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Dix Hills Road Cemetery

Mrs. Scudder wrote ca. 1912, "Two lonely graves in an overgrown plot near Long Swamp on a farm now owned by a Mr. Smith." The 1990 "Huntington Historic Cemeteries" booklet states that the cemetery had 4 markers; however, Mrs. Scudder  lists only two. The cemetery on Dix Hills Road, just south of Jericho Turnpike - NY 25 - was located in 1990 "behind Toyota Dealer." The cemetery is now a Town of Huntington Local Historic Site.
Data copied from "Scudder Collection," page 1504

Anna, wife of Joshua, d. 9 August 1833 - 28 years
Joshua, d. 19 August 1876, 77 yrs 10 mos 5 days