Aldrick, Daniel, 6;
Gashom [Gershom], 6; Jacob, 6.
Benjamin, John, 9;
Thomas, 5.
Brown, widow Lusea,
1; widow Mary, 2; Richard, 6; William, 6.
Case, widow Hannah,
1; John, 6.
Clark, John, 4; Joshua,
Cleves, Beriah, 7.
Corwin, David, 7; John,
8; John, Jr., 3; Timothy, 3.
Gardner/Gardiner, David,
6; Joseph, 2.
Hallock/Halliock, widow
Mary, 10; Peter, 6; Richard, 5; Uriah, 6; Zerababel, 10; Zerababel, Jr.,
Harva [Harvey], widow
Hanna, 6.
Horton, David, 1.
Howell/Howel, Edward,
6; Jonathan, 6; Micah, 5; Micah, Jr., 4; Phineas, 6; Recompense, 3; Capt.
Richard, 13.
Hubbard, widow Deborah,
2; widow Mary, 6.
Hudson, Leverett, 1.
Laplass/Laplas, widow
Martha, 3.
Mapes, Joseph, 9; Joseph,
Jr., 9; Joseph, 3rd, 3.
Osman, widow Elizabeth,
1; widow Mary, 4.
Pike, Henry, 5; Jonathan,
Reeve, Isaac, 8; James,
Esq., 9; James, 6; Thomas, 9; Thomas, Jr., 5.
Simons, Peter, 8.
Taylor, George, 3.
Turell, Barnabas, Esq.,
Tuthill/Tuttel, Henry,
4; James, Jr., 3.
Webb, Ebenezer, 1.
Wickham, John, 13.
Williamson, John, 5.
Wines, Capt. Bamabas,
3; Barnabas, Jr., 5; Thomas, 5.
A similar list, prepared
15 January 1778 by Lt. Isaac Reeve, shows the following differences from
the above list. Edward Howell appears as Edmund Howell. Names that appear
only on Reeve's list are Peter Brown, Isaac Davis, widow Ruth Goldsmith,
Zachariah Halliock, and Jonathan Osman. At the end of his list Reeve describes
the following as "gone off in Rebellion": Henery Brown, John Clark, Jno.
Davenport, Francis [Furneas?], Peter Halliock, Richard Steers Hubard, Obadiah
Hudson, Cravet Wells, James Wells, and Israel Young.