Havens born Apr 20 1755 died Jan 29 1785, married Jan29 1781 Sarah Strong b Sep 29 1753 d Nov i3 1810 da Selah Jr & Hannah (Woodhull) Strong; no issue. (The Smith genealogy -- R11 -- says Selah m Sarah da Nathaniel & Sarah (Smith) Woodhull, but my data preceding were taken from the Strong genealogy.)
Osborn Shaw (R23) said that after Selah's death, Sarah married Rev David "Priest" Rose of the South Haven Presbyterian Church.
Like his father, and usually in association with him, Selah was an active patriot during the war. He signed the Association May 1775, served in Captain Selah Strong's company, Joseph Smith's regiment. Captain Strong was his (R23). He is buried in the old Beach Fern Avenue Cemetery, Center Moriches (R31). I note for the record that information I copied in the N.Y. State Library from "D.A.A. Graves" (R8) gives me an incorrect date for Selah's death -- Aug 1796 --which probably resulted from an error in copying either by me or the D.A.R. After his death, letters of administration were issued to his father Benjamin--427 Mar 22 1786 (R10), in which heis called yeoman, St. George's Manor.
BENJAMIN HAVENS--554: born ca 1760 died Aug 23 1823 ae 63, married 1) Lucretia Payne b 1760 d Jun 22 1792 ae 32 da John & Phebe Payne; m 2) Penniah Buell/Buehl.
MaIlman recorded that Benjamin--541 son of John--426 & Patience (Tuthill) Havens married Lucretia Payne, but MaIlman erred, as I have noted on page 26, for Benjamin--541, my ancestor, married Abigail Moore. The circumstances have been covered in my article "The Archibald Havens Papers," (R23).
There definitely was, however, another Benjamin Havens, and he did marry Lucretia Payne, as given above. He was listed in the 1790 census as head of a family on Shelter Island containing one male over 16 and two females. And a Benjamin Havens with identical family statistics is also listed in that census for Cambridge, Albany County. I believe them to be the same person. I am informed that the 1790 census took nearly a year to complete, and if, as I believe, the Benjamin in question moved from Shelter Island to Albany County during 1790, it is entirely possible he was recorded for the census twice.
His parentage, however, has not been established. There are a number of possibilities of varying likelihood, which I shall outline:
1. The late Judge Dwight C. Haven, a genealogist of Wilmington, N.C. specializing in Haven/Havens families, reported that this Benjamin, his wife Lucretia, and their daughter Nancy were in Cambridge, now part of Washington County, N.Y., that Benjamin, after Lucretia's death, married Penniah Buell/Buehl and moved to LeRoy, Genesee County, N.Y. where he died, leaving seven children, and that his wife Lucretia's tombstone is in the Payne cemetery, North Haven, Sag Harbor, reading: "Lucretia, wife of Benjamin Havens, ae 32, 1793." Mr. Haven further stated that it had been reported to him by descendants that Benjamin--554 was a brother of William--535. That would make him a son of William--424, which is entirely possible although Mailman's record of the children lists no Benjamin. In support of that theory is the fact that William--424 died at Hog Neck and the Payne family were of Sag Harbor.
2. Benjamin--554 could be a grandson of Jonathan--313, who sired most of the Shelter Island Havens families. It is entirely possible that all his grandsons did not get into the records.
3. Another possibility is that Benjamin was a son of Henry--423, one of the founders of the town of Shelter Island, and for whom census records show more sons than are given by MaIlman.
4. Still another parent could be Benjamin--427 whose children were much more numerous that MaIlman's record indicates. Although I found additional children mentioned in the will of Benjamin--427, there is no reason to conclude that all his children were given there. Benjamin--554's birth date of 1760 would fit nicely into the period when Benjamin--427 was having children.
On the authority of the information supplied by Judge Haven, cited above, we can list the following issue of Benjamin--.554 and either or both of his wives:
Benjamin Dixon--6123
Joseph--6124 b 1796